NDSAW #6 - Siblings

I have heard that upon the news of a Down syndrome diagnosis some parents are saddened and grieve the relationship that they always thought the new sibling would have with the older sibling. I have also heard that it can be a very devastating to work through these feelings of loss. There can be a lot of fear about the future wondering how the Down syndrome portion of their little brother or sister will affect them as they grow. Worry about how they will interact? What they will have to sacrifice? How will they explain or understand their new brother or sister's diagnosis? Having a newborn with Down syndrome is a difficult enough circumstance to try to understand but having an extra worry centered around how this may affect the whole family dynamic is another kind of stress entirely.

For October and the beginning of November, I chose to share (on IG and Facebook) relationships between brothers and sisters with DS. I chose to share their parents thoughts on the relationship that is developing and fostering among their children. By doing this, I am hoping to give a real and honest perspective from those who witness the relationship, Down syndrome included, unfold everyday in their homes. I am certain that by sharing these accounts new parents will be comforted and feel relieved about what each of these families have to say. Hop over to my IG page and/or Facebook page to read more about each family.

These families inspire me and I was honoured to share the precious relationships of their most precious children. Have a look...

Here's some of what these families had to say:

@littlewarrior (@macymakesmyday pic) says: "It's seriously been so amazing to watch them. God has truly given them a love for people with special needs."

@lilcocobea says: "If only parents were handed this picture instead of a list with information on "their options." 90% of parents opt out and will never truly know what they are missing."

@tarynaki_sauce says: "Nothing could have prepared me for the love and pride he has for Lennon."

@briihenn says: "14 years ago, I was blessed with having a brother with Down syndrome. The day you were born I knew my life would change completely, but you have made me into the person I am today and I could never thank you enough."

@blessedmommatobabygirls says: "She is our sunshine girl...she spreads joy to our entire family"

Which kinda got me thinking, of course I couldn't go without sharing the relationship between my own daughters.

Stay tuned...Last post of this series will be my own thoughts about my own daughters. 

Nola's 1st Birthday Celebration

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Ok so somehow it's Thursday. Well then...

Here's some pics of the big birthday celebration, which is quickly becoming history as the days keep flying by. I must admit I really, truly enjoyed planning this party. I generally enjoy entertaining but since I've had 2 kids, I find it so difficult to find the energy to really PLAN a party. Like put 100% effort into every detail. For this party, I was all in. I am really happy with the final product. It was a really inviting, calm atmosphere. The kids got to see some cool nature displays and adults got to sit, talk and enjoy each others company.



Nola, however, had this face....ALLLLL DAAAAYYYY!!!




I just had to add this pic of my father-in-law eating lunch with all the kids. His choice, of course.



Literally....ALLLLL DAAAAY!!!



The only photo I have of the 2 girls together #fail.



Smash cake. She really was gentle with the cake. Not a messy smasher at all.



While Nola was having her moment, this adorableness was going on right in front of her. I absolutely LOVE how much Hazel loves her big cousin Owen. Imagine the smile on his face too. Ughhhhh...



Actually she looks happy here. Interesting.



Cutest ever!!! She saw the candle lit and was totally obsessed with the cake. Wouldn't take her eyes off of it.

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Love was in the air...



The best gifts are the homemade ones. Stella really outdid herself with an album just for Nola. A picture from each month of her life. Such an amazingly thoughtful gift. Of course Hazel got one too. All 3 of our nieces bring so much love into our girls lives. I can't wait to see how their relationship grows and how close they become.



So thankful to have been able to celebrate all of your 365 days baby girl. You bring life to this house every single day.



Happy 1st Birthday Friday Nola!!!

I did warn you that November here on the blog was going to be dedicated mostly to Nola on account of her turning 1. October was Hazel's for Down Syndrome Awareness Month, so it seems only fair. Without further adieu...Here is the happiest baby in the history of all babies to be receiving a cupcake and a song on her special day.





Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Happy Friday!!!

French Fries and Popsicles

Before I post that really annoying "look-what-we-did-for-our-baby's-first-birthday" post. Here is a little of our everyday reality. This was Nola's actual birthday celebration. The day after the "look-what-we-did-for-our-baby's-first-birthday" party.  





