Celebrating 3 Years

Here we go. The sappy, I had 5 minutes to think about my baby getting bigger post is up. Brace yourself.

These pics were taken at the exact moment that Hazel arrived in the world. Exactly 3 - 9:55am





She's 3 guys...


She tries so hard to make 3 with her fingers...



The other night I was putting Hazel to bed and it was the typical routine: Wiggles, brush teeth, change diaper, sleep sack, read stories.

Instead of putting her in her bed, leaning over the side so I am right down in her face kissing her neck and listening to her laugh hysterically - then starting her sleep sheep and saying "night night." Her saying it back. Me saying "I love you." Her saying it back (loud and fast and usually more than once) like we usually do - I picked her up, let her lean her cheek on my shoulder, and rocked her in the chair until she fell asleep. Something her daddy does with her often. I could tell the exact moment she fell asleep. The exact breath that put her comfortably into her slumber. Her body went limp. She melted into my body. Extra melty cause of the low tone, one of the little gifts that DS offers you that no one else knows about. She fits and molds around my every crevice like she's a part of me again.

As I was sitting there with one hand over her ear and the other patting her bum, I remembered back to when she was just a wee babe and I used to rock her to sleep. Counting the days until she would be too big for me to do it. I remember a specific time when she was around 1. I remember feeling so sad that time was running out. That she wouldn't be little for long and that the days were numbered that she would let me rock her to sleep. I did my best to jump back to the preset moment, think about how in that very moment she was little enough to rock to sleep - right then.

Fast forward to now. There she was almost 3. Gently rocked in my arms, sleeping soundly. I realized that yes, the rocking to sleep has become more of an exception than the rule, but it still happens. Right now - 2 years later- she's not too big to rock to sleep. And I think that although the times will become less and less frequent, there will be those few magical moments where all the stars align and I can rock my baby to sleep, feel her breath on my neck and the weight of her melty little body on mine.

That will just have to do. I have had 3 years and counting of rocking, hugging, kissing and laughing with this little love. All of these moments make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.





Taking birthday calls - ALLLLLLL DAYYYYY!!!



Opening her presents. Obviously, Nola wasn't far behind. Also, she hasn't given Hazel 1 turn on the trampoline since we gave it to them.






I can't believe it's been 3 years with this sweet girl who came into our lives and turned it upside right.

Here's to many more nights I rock you to sleep baby girl. So proud to be your mama.


She is loved...

If it were ever in any doubt, Hazel is loved by many. She received so much love from family and friends. I lost count how many "likes" and Comments she got on social media. It was very touching for her mama, that I know for sure. Here are some quick pics from some of her birthday. More to follow...











So much goodness!!!

I would suggest you stop checking in here this week if you are sick of Hazel's birthday photos. There will be more. You've been warned.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today's the day. She's 3. I can't run and hide from it anymore. Just a quick note today, to acknowledge our sweet girl turning 3. Unbelievable!



How on earth has it been 3 years already?! How on earth did my girl go from a new born, to a baby, to a toddler, and now moving very close to "little girl" territory. I am so - oh, I don't even know - emotional? about this birthday.




It's just that it's so very difficult to look at her like she's grown. A challenge I think most mothers find impossible. When they are your baby, they are your baby for life.



We have celebrated with the families already. Pics will be posted soon enough. Hazel has really gotten into the spirit of her birthday this year. She liked the presents, the song, the candle. It is really quite cute to see how excited she got. The first birthday celebration we had, she came home and sang the song to herself a few more times before bed. I died!! Obvi.



So today we spend a quiet day with our girls, celebrating life, growth and change. The latter will be cried over first and then celebrated (maybe). I thank God every single night for my sweet family. They are my favourite.



This face. This girl. I could never EVER celebrate her as much as I love her. There is not enough confetti, balloons, cakes and party games to even compare to the amount of love I have for this amazingly stubborn little girl in my heart.



Happiest of birthdays Hazel! If I haven't made it clear I LOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!



