Gearing Up for WDSD 2016

World Down Syndrome Day 2016 is almost here!!!!!! This was us from last year...

We are SUPER excited this year about our efforts to make the day the BEST it can possibly be out in the community. It is partially the reason why this blog space has been so quiet the last little while. Trust me, just because it's quiet here doesn't mean that I am not pounding the pavement everyday to advocate and educate our community about DS. And a willing community they are!

WDSD exists to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome by choosing activities that show support and awareness to those individuals. Rocking Socks has become and easy, attainable and VERY visual way to demonstrate this support around the globe. We are seeking to share what it IS to have Down syndrome - something to be celebrated. We are advocating for the inclusion, respect and understanding that individuals with Down syndrome have a great deal to offer their communities. This day occurs on the 21st day of the 3rd month because we celebrate the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome which is what makes Down syndrome. To read more about WDSD visit:

Over the last 4 years, World Down Syndrome Day has become one of our absolute favourite days of all time. It's a day where the WORLD celebrates individuals with DS. Social media channels explode with support, love and stories of accomplishments. Families share their children and all the pride and love they have brought into their lives. We here at Chasing Hazel are no different.

So far the community support we have received is outstanding. It literally brought me to tears yesterday. My heart is swelling daily as new people message me and ask how they can be a part of the day. We have firm commitments from 8 grade schools - who have pretty much made it a school wide event to rock socks and share a fact a day about DS. A local high school who will also be rocking some socks. The St. Clair College who has taken us in and adopted us as their own. They are planning on being a HUGE part of our day. More details to follow. Over the weekend the number only grew with more schools and other local organizations reaching out wanting to be a part of the celebration. So as of now there are over 20 different places committed to Rocking Socks for WDSD.

We would be honoured if you would...

Rock Your Socks

with us on this very special day. Be sure to tag your pics so I can share them all over the place!!!!!


Leave a comment on this post or email me if you are interested in joining the celebration!!!

Celebrating 3 Years

Here we go. The sappy, I had 5 minutes to think about my baby getting bigger post is up. Brace yourself.

These pics were taken at the exact moment that Hazel arrived in the world. Exactly 3 - 9:55am





She's 3 guys...


She tries so hard to make 3 with her fingers...



The other night I was putting Hazel to bed and it was the typical routine: Wiggles, brush teeth, change diaper, sleep sack, read stories.

Instead of putting her in her bed, leaning over the side so I am right down in her face kissing her neck and listening to her laugh hysterically - then starting her sleep sheep and saying "night night." Her saying it back. Me saying "I love you." Her saying it back (loud and fast and usually more than once) like we usually do - I picked her up, let her lean her cheek on my shoulder, and rocked her in the chair until she fell asleep. Something her daddy does with her often. I could tell the exact moment she fell asleep. The exact breath that put her comfortably into her slumber. Her body went limp. She melted into my body. Extra melty cause of the low tone, one of the little gifts that DS offers you that no one else knows about. She fits and molds around my every crevice like she's a part of me again.

As I was sitting there with one hand over her ear and the other patting her bum, I remembered back to when she was just a wee babe and I used to rock her to sleep. Counting the days until she would be too big for me to do it. I remember a specific time when she was around 1. I remember feeling so sad that time was running out. That she wouldn't be little for long and that the days were numbered that she would let me rock her to sleep. I did my best to jump back to the preset moment, think about how in that very moment she was little enough to rock to sleep - right then.

Fast forward to now. There she was almost 3. Gently rocked in my arms, sleeping soundly. I realized that yes, the rocking to sleep has become more of an exception than the rule, but it still happens. Right now - 2 years later- she's not too big to rock to sleep. And I think that although the times will become less and less frequent, there will be those few magical moments where all the stars align and I can rock my baby to sleep, feel her breath on my neck and the weight of her melty little body on mine.

That will just have to do. I have had 3 years and counting of rocking, hugging, kissing and laughing with this little love. All of these moments make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.





Taking birthday calls - ALLLLLLL DAYYYYY!!!



Opening her presents. Obviously, Nola wasn't far behind. Also, she hasn't given Hazel 1 turn on the trampoline since we gave it to them.






