Nobody told Hazel she has Down Syndrome...

While Hazel was in the NICU in London, one of her nurses, Marie, and I were discussing Down Syndrome and the impacts that it may have on Hazel, particularly the low muscle tone aspect. It was then that Marie began to tell me about when they were getting Hazel ready for her bowel surgery. She was only 28 hours old and being prepped for a major surgery which included an IV line for anesthetic. Marie proceeded to tell me that Hazel was not happy with this idea at all. She screamed and carried on, pulling and kicking so much that she had to really hold her down in order to get the job done. Marie looked at me and said, "Hazel has Down Syndrome, but nobody told Hazel!" Since then, it seems, Hazel has been making it her mission to prove to the world that babies with Down Syndrome can do all the things that other babies can do, even if it takes a little longer. In regard to her muscle tone, the physical therapist came to visit Hazel a couple of weeks ago and she was very pleased with her progress. Hazel holds her head up balanced (I think she has success here because she is so nosy, always trying to look around to see what is going on), she can reach and grab her feet, she can lift her head up 30 degrees when flat on her stomach and 90 degrees when we prop her up. She can roll over from her back to stomach, also from her stomach to her back, and has been practicing how to sit up with support. She can manipulate, grab and hold her toys. Hazel enjoys having conversations, which include pleasant cooing and smiling, with her elephant. But, as for Owl on her play gym, I feel bad for him because she kicks him around a lot and yells. I guess we can't expect her to get along with everyone!!!

Here is what we very often see when Hazel is in her bassinet...this is how we know she is awake!!!

I can roll over!!!

Hazel has been getting very strong the last few weeks. She can roll over...YAY!!! I was so proud to see that she is developing her muscles and knows how to use them. She can hold her head balanced most of the time and has been doing really well with tummy time. Her motivation to look up is just to see her daddy's face smiling at her. She is so strong and continues to get stronger everyday. When she is awake, Hazel is rarely sitting still...her legs are going, her arms are going, and usually her mouth is going too.
It is such a good feeling to see how far Hazel has come. As she gets older her personality is becoming evident. She tries her best in everything she does and is determined to prove to the world that she can do anything. We could not be more proud. We are so excited to grow and get stronger together!!!