Will be back soon with some more pics of her special celebrations. Those of you who have been around a while will be expecting a 2 or 3 part post for this special occasion. I can guarantee you there will be a sappy "how is my little girl 3 already?" post for sure.

Meet you back here soon.




It has been pretty quiet here on the ol' blog since before the holidays. I have reasons. Trust me. We are working on a pretty time consuming "project" (we will call it that for now) at the moment. I can't say much about it yet, but it's been a year in the making and our hope is that it will benefit children with special needs. That's all I can say now. I will fill you in when I can, I promise. In the meantime, if you wouldn't mind accessing that special Chasing Hazel rally and support for the cause by throwing a prayer or some positive vibes our way, it would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!! now

On the home front...

It has been quiet. As quiet as it can be with 2 little hyper girls, anyway. I am enjoying settling into a new year just staying close to home and spending time with the babes. Not that we have much of a choice. The temperatures around these parts are way too low (today it's 3 Celsius, feels like -8) to even go outside. The few times I have tried, poor little Nola loses her breath when the winds blows.



We are continuing the organizing and purging. We are almost done the entire house!!!!! WOOT!!!! Nothing has been left untouched. It so therapeutic to rid your life of excess. It feels even better to give it to those who need it more than you. I'm not only talking charity, but just to give it to friends and family and see these items get another life cycle is amazing. Once we are finished purging the SPRING CLEANING will begin. I LOVE IT ALL!!!! Of course my mom will help me, otherwise I would probably hate it. Just sayin' #spoiled

The girls have been so content these last few weeks. I find I am always left wanting more (It's a nice change from the craziness that was our home before the holidays - felt like no one was happy ever) They have been distracting me from cooking, cleaning, errand running and the blog. We colour, play, do puzzles, read books, play with babies, pretend to sleep and "Wake UP!!!", DANCE PARTIES - lots and lots of dance parties, or I just sit and watch them play with each other and the new toys they got for Christmas. They are my most favourite distraction.




A wise woman once told me (my mother-in-law...ahem), in relation to kids,

"Everything's a phase"

An immediate disclaimer following, sometimes the next phase is worse than the one you are in, but it too shall pass. It has proven to be some of the best, most true advice that I have been given. It provides a little reality, with a dash of hope. Oh, how there are times I wish that dash was a mountain, but you know what they say "a little dab'll do ya."

This is an amazing phase. The girls rarely fight, they like the same food, the same shows, the same songs, the same toys, the same books. It makes for an easy, peaceful atmosphere here at home. The flow is natural. I am finding it difficult to get motivated to take Hazel back to daycare. I want her home with Nola and I. Also, the threat of the FLU doesn't help. I am sure it will change soon enough, but these moments are fleeting around here and I plan to suck up as much of this phase that I can. Then I'm going to hope and pray when the phase shifts to the next one, I can use these memories to to help me have hope that better times are on the horizon.

Facial tissue id currently a big hit at the house. Nola pretends to blow her nose and Hazel pretends to clean her face.


I am seriously trying to wrap my head around this girl turning 3. This might be it. The year I jump...stay tuned.


Nola's newest, most fun trick she's learned yet. Shirtless...


This child is a beautiful little soul.



Stay warm San Diego...


Happy "100th" Friday!!!






I CAN NOT believe it's been this many Friday's since I started documenting our life with Hazel. What's more insane, is to think now we have 2 littles to call our own. Unbelievable!!! It astounds me everyday (yes even on the hard days) just how blessed that we have been with our 2 little miracles.

Even more so, I am so honoured to have a space where I can share our journey with you. The way that you've embraced Hazel for the little girl that she's becoming. Yeah - sure - she has Down syndrome but that certainly doesn't define her. It's just a small part of what makes her who she is and who she will grow to be. I enjoy sharing her triumphs and tribulations with you.



You have been with us for 100 Friday's!!!

That's gotta be a milestone in our relationship. 100 pics of Hazel (and Nola too). 100 smiles. I want you to know that nothing makes me happier than imagining the 100 smiles that have landed on YOUR faces in the past 100 Fridays. It really is the least that I can do for you...