I can't believe it's been 3 years with this sweet girl who came into our lives and turned it upside right.

Here's to many more nights I rock you to sleep baby girl. So proud to be your mama.


She is loved...

If it were ever in any doubt, Hazel is loved by many. She received so much love from family and friends. I lost count how many "likes" and Comments she got on social media. It was very touching for her mama, that I know for sure. Here are some quick pics from some of her birthday. More to follow...











So much goodness!!!

I would suggest you stop checking in here this week if you are sick of Hazel's birthday photos. There will be more. You've been warned.

Christmas 2014 - A Jumble

Well Christmas came and went, again (as it does), and we all survived. This time of year with 2 toddlers is a little on side, BUT we tend to be experts at making lemonade around here so we all did just fine. We anticipated sickness, we did our best to prepare for chaos, we embraced messy, unorganized, houses and schedules, and we drank and ate A LOT (but mostly drank).

We got to see so much of our families. Some we did not and they were very greatly missed.

The girls were very excited to open presents this year. There were a few "situations" in which they may have been fighting over who was going to open the present first, but what's a little healthy may-the-strongest-child-win competition among family members? Most of the time it ended well.




It has definitely proven that taking pics of kids at this age, looking, smiling, and sitting still is LITERALLY impossible. So, I have decided to embrace the little idiosyncrasies and imperfections that make up most of the photos I post. After all, it's what makes them ours. Lots of personality.






There ended up being around 1000 photos just from Christmas, so obvi, I had to narrow it down. We got to spend time with so many members of the family I couldn't possibly show them all here. Plus, I have noticed some of the adults aren't huge fans of being on "that-there-intranet."






With love to all our family, you made a wonderful time of year even more wonderfuller (YES it's a word - I'm almost positive. Just take my word for it though, ok?)



Happy Friday!!!

Holiday mode is slowly kicking in over here. Shopping is done, daycare is over, therapy appointments are done, gifts are wrapped, food is bought, and all is well. Just have to wait for Daddy to finish work. Hoping all your holiday prep is just about over so you can enjoy your family and friends. Or even just enjoy a nice cup of tea, coffee, something a little stronger perhaps.

Santa will be here soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!



Happy Friday!!!!

Happy Friday!!!

These pictures are from Hazel's birthday party. A quiet dinner with the family. Hazel was sleeping when everyone arrived so she woke up to a house full. Here's Hazel's face when she walked in and saw the family all gathered for her special day.




She was obsessed with the balloons...



She had a great time with her cousins...



She did not like her cake...AGAIN!



She was really into opening her gifts...



Here is our attempt at a family photo. We are all in it and accounted for.


Expectations were officially met. Meaning we have no expectations that everyone look presentable, be looking at the camera, the lighting be right etc. We are all there and that's going to have to be good enough for now.

This is our reality for now. Family photos reflect the crazy time in our lives. Have 2 kids under 2 and here's what your family portraits will look like too. When I look back at these pics 20 years from now, I will remember exactly what life was like back then. After all that is why we document these moments with photos. To relive them when they are long gone.

Mission accomplished!

Family-Palooza 2013

Now that my head is only slightly spinning and my body has regained some energy from the crazy, busy, family-filled weekend that we just had, I can post a few pics. We had lots of family in from out of town and got to spend lots of time catching up, eating, drinking (well....everyone else anyway - I ate cake instead). I will say there was a such an enormous amount of punch consumed (you know who you are) that the term "punch drunk" was used. Awesome!!! I know that it doesn't sound ideal to have all the days of an entire weekend (Friday to Monday) booked and planned. It leaves very little time to relax and do the stuff that the weekends are made for. But, if you got to hang out with my crazy Italian family, you might change your opinions about what your ideal weekend would look like.

It might look something like this...




A good old fashion game of "copy-cat"...



Decorating my entire path with sidewalk chalk...LOVE!!!!

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Babies sharing (sort of)...



Adorable little boys wearing adorable little girl hats (and that's all)...



A 60th birthday milestone. Happy Birthday Zio Eugene!!!



A 1st birthday milestone. Happy Birthday sweet Monroe!!!