We wanted to make sure that Nola had a very special day. Including a very special dinner, just like we did for Hazel. For Hazel's first, we took her to our favourite Italian restaurant. We had some wine, some great pasta (her favourite), and great service. It was such a nice night. A special dinner for our girl, Hazel. Of course we wanted to make sure that Nola got the same treatment on her 1st birthday as well. Nothing but the best...

They had Popsicles and French Fries for dinner. IN THAT ORDER! Then they had cupcakes, soooooooooooooo...



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I Looooooooove when Nola looks at Hazel like this...




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Moral of the story...

What's good for the goose is NOT necessarily good for the gander? RIGHT?!!!

Oh and also...

Once you have the 2nd child, forget about going to fancy restaurants to eat #justsayin





I DO have 2 Daughters...see

2 Parent fail #1245

I can't believe I haven't added a single post here about Nola's growth in 5 months.


I am going to condense it all into one post, in hopes that she won't pack a bag when she is 13, yelling and screaming at me that I loved her sister more than her. I'm trying to avoid a meltdown in 12 years from now. What can I say? I'm a planner.


Here are the stats from her first couple of doctors appointments...

6  8


Here is a little bit about my new girl, Nola. Just some of the many things that I never want to forget.


1. The very first thing, is her obsession with me. It's my favourite, obvi. When we are in our room at night getting ready for bed, Daddy does the final burp and swaddle. I should note that this is not limited to our bedroom, it's pretty much anywhere I am at all times. The entire time he is holding her she is looking for me. She cranes her little neck and head around as far as it can go just so she can look at me. And if I look back and make eye contact - well - the smile is absolutely magical. It shines light in a very dim room.

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2. I can count on one hand how many dinners she has missed since being born. Even as a newborn she was always awake for dinner time. Demanding to be a part of the ritual. We learned to do a lot with 1 hand at the dinner table.

3. Her tiny little features.





In particular her biggest smile...



and the little sparkle in her eye.



4. How she figured out how to roll from back to belly but just couldn't seem to consistently roll from her belly to back until she was almost 5 months. She used to get so frustrated when she got stuck on her belly.








5. How she's starting to become really interested in toys. With a particular interest in her feet. She grabs at everything, EVERYTHING!

6. How I can NEVER lay her down in a place where she can't see Hazel or she cries. She is very often sitting in her Bumbo or swing so that she can see all of us at all times. Especially when Hazel and Daddy are wrestling. Nola gets very protective of her sister and she has a very concerned cry when she thinks Hazel is getting hurt. I DIE!!!!

7. The way she talks to us with quiet little coos that sound like shes actually talking.  She also, has very VERY loud yells just because she can and she learned how. I especially love those when Hazel is asleep.

8. How when she grabs her toes, her belly and chest look so chubby and edible.


9. She laughs so hard every time we say the word "Boo"



10. She is seriously high maintenance. ALL THE TIME! She is not an "easy going - go with the flow" type of gal. She's happy all the time - sure - except when we are making her do something she doesn't want to do. Example, when we make her sleep, ride in the car, walk in the stroller, go in the sling. She likes all of those things and is completely content in any one of these situations, as long as it is on her terms that she is entered into said situation. If she's not up for a car ride, then FORGET it! Yet, she's still always smiling.




There is so much more that I try to stash away in the depths of my memory. I pray and hope that I never forget the way her feet are always sweaty, the way she rubs them together constantly. Or the way she looks at me while she's nursing (sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a furrowed brow). Or the way her mouth hangs open when we eat in front of her (she wants it bad). She has the most expressive little eyebrows (it really is quite something - one up, one down, straight line etc.). The way she thinks she a big girl. Just how fast she went from being a newborn to a little baby girl (way WAY too fast).

I'm still always working on her birth story, mostly in my head, but still. It's beautiful. I want to make sure I get it just right for her to read one day and know exactly what an impact she had on my soul. These things take time. Of which, I currently have none of due to the high maintenance caliber of my newest little. It shouldn't be much longer now.


Here you go, my dearest Nola. Not a day passes that I don't thank God for our most perfect gift.