You, who takes the time to follow our girl.

You, who makes space in your heart to love her.

You, who has accepted something new and different into your life.

You, who have always supported me while I try to change negative opinions and stigmas about Down syndrome.

You, who see Hazel for the determined little girl that she is.

You, who spread the joy and love that children have to offer us.

And most important...For every person that has opened their minds and hearts up to those with Down syndrome, because of the interest you have taken in Hazel.


Thank you so much for being a part of the change, for allowing me to educate and advocate for my little girl. Please help me to continue to spread awareness for the next 100 Fridays.





Happy 100th Friday to you!!!

The Grand Scale

1yr9 When our children turn 1 it generates a whole cycle of emotions within our hearts. They are getting bigger, older, more independent. They are not "babies" anymore (except to mama). They have been around for 365 days. That's a lot of days for a mama's heart, but really - NOT a lot of days in the grand scale of things.

Ahhhhh that "grand scale." Somehow when we say "the grand scale" it makes us feel better. It's like looking only at one star in a constellation. It makes 'said event' seem small, insignificant, unimportant. It's supposed to give us perspective. As a mom, I can see that 1 year may be just that, only 1 year - but for Hazel so much has changed.



She became brave enough to let go and learn how to stand...


She started walking...


(I heart this next pic so much)


She has made tremendous strides in learning about the world around her and how to manipulate things in her environment...





She became a big sister...

sister  sister2

And as the days were approaching to Hazel turning 2, she started to act very much like a 2 year old. Temper tantrums, throwing things, hitting, exercising control over what food she will and will not eat and when, only finding interest in playing with things are not hers (ie. my phone, the remotes, the computer, and so on). So 2 is going to be fun, RIGHT?

I digress...


As time keeps ticking by and ANOTHER 365 days go by and your baby turns 2. Well now, this is a whole new feeling isn't it?


You are forced to realize the natural order of things. 2 is followed by 3, which is followed by 4 and so on. They just keep getting older. Time keeps a tickin' on and the babes they keep creating their own space on the grand scale. She is ONLY 2 after all. She has so much more life left to live. So many new things to learn. So many experiences to have. For me, I am not sure that when I think of the "grand scale", it gives me comfort to know that so much lies ahead or if it minimizes the 730 days that have passed already.

I think if we measure just by time passing alone, the 2 years might seem like a blip. But, if we measure by how much our hearts have grown with LOVE and PRIDE - I would say that these last 730 days were most certainly very significant on the "grand scale."

I am honoured and humbled everyday watching Hazel overcome challenges (and yes - sometimes frustrated), grow and become a more independent little girl. She works hard everyday at trying to master new skills. I learn more about looking at life as a 'work-in-progress' from her than she does from me. We are both mastering new skills. We are both learning to accept what is. We are both taking life's subtleties in stride and the best part is we are doing it together. We are sculpting our 'grand scale' together.

And I guess, in the 'grand scale', so much changes but so much stays the same...




She still doesn't like the song "Happy Birthday" nor does she like to blow out her candles. When we practiced at home before the big day, she blew out the candle, we cheered and then she cried.

PicMonkey Collage

Here's to the 730 days that have given us so many tears of joy and fear, the opportunity to embrace all life's lessons, smiles that warm our hearts, laughter that fills our home and pride that swells with each passing day.

Big LOVE for our girl Hazel. The 2 years we have been blessed to have you, have only given us a small taste of what the rest of our lives will be like with you in it. If I could just ask for one thing?

Please lose the attitude. Girlfriend has a real attitude problem already. Yikes!!!

Mad INSANE Love for Vita!!!

v Let me start by saying that I am not a "photo shoot" kind of gal. For Hazel - YES. For me - NO! Even a family shoot is a little out of my comfort zone. But when you see images like this...sigh.

about us


Forget maternity shots!!! And yet I agreed...because...well...


