Happiest of Birthdays - Friday Edition

I just want to leave this week by saying this... There are days in our home where I feel like my head is going to explode with frustration, it's all I can do to keep myself in check. Where Hazel can find the energy and emotion to stage a 45 minute meltdown (like what the?), is completely beyond my scope. And Nola MUST. CLIMB. EVERYTHING. All Day. I must always have something to offer her. A peace offering if you will. Like a cookie, or a drink, or a song, or a toy that's not a toy (kwim?), it's totally irrational.

The girls are hungry, but NO they aren't hungry for THAT.

Pick me UP!!

NO put me DOWN!


There are days when bodily functions pretty much steer my actions for the entire day. Moments where I have to say out loud, "Is that chocolate or poo?" Times where I've had to throw girls in the bath because I am just not 100% sure of the answer to aforementioned question. For example. Here's a text I sent to Matt this week (please don't mistake this as Hazel having any gains in the potty department - we are still at the VERY beginning stages)




There are days, a lot of days, where there's this.


Their love is growing in the most beautiful way. There's lots of laughing fits, hugging, kissing, dancing, chasing, steamrolling and dive-bombing.





I know it was Hazel's birthday but Nola was so excited about it. We must have done the song and the candle 10 times.





All the meltdowns, panic, cleaning, crying and irrational behaviour is just FILLER until I get to the next moments like these.

They are a dream.



Happy Friday.


She is loved...

If it were ever in any doubt, Hazel is loved by many. She received so much love from family and friends. I lost count how many "likes" and Comments she got on social media. It was very touching for her mama, that I know for sure. Here are some quick pics from some of her birthday. More to follow...











So much goodness!!!

I would suggest you stop checking in here this week if you are sick of Hazel's birthday photos. There will be more. You've been warned.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today's the day. She's 3. I can't run and hide from it anymore. Just a quick note today, to acknowledge our sweet girl turning 3. Unbelievable!



How on earth has it been 3 years already?! How on earth did my girl go from a new born, to a baby, to a toddler, and now moving very close to "little girl" territory. I am so - oh, I don't even know - emotional? about this birthday.




It's just that it's so very difficult to look at her like she's grown. A challenge I think most mothers find impossible. When they are your baby, they are your baby for life.



We have celebrated with the families already. Pics will be posted soon enough. Hazel has really gotten into the spirit of her birthday this year. She liked the presents, the song, the candle. It is really quite cute to see how excited she got. The first birthday celebration we had, she came home and sang the song to herself a few more times before bed. I died!! Obvi.



So today we spend a quiet day with our girls, celebrating life, growth and change. The latter will be cried over first and then celebrated (maybe). I thank God every single night for my sweet family. They are my favourite.



This face. This girl. I could never EVER celebrate her as much as I love her. There is not enough confetti, balloons, cakes and party games to even compare to the amount of love I have for this amazingly stubborn little girl in my heart.



Happiest of birthdays Hazel! If I haven't made it clear I LOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!



Will be back soon with some more pics of her special celebrations. Those of you who have been around a while will be expecting a 2 or 3 part post for this special occasion. I can guarantee you there will be a sappy "how is my little girl 3 already?" post for sure.

Meet you back here soon.



So this is 35

Turning 35 is going to look really sweet on paper (family-wise, definately not age wise), I mean according to the pictures anyway. bday




But here's the real truth.

You know who didn't care that it was my birthday? MY KIDS!!!!

I book-ended the day with 2 hour of straight crying.

The morning session was Hazel, who I took to daycare for the second time. She was seriously not having it, even though I STAYED WITH HER THE WHOLE TIME. So for 2 hours I held her and tried to comfort her and for 2 HOURS she cried/whined on my shoulder. 2 HOURS!!!!!!

The late evening session was Nola. She woke up around 11pm and cried and screamed from her crib, despite several efforts from Matt and I to comfort her and get her back to sleep. So from 11 to 2 she protested sleep. So why fight it? We got her out of bed and let her do whatever she wanted. I went to bed (you know, cause it was my birthday so I got to go to bed at 2am), Matt stayed up with her until 4.