Well Hello There...

Ahem - Well here we are... It's been a while...Ahem (insert me awkwardly "looking-down-kicking-the-dirt" image here)

You seem different - did you change your hair? No - Ok - Well you look nice.

I'm sorry baby - I swear I wasn't blogging somewhere else...


After what has been a long uncomfortable silence for us (on account of me having 2 children that demand pretty much every  second of my day) I have returned. If even for only a fleeting moment, a brief whisper in the wind, I have come back to you. I hope our relationship is strong enough to withstand such a long pause.

I digress...



Coming into the new year on Chasing Hazel sharing some of my favourite moments of 2014 so far.


1. Very Serious Shadow Play


I adore that Hazel still loves to chat and dance with her shadow. The weather has not been cooperating lately in terms of sunny days and these opportunities for her to interact with her shadow are few and far between. I try to soak it all in when the sun shines in. We have been held captive in the house this winter. Partly because we have a newborn and partly because the temperatures have been lower than they have been in years.





2. Play Date with Nanny K

We drank coffee (not Hazel - or Nanny K - just mommy I guess...well it was perfect), we read books, we had a dance party and we threw tissue paper. The pictures speak for themselves.

Hazel's face...





Best. Visit. Ever.


3. This...



I wish I could report that Hazel is infatuated with her sister, but to tell you the truth she really couldn't care less. She doesn't like when sissy cries, or when one of her limbs uncontrollably reaches out and touches Hazel anywhere. For Hazel, Nola doesn't bring much to the table. She just goes about her day as if sissy didn't exist.

BUT every once in a while, like an eclipse, this moment happens. And my mama heart explodes - literally - explodes with love.


Nola is absolutely head-over-heals, in unconditional love with Hazel. Her face lights up when she can even just get a glimpse of Hazel. She insists on being propped up so that she can watch when daddy and Hazel wrestle, she wants to witness the dance parties that are happening always, and she especially wants to be sitting at the dinner table with us while we eat (we certainly have learned to do a lot with only 1 hand).

You can see it in Nola's eyes. She knows. She chose us. She chose Hazel.


Our cup runneth over...my friends.


4. Late Nights with Nola

It is not uncommon for Matt and I to say goodnight to Hazel, gather Nola and jump into bed. We start the late evening chats with our girl where she gets 100% of our attention. Between her uncontrollable cuteness, the smiles, the new cooing sounds of a new babe and The Good Wife on Netflix, our nights shape up to be quite ideal.




I hope the new year is treating you all kindly.


Snuggles for Nola

Here are some pics of family and friends meeting Nola for the first time. Some at the hospital and some at home. I can already hear Nola now...."BUT YOU DID IT FOR HAZEL!!!!!"

So, in an effort to try and curb that conversation in the future, I am posting the pics of some of the welcoming committee for Nola.

I think she is loved. See for yourself...
















She received a very warm welcome by so many. We are blessed.

Meet Nola Charlie

I  finally have a hot minute to throw a pic or two up of little Nola. And I mean a hot minute... (As promised, I did post a couple of pics on our Facebook page for those of you who follow us over at Chasing Hazel. Also, I update the IG feed at user name Chasing_Hazel)

We are settling in nicely. However, battling the nursing clock, the Hazel clock and the "dreaming-about-sleeping" clock have left little time for blogging and writing. I promise I will post pics of Hazel and her sister soon. But first we have to live the moments so I can share them with you.


Hot out of the 41 week, 1 day oven...Here she is - only minutes old...

Nola Charlie

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We are all adjusting wonderfully. Hazel loves to give hugs and kisses.


I can't even begin to describe the warmth, love and peace she brings to our home.

I. Can't. Even.

Now I get to start another birth story...


I know these pics are never flattering but I guess we just consider these posts my way of "keeping things real." I feel like this will be my last pregnancy post so I couldn't NOT post it (not that I am in labour, feeling labour coming on, or showing any signs whatsoever that I will be in labour in the very near future. My prediction from the beginning was that this babe is staying in as long as she possibly can - Sooooooooooo).

Since I only went to 37 weeks with Hazel (which you will soon read in her birth story). I thought I would throw up some shots to compare of my last pics while pregnant with Hazel.