PicMonkey Collage



I know that these moments pass by all to quickly and all we are left with is vague memories. Memories that hopefully include certain scents, a significant sound, or a special place which help us access our past and try to remember everything about that time period.

I find myself staring at Hazel more often than not, taking mental notes on the way she throws her head back and pretends to laugh...



Or the way she makes a pouty little face accompanied by a pouty little sound, which to the best of my knowledge, means she wants a hug.



The way I ask her for a hug, she rests her face on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my neck. When in position, she lets out this little, ever so silent sigh, almost like a breath. It's like she's been waiting forever to be just there, right where she is, perched on my shoulder.

PicMonkey Collage1


Or the way she says, "That's it!" with the accompanying hand motion (like an umpire calling someone safe at home plate after a HUGE play in the game. It's all very dramatic).



Or how she wants to be free to roam around and explore the world...



The way her knees are just starting to lift and bend when she walks. How she still enjoys a good session of the bear walk every now and again (when she wants to go really fast).



I make note of how she feels, smells and eats the grass, mulch, dirt, and basil plants just to see how it feels in her hands and on her tongue.




How excited she gets when I pull the bubbles out. Her face when she sees her daddy. His face when he sees her...



How she would sit and read with us all day. How she would sing and sign, the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Wheels on the Bus" and "5 Little Ducks" with us after the books were put away.



I could go on and on AND ON. Those are some of the things I don't ever want to forget.

And we always think we won't forget, don't we? But we do. Maybe not fully but the memories fade, we keep what we can in our hearts and heads and move on to try and store new memories.

My point...

This is why I love Vita Photography.

Tiffany gives me all of this to hold on to. She captures all those moments and special little qualities that make Hazel, Hazel.



She gives real life documents of the moments that make us, US. Our family.




I look at the photos and I know what Hazel was doing in each one of them. I know what sound she was making. I know how her body was moving. I know if she was over it and wanted nothing to do with getting that photo done. Also, the times that she was laughing so hard with her daddy that we couldn't help but all laugh together.





I don't know about you but I NEVER want to get my family photos done any other way.




Check out Vita Photography here. Tiff truly has a passion for her job and is able to capture all the beautiful, unique traits that make your family, YOURS.

Sharing LOTS of love today!



(I have had this written for a while, for some reason, it was hard to part with)


If I knew then what I know now...


Celebrating and reflecting on our year of growth, both hers physically and ours mentally, has been emotional. We are the same people we always were, but the lens we see through now create a vision much different than what has been seen in the past.


We see hope, joy and endless possibilities for us all.


We have been active agents in observing how one little baby can conquer so much. We have redefined beauty in our lives and embraced difference in all that it offers. We have accepted our challenge as parents and have never felt more fulfilled to have been given the opportunity to truly abandon all that was familiar. Both in terms of becoming new parents (cause that's hard enough) and also in recognizing that Down Syndrome is just that, an extra chromosome that happens to be part of our baby's genes.

Whatever...we got this!!!

b2  b4

(rock our world indeed)


We have made it a priority to steer clear of Baby Center milestones and just celebrate what IS. We find solace in the fact that Hazel will do all the things she is supposed to, in her own time. Just as all children do, when they are ready.

b5  b7


That is not to say that we don't work with our girl, support her and provide her with every opportunity there is for her to succeed. It's just that we do it with ease and at her pace. Just as any other parent, we have a deep desire and a vested interest in helping her to grow and be happy.





We will do almost anything to see this smiling face...



The pictures of this time around her heart surgery are difficult to see, but they are a perfect reminder that our girl is a fighter. She makes us so proud everyday.



She comes out on top.




She surprises everyone with her will and determination to meet milestones with grace and contentment.



There is NOTHING more beautiful than these almond shaped eyes. All the time - everyday - they put butterflies in my stomach.



She is silly, fun, stubborn, ambitious, expressive, happy and sometimes mad (if you can believe it - she yells a lot...seriously it can be rather offensive).