Trying to get 4 active babies to all look in the same direction (clearly we had no luck)...



Cousin bonding, lots of it...



Where ever you find Hazel, you find several hilarious facial expressions.

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Playing until we couldn't play anymore...

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A huge, momentous milestone...

Happy 60th Anniversary to Nonno and Nonna!!!


We are all so blessed that our beautiful family only started with 2. We have learned to cherish our family and rely on tradition in order to really embrace each other from your wonderful example. Your sacrifices over the years have been countless and have left us with a legacy to carry on. Congratualtions!!!


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To conclude a great weekend, we also managed to get a visit in with the rest of the family as well.

Happy Birthday Auntie Paula!!!

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Wishing you many more happy years of making memories and enjoying small moments with everyone that you love.



I told ya. It seems like a pretty ideal weekend after all, right?

Peace, Love & Gratitude




Happy Canada Day!!!

WOW!!! Better late than never I guess. We did celebrate Canada Day again this year with very close friends and delicious food.



We took a dip in the pool.



Hazel was NOT exempt from being tortured by the water gun, just like all the other kids (and adults and pregnant girls).



Loved on little's and played with friends.





Snuggled into perfectly cozy little spots, curled up and waited for the fireworks.




Hazel LOVED the fireworks!!! Lots of "Ooooo's", "Awwwww's", and "WOW's". In the end, she cried in between while waiting for the next firework to be lit.

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It was so much more fun this year to have Hazel actually be a part of the event. Last year she missed the firework party all together. She just gets to be more and more fun as she gets older!!!

We want to wish all our American readers a Happy Belated 4th of July!



FAQ & June antics so far

Just throwin' it out there... I realized that I have never done a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) post on the blog and I was entertaining the idea of throwing the option out there. Although I feel like I am very open about issues such as Hazel's health, her therapies, milestones, and behaviour...YOU may still have questions that remain unanswered.

Now is the time to voice your questions!!! I would be happy to entertain some questions you may have about anything really. Please remember to be kind, that's all I ask!!!

If you have a question, feel free to leave it in the comments of this post and I will try to answer it. I'm excited to hear what you want to know, if anything at all!!!


In other June business...


We have been busy lately just hangin' around, visiting friends & family, eating lots of cake and letting babies grow.



Hazel stayed snuggled into Pip's armpit for quite a while. Even her cousins couldn't distract her.



Lots of water play whenever the weather cooperates.



Enjoying eating dinners out with Hazel while she still likes to sit in her highchair while at restaurants.



Cause sometimes at dinner she ends up looking like this. Ok...most times!!!



This one was from Mother's Day but I LOVE it!!!



Hope to hear from you all...



My 1st Christmas...and I mean mine not Hazel's

us2 Finally, the last of the Christmas series posts...

I know I am biased but this one just so happens to be the best of them all. You'll see...




I have looked at these pictures at least a dozen times, trying to relive every moment. Capturing each memory so that I never forget the amount of joy and serenity this particular morning held. Remembering every facial expression, every laugh, every crinkle, every smile, every frown, what toys Hazel liked, and those she didn't. How her smile could have lite all the lights on the tree just by looking at it. Trying to permanently imprint the mood, the images, into my brain. The calm excitement that surrounded us that morning.

I am a believer, I have seen the light.

This was my 1st Christmas as much as it was Hazel's.





This toy was her favourite!!!



So, with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on in the background, and our new Christmas pajamas on, we laid on the floor with Hazel and Nico and took our time enjoying her curiosity and interest in every gift. If she wanted time to play and explore we relaxed and watched her take it all in (something I hope to instill in her as she grows).

We enjoyed coffee and our traditional Christmas breakfast Panettone, mozzarella, clementines, and freshly sliced mortadella. It may sound weird but it is the perfect breakfast for the occasion. Light and satisfying.





Yes Nico got presents too!!! She turned 6 on Dec 24th AND it was Christmas.




Hazel's first doll...Cici. I think they are going to be good friends.




I have no idea how we were able to get the co-operation of Hazel (with a smile) and Nico (looking at the camera), but in the end there's this...



and it's all that really matters.


Peace & Love