Thank goodness for all the stuff in between.



Matt came home early from work to help with the kids - WITH PRESENTS! My mom baked me a cake with a peach pie in it. My Nonna made me a lamb roast and artichokes. My Zia and Zio surprised me with cream lemoncello. A good portion of the family squished into my moms house and rubbed elbows at the dinner table. We drank, we laughed, we bribed our kids with chocolate.




It also doesn't hurt that I had a completely separate celebration the week before with the other side of the family. They all cared very much that it was my birthday. They came with gifts, food and smiles. Go figure. SMILES!!!!



Even though my kids didn't care it was my birthday, I wouldn't trade the day I had to go back to those years that my lap was empty on my birthday. A full lap of screaming children trumps an empty lap and day of the year.

35 it is!




Happy 1st Birthday Friday Nola!!!

I did warn you that November here on the blog was going to be dedicated mostly to Nola on account of her turning 1. October was Hazel's for Down Syndrome Awareness Month, so it seems only fair. Without further adieu...Here is the happiest baby in the history of all babies to be receiving a cupcake and a song on her special day.





Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Happy Friday!!!

French Fries and Popsicles

Before I post that really annoying "look-what-we-did-for-our-baby's-first-birthday" post. Here is a little of our everyday reality. This was Nola's actual birthday celebration. The day after the "look-what-we-did-for-our-baby's-first-birthday" party.  





We wanted to make sure that Nola had a very special day. Including a very special dinner, just like we did for Hazel. For Hazel's first, we took her to our favourite Italian restaurant. We had some wine, some great pasta (her favourite), and great service. It was such a nice night. A special dinner for our girl, Hazel. Of course we wanted to make sure that Nola got the same treatment on her 1st birthday as well. Nothing but the best...

They had Popsicles and French Fries for dinner. IN THAT ORDER! Then they had cupcakes, soooooooooooooo...



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I Looooooooove when Nola looks at Hazel like this...




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Moral of the story...

What's good for the goose is NOT necessarily good for the gander? RIGHT?!!!

Oh and also...

Once you have the 2nd child, forget about going to fancy restaurants to eat #justsayin





Happy Birthday Daddy

I don't often talk about Matt here on the blog. Not much is said about our relationship besides a few comments about parenting choices, situations and things like that. There really is no real reason for it, I just don't feel the need to share. Something has to remain sacred...HA! Just because I don't share doesn't mean that we are not the real deal. Matt is the real deal. Mama (& daddy) raised this boy right. He is a supportive and loving husband (not that we don't have our moments guys, trust me we do), he is a loyal friend and a very present uncle, brother and son.



But the thing is, he is LITERALLY the BEST father that there ever was. Like, I can't even DEAL with how much he loves our girls. And how much they love him in return. It's something that can't be measured or compared to anything. I can't write about it. I can't talk about it. I could never explain it and do it justice. If you've been around him and his kids that you know what I mean. You've seen it. It's so obvious.

Let me put it this way. I had a good 'ol fashion ugly cry the other night when I looked up and he was having a dance session with Nola. Something that happens often 'round these parts. My mind immediately went to them dancing at her wedding. She's gonna be a big girl then, but I have a feeling she's not gonna look any different to us then. She will still look like our little baby girl. It's all just too much for my heart to deal with.



Anyway, why today? What's with the talking about Matt today? It's daddy's birthday!!!




Also, as a little side note. I'd like to take this opportunity to speak to the future boys that think they are going to try to date my daughters...

Dear Nola & Hazel's future husband,

Good luck even trying to compare to their daddy. He is stronger than you, funnier than you, smarter than you, kinder than you, more generous than you will ever be, cuter than you and he knows just how they like to dance. He melts them with a single glance. Soooooooo, yeah. Good luck with that!

Sincerely, Nola & Hazel's overbearing mother.

Happy Friday!!!

These pictures are from Hazel's birthday party. A quiet dinner with the family. Hazel was sleeping when everyone arrived so she woke up to a house full. Here's Hazel's face when she walked in and saw the family all gathered for her special day.