She has grown so much in 1 year. WE have grown so much in 1 year. I was excited about the future the moment we stepped foot into our home with a new baby girl.  She has delivered in every category. At this point, I have no words for what the future might bring. I am almost giddy about it.



Waiting so long for her to join us is not lost on us. We still have a hard time believing that she is ours. We still appreciate every moment of her life. I look in on her every night before I sleep. I am so overjoyed that she will be there in the morning when I wake, and every morning, with a smile on her face ready for a new day.

It has been quite a year. So many challenges, so many battles. Yet at the same time, I have never experienced such strength, love, pride, joy and PEACE. Most importantly - PEACE.

My wish for all of you....to find PEACE. I find it here, with her.





I can't wait to see what is in store over the next year. I know our learning and growing as people, as a family, has just begun.

If I knew then what I know now...

I would have been beside myself with excitement about the future. I would not have been as scared and worried about the challenges that may have awaited us (although part of me still is). I would have started to compartmentalize the overwhelming amount of pride that I have for my girl (sometimes I feel like I am going to explode with it). I would have prepared myself to receive love in a way that is unconditional and pure. And I would have been ready to surrender to the all-consuming LOVE that I have for my girl.

You know what they say about hindsight...


Love & Peace



Visting young minds...at the U

There are some photos. They aren't great but, at the very least, they prove we were there. We very much enjoyed our experience as guest speakers in this class at the University of Windsor. It was a great platform for us to further raise awareness and educate others about people with Down Syndrome. Now...I will tell you all what I told them, a disclaimer of sorts (I believe there were a few disclaimers before the chat started):

I am by no means an expert on Down Syndrome, I am only an expert on Hazel. We set forth to share information that could be helpful to those who are interested in learning more about DS. This information is solely based on our personal experiences with Hazel, and what we have learned so far.



The students were very interested to hear about some of the challenges Hazel has had to face with her health. After elaborating on Duodenal Atresia and her VSD, SHOCKED is a more accurate description of some of the facial expressions I saw as I scanned the crowd.

We went on to discuss the milestones that she has mastered and the ones she is working on next. More importantly, we talked about their futures. The future doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nurses, teachers and where ever else the wind may blow for these students. We tried our best to give an accurate description of what we expect as parents in any of these fields when dealing with a baby that has special needs.



We tried to create an environment of empathy and compassion, hope and positivity. All qualities that are important to me as Hazel’s mom. These are all qualities that Hazel’s therapists have. We went through some specifics about Hazel’s therapy.

We tried to foster thinking “outside-the-box” and being “open-minded”, when assessing a child that is a little different. Not all children with DS are the same and accomplish the same things at the same time. Just as with any child.

We cautioned the consumption of negative information about DS that can be found on the Internet. I tried to give some positive, helpful resources to help them to educate themselves and others.

I explained OUR role in the DS world – to ADVOCATE and EDUCATE and ultimately, aid in societal ACCEPTANCE!!!




I have to share 1 part of the presentation here with you all. You are all such faithful, loyal, accepting supporters of Hazel.  You will SO get this about her…

(this is actually on the PowerPoint presentation)

So…Is our girl WEAK?

After facing:

  • Down Syndrome
  • Surgery at 28 hours old
  • Failure to thrive
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Open heart surgery at 5 months old

Low muscle tone maybe…but WEAK is not in her genes!!!





Thank you so much Professor Martindale for providing and allowing the opportunity to celebrate our daughter and educate those that may just be part of her successes in the future.


Grateful for this experience,

Enjoy your Monday



Happy Friday

We had a great week!!! The highlight by a landslide was going and talking to the students at the University of Windsor. It was a very rewarding experience for us to be able to tell Hazel's story. More importantly, to educate through personal experience, about Down Syndrome. What made it even better was the audience. They were great!!!

I will post more next week.




Oh...and I thought I would join the cast of "Happy Friday" with this cameo (special guest appearance)




Have a Happy Friday and a peaceful weekend everyone!!!



Happy Friday!!!