So here is Baby #2 at 36...


Here is Hazel at 36...



Here is the bump "Face-off" pic of the 36 week belly progression:

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So I am feeling pretty good at 38 weeks. Somehow I have more energy now than I did in the early 30s (main contributing factor to this are the naps I take every time Hazel goes down #keepinitreal). By this point with Hazel I could barely walk. There was an enormous amount of pressure happening and walking was quite a chore. Thankfully, I am still (relatively) able to chase after Hazel. So I am way ahead of the game this time around.

The best way I can describe what I feel on a daily is TIGHT! Oh so tight - all the time- tight!!! Baby girl is stretching, moving and flexing every chance she gets. She's the boss of me at the moment, I am at her mercy. I am begging her to ease up on the bladder punches, just a tad. Throw mommy a bone little girl!

In all seriousness, we are getting super SUPER excited to get our hands on this little soul. I can NOT wait to see what she looks like? How much hair she has? How Hazel will react to her? It's all just too much to anticipate. It really is just TOO MUCH! I still don't think that it really has set in that we are having another baby yet. So excited for the new changes and what the future will bring us with this new little one.

Oh yes and the nesting is finally done!!! I feel ready. I feel as prepared as any parents of new babes can feel. Looking forward to a quiet couple weeks before our world gets altered in a grand way, yet again, by another little person.

Happy Sunday...



Growin' a Baby

31 Weeks!!!


I can't believe how fast time seems to be going. I am really not one to talk a lot about being pregnant but I figure another update might be in order. The last one was at 20 weeks. Yikes!!!



I am very happy to say that this pregnancy has been very uneventful. Just a baby girl growing, kicking, hiccuping, and barely ever sleeping. Soooooooo....Yeah...there's that. I'm not scared!!!!

I'M NOT!!!!

So, obviously we have started "Nesting." Is there another choice when you have a baby coming? To me it's more preparing than "nesting." You can't just grab a bail of hay, throw it in a corner somewhere, label it a "manger" and call it a day. Babies need beds, safe places to hang out, and lots and lots of little tiny things. Thus, we have started dusting off (not that they have been hangin' around too long) and collecting 'said' little tiny things.

How am I feeling?

I REALLY, REALLY try hard not to complain about being pregnant, since it took me so long to get there the first time around. Also, I try to be very sensitive to fertility experiences and know what y'all are going through and/or have been through. We really do feel blessed to have been given this little surprise the 2nd time around (and NEVER thought it was even in the realm of possibility). So, that said...

Overall, I feel really good. A welcome change from my first pregnancy where I had morning sickness until about 34 weeks. The last three weeks were great though!!! For this pregnancy, I was really lucky to have lots of energy in the 2nd trimester, which has since started to come in smaller doses. I am still literally "Chasing Hazel" everyday which tends to drain all the energy I have. Poor Matt is left to pick up the pieces around here - let's just say - "OFTEN."

Emotionally, I am just getting ready to meet this little girl. Some days I am so excited to get my hands on her and some days I am scared out of my mind what it might look like to juggle 2 babes. I know many have "came, saw and conquered" before us, so I am pretty sure it's possible - BUT still! You could all be masochists...I'm just sayin'


Here is a pic of me at 31 weeks with Hazel. It's a lot of boobs and belly I know...I didn't have blog back then and NEVER intended for these to be seen. Alas, here we are...


Here is a pic of me with Baby #2. Again with the boobs and belly. You either love it or you hate it...


Here's a side by side, just to give you an even better idea. It is very obvious to me that I was much bigger with Hazel. I remember being very uncomfortable with her from about 16 weeks along. Come to find out I had an excess build up of amniotic fluid because Hazel wasn't digesting it properly. You will find out more about the details of Hazel's pregnancy in my birth story, which I will be posting very VERY soon!!!

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Thanks so much for being patient about the birth story. I am trying to get it just right. It's so close, just have to add pics, links and edit once more. I am really excited to share it with you. And yes...it will be before the new baby comes.

Happy 1st Day of school to all those who started today. A day of new beginnings is a good day!!!