She was obsessed with the balloons...



She had a great time with her cousins...



She did not like her cake...AGAIN!



She was really into opening her gifts...



Here is our attempt at a family photo. We are all in it and accounted for.


Expectations were officially met. Meaning we have no expectations that everyone look presentable, be looking at the camera, the lighting be right etc. We are all there and that's going to have to be good enough for now.

This is our reality for now. Family photos reflect the crazy time in our lives. Have 2 kids under 2 and here's what your family portraits will look like too. When I look back at these pics 20 years from now, I will remember exactly what life was like back then. After all that is why we document these moments with photos. To relive them when they are long gone.

Mission accomplished!

Family-Palooza 2013

Now that my head is only slightly spinning and my body has regained some energy from the crazy, busy, family-filled weekend that we just had, I can post a few pics. We had lots of family in from out of town and got to spend lots of time catching up, eating, drinking (well....everyone else anyway - I ate cake instead). I will say there was a such an enormous amount of punch consumed (you know who you are) that the term "punch drunk" was used. Awesome!!! I know that it doesn't sound ideal to have all the days of an entire weekend (Friday to Monday) booked and planned. It leaves very little time to relax and do the stuff that the weekends are made for. But, if you got to hang out with my crazy Italian family, you might change your opinions about what your ideal weekend would look like.

It might look something like this...




A good old fashion game of "copy-cat"...



Decorating my entire path with sidewalk chalk...LOVE!!!!

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Babies sharing (sort of)...



Adorable little boys wearing adorable little girl hats (and that's all)...



A 60th birthday milestone. Happy Birthday Zio Eugene!!!



A 1st birthday milestone. Happy Birthday sweet Monroe!!!



Trying to get 4 active babies to all look in the same direction (clearly we had no luck)...



Cousin bonding, lots of it...



Where ever you find Hazel, you find several hilarious facial expressions.

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Playing until we couldn't play anymore...

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A huge, momentous milestone...

Happy 60th Anniversary to Nonno and Nonna!!!


We are all so blessed that our beautiful family only started with 2. We have learned to cherish our family and rely on tradition in order to really embrace each other from your wonderful example. Your sacrifices over the years have been countless and have left us with a legacy to carry on. Congratualtions!!!


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To conclude a great weekend, we also managed to get a visit in with the rest of the family as well.

Happy Birthday Auntie Paula!!!

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Wishing you many more happy years of making memories and enjoying small moments with everyone that you love.



I told ya. It seems like a pretty ideal weekend after all, right?

Peace, Love & Gratitude




We're Baaaaaaack!!!

I hope all of you very loyal Chasing Hazel readers have not given up on us!!! I think that was the longest I have gone without posting since this blog was created. I am sorry for our absence, but sometimes vacations are necessary (especially when you are growing a tiny human). I will post some pics from our world travels soon. Also, I will post some pics of what shenanigans Hazel is up to now-a-days.

We celebrated Mim's birthday with the family. Happy Birthday!!! Love you Mim!!!



I LOVE this pic of Daddy and Hazel. Nothing like a silhouette pic to get the emotional juices flowing?



Before we left we were enjoying the nice weather, as well as EVERY POSSIBLE SECOND we could with our girl before we left. Honestly, I think the cab driver that took us to the airport thought I was losing it. Lots and lots of tears.




Hope you are enjoying the weather where ever you are!!! Never been happier to be home. More thoughts on that to come.


Peace & Love



Happy Birthday Hazel!!!

Today at 9:55am our girl turned 1!!!



A time to celebrate and reflect on how much has happened this year. Reliving all the moments of the exact same 24 hours this time last year. So much growth and shifting perspectives, its overwhelming to think about. So much has changed, I barely recognize this little face that struggled and fought so hard in the beginning.




If I am being honest, I just can't find the words to express how I feel now. I am staring at the screen with my fingers over the keyboard and nothing will translate. My mind is racing...

For now, here are some pics of Hazel this morning at exactly 9:55am.

Hazel has come so far and overcome so much!!!






Love, love, love...