So a couple of things... One night this week Hazel had a very serious meltdown. I swore at any given moment the glass from the windows was going to shatter. SO, we immediately decided as any scared, defeated parent would, that the best thing for us all would be for Hazel to go to bed.

Bottle: STAT!!!

Sleep Sack: STAT!!!

Bed: STAT!!!

GET THIS MONSTER DOWN BEFORE WE ALL GET EATEN ALIVE!!! (or something more loving and patient supermom would say instead of what I just said) I'm sorry but when people spot Godzilla in the streets, they run the other way. It's only natural (don't judge me, you've been there).

Turns out she didn't want to go to sleep. She wanted a "win" on her scoreboard. Oh....and she wanted to look at me like this...



Congratulations Hazel on your bedtime refusal win...Mommy is very proud of you (no - not at all).



This is the face she makes when she sees or meets anyone. We will call it her "greeting" face.



Naturally, everyone thinks this face indicates crying will come next. UM....not always. Sometimes, yes, crying comes next.

Most of the time it's just this look. And then I watch as people slink away, feeling like she doesn't like them, or that she might cry. I feel GREAT about it, of course. Not embarrassed at all that people feel she is unapproachable.

The whole interaction reminds me of a prey-predator type response. Like if you approach a Frilled Lizard in nature they give you this look and you immediately go the other way.

Yep - there's that look. To the best of my knowledge she has never bitten anyone or caused any serious physical damage. Maybe just some emotional scarring, which sometimes are the most difficult to heal.



Well, Happy Friday everyone!!! Enjoy your weekend.

I am BEAMING with pride today.




Group Hug Apparel

Do you have your Group Hug Apparel t-shirt yet? a


It was such a pleasure to meet Andrew and his mom, Karen. They were selling t-shirts to raise money for a little girl in need of a heart transplant. Hazel instantly fell in love with Andrew. She immediately outstretched her arms to him and was trying to kiss him on the mouth. It was pretty cute.




Their booth was set up at Colasanti's, a local Tropical Garden. So we went out to get our Group Hug Apparel ON... (literally - we put it on while we were there).




Part of Andrew's inspiration to sell t-shirts is to help "sick kids." Andrew knows what it's like to have a heart surgery or two and wants to help kids in any way that he can. He says that it is "important to help people."

This video tells a little bit of their story, including a history of why they started Group Hug Apparel. Every time I watch the part where Karen says that she is proud of Andrew, tears well up in my eyes. It is an overwhelming feeling to know that your child can accomplish so much, even though the odds may seem stacked against them. You make us all proud, Andrew!!!

Also, if you have a Group Hug shirt and would like to send me a picture of you wearing it, I would love to post it on the blog. You can send it to chasinghazel27@gmail.com, with the subject line "Group Hug". Also, I know Andrew always wants to see where his shirts ended up. Feel free to jump over to his Facebook page and "like" it and share your pics with him.

Congratulations Andrew on all your accomplishments!!!


Click here if having trouble viewing

Embracing difference is so empowering.


Acceptance & Peace...




Happy Birthday Hazel!!!

Today at 9:55am our girl turned 1!!!



A time to celebrate and reflect on how much has happened this year. Reliving all the moments of the exact same 24 hours this time last year. So much growth and shifting perspectives, its overwhelming to think about. So much has changed, I barely recognize this little face that struggled and fought so hard in the beginning.




If I am being honest, I just can't find the words to express how I feel now. I am staring at the screen with my fingers over the keyboard and nothing will translate. My mind is racing...

For now, here are some pics of Hazel this morning at exactly 9:55am.

Hazel has come so far and overcome so much!!!






Love, love, love...




Skating Party 2013

  Daddy had his annual Seguin Financial Group skating party.




This was the first year Hazel could attend. Last year we were in the hospital in London trying to do everything we could to keep her growing in my belly as long as possible.

This year we spent the afternoon introducing Hazel to those who were extremely supportive to us last year when Daddy couldn't be there to entertain his guests. We were so blessed that Matt's clients, who feel a lot more like family now, were so understanding and empathetic towards his absence last year. Thanks so much to those who sent positive thoughts and prayers our way during the most scariest time in our lives.


