Well Hazel is finally term, 40 weeks...she should have been born yesterday!!! Time flies. She is still doing very well and gaining weight. She now weights 5lbs 11oz and is 52 cms long. Hazel spends a little more time during the day awake...usually at about 6:30 am until 9:30, then she sleeps for the rest of the day and most of the night. We are starting to spoil her just a little with the cuddles, she often needs to be rocked to sleep, not just swaddled and put in her cot. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to hold her...poor us!!!
Hazel is still working at being able to take a full feed by either breast or bottle or both. At this point we just want her home so we will get that food in there however she wants it. She is able to take half that at times and tube feed for the rest. She is working hard to become more consistent, we are proud of her! It is a lot of work for her still but seems to keep trying harder and harder to get the job done. I think she wants to go home too!!!
The Doctors were talking briefly about sending her back to the NICU in Windsor to learn to eat and continue to grow. However, at this point they are just going to keep her here to monitor her heart for now. Not that it is an issue, just a precaution. Also, they felt that it would be better to keep things consistent for her now, especially since she is doing so well and just starting to feed better.
So overall, Hazel is holding her own, as usual, and getting stronger and stronger everyday. She is leading the ship and we are all along for the ride. She is setting the pace and we are trying to give her every opportunity to succeed. Never starts too early when you are a parent I guess.
So, we tried our first photo shoot session with Hazel and she was clearly not into it but we thought we would share anyway. She was NOT happy with us. Hope you get a good laugh... we sure did!!!
Hope you are all doing well, staying healthy and keeping warm.