Most importantly, THANK YOU from the bottom of MY heart for supporting my husband while he was being a rock for both Hazel and I.


All making the same face....this picture is the best!!!


Chattin' it up with the other babies...


Lovin' her Auntie Paula, as usual.



Cuddles for some new friends...


No comment...





We celebrated all our skaters.

Those who have been practicing and are getting very confident on the ice...



...and those who are just learning.


Some who leaned on their families or friends for support, even if it was just for a second...






And I promise you there was a moment. These 2 made it happen as they were doing laps around the rink.


It was a split second in time. One of those moments that you will NEVER catch on camera. One that you witness, one that you feel.

Like you know on the movies, when the boy and the girl fall in love and the background fades away and the world seems like it's spinning around them - for them? Refer to ANY chick flick EVER, and you will see what I mean.

That was it...the moment between Hazel and Daddy. The world fell away and it was just them gazing and smiling at each other, doing laps around the rink.

It was magic. She ADORES him!!!



Thanks to all who could attend the event this year. We were so glad to share some quality family and friend time with you!!!




Until next year...



Happy Friday!!!

So SORRY for the late post.... In the past, Happy Friday has been about giving you something to look at to make you smile. We try to give you a positive image to start your weekends.

This week we will give you something to listen to. Hopefully this will leave you smiling and ready to celebrate another weekend.

Something for your eyes...


Here is a little something for your ears...

(There is no image in this video until the end)

Click here if you are having trouble viewing


Happy Weekend everyone

Love & Peace



Happy Video Friday!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!!
We finally figured out how to post videos on the blog!!! Here is the video of Hazel smiling for the second time ever. She smiles once at about 50 seconds and twice more at around 2 minutes. What an amazing thing to see for the first time after all she had been through in her short little life. Hazel was about 8 or 9 weeks old in this video. She is so tiny! Hope she brings a smile to you face.

Hazel's Big Girl Bed

Hazel continues to make mommy and daddy very proud with her continuous strides in getting stronger and chubbier everyday. She has been moved from Pod C (the highest needs area) to Pod A (transition to home area). It still could be a bit yet before we get take our little girl home but we are going in the right direction. Following her lead of course!! Hazel is very determined to get home to meet her big sister Nico. Hazel has passed her birth weight by about 150g at this point and it seems her cheeks get more and more kissable everyday. She has just started getting about an ounce of breast milk at a time, through a tube still, but we are hoping to change that very soon. She is tolerating all these quick changes so well and the doctors and nurses are all really pleased and excited with her progress. Her strength is admirable to say the least.

This morning she had her IV removed so she is no longer dependent on that. Next steps are to get her to breast feed and gain weight and finally bring her home...so nice to be able to say that!!!! I can't believe I am going to say this but I can't wait to start dressing her like a little girl.

We are overwhelmed by her patience and ambition daily. We are so happy and excited to see how well she is doing. She continues to calm us and teach us to be strong everyday. I think that Hazel has big plans for all of us. Teaching us to be present is the most important lesson she has taught us so far.

I was thinking the other day that I am so excited to NOT know what our future will bring, exactly, in terms of milestones. It will force us to remain focused and present in all that we do with our Hazel in order to support her to become the strongest she can be. Although, I think she is showing us how to be strong at the moment.

Love to all...can't wait to be home!!!! A few pictures of her hanging out in her new room...enjoy!!!





1 week old...already!

Hazel is one week old today! She is doing great.  The doctors feel confident that she is digesting her food and have raised the dosage of breast milk and lowered the IV fluids.  She gained back 50 grams of the weight that she had lost after she was born which is great.  They are also considering moving her out of her  incubator to a bassinet which makes it alot easier for us to pick her up and snuggle whenever we want!  Here is a pic we took of her yesterday...she has no tube in her nose as they were changing it so we grabbed a few pics.