Nola's 1st Birthday Celebration

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Ok so somehow it's Thursday. Well then...

Here's some pics of the big birthday celebration, which is quickly becoming history as the days keep flying by. I must admit I really, truly enjoyed planning this party. I generally enjoy entertaining but since I've had 2 kids, I find it so difficult to find the energy to really PLAN a party. Like put 100% effort into every detail. For this party, I was all in. I am really happy with the final product. It was a really inviting, calm atmosphere. The kids got to see some cool nature displays and adults got to sit, talk and enjoy each others company.



Nola, however, had this face....ALLLLL DAAAAYYYY!!!




I just had to add this pic of my father-in-law eating lunch with all the kids. His choice, of course.



Literally....ALLLLL DAAAAY!!!



The only photo I have of the 2 girls together #fail.



Smash cake. She really was gentle with the cake. Not a messy smasher at all.



While Nola was having her moment, this adorableness was going on right in front of her. I absolutely LOVE how much Hazel loves her big cousin Owen. Imagine the smile on his face too. Ughhhhh...



Actually she looks happy here. Interesting.



Cutest ever!!! She saw the candle lit and was totally obsessed with the cake. Wouldn't take her eyes off of it.

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Love was in the air...



The best gifts are the homemade ones. Stella really outdid herself with an album just for Nola. A picture from each month of her life. Such an amazingly thoughtful gift. Of course Hazel got one too. All 3 of our nieces bring so much love into our girls lives. I can't wait to see how their relationship grows and how close they become.



So thankful to have been able to celebrate all of your 365 days baby girl. You bring life to this house every single day.



Nola, Nola

photo(6)'s 6 months already. In a way it feels like it's flown by like the speed of sound, but in a very different way it feels like she's been here forever. It's the latter, I am going to try to savour. I thoroughly enjoy her company. She is such a smiley, happy, curious little girl. Seriously, she literally is TOO much. Jammed packed full of pure joy!!!

As a quick side note: Since she has started eating solids, her sleeping through the night has improved dramatically. I think this MAY be (just may be) part of the reason why I feel like I love her so much more at the moment. Do not judge me! I think I have been honest about me not being my "best self" when I am sleep deprived.

I digress...This is about Nola.

There's nothing that goes on around her that she doesn't want to be a part of. She loves everybody. Always has a big smile to share and a snuggle to give. Still, I am her favourite. I can't say I'm hating that. She will literally do a dive bomb out of Daddy's arms to try and get to me. She also does the same thing when she sees her food coming near....sooooooo. Still, I am sure it's me she's obsessed with and not food. Right?!



With each passing month she changes so much. I am forever thanking the gradual passing of time. A mama heart can handle their babes growing, as long as it happens slowly, gradually.


Here's some of the changes that have been happening 'round here over the past couple of months:

She started sitting up. I need to be sitting next to her just in case she topples over (which she does). I can't say that I am encouraging the gross motor. I just want her to stay put and be little forever. She's not on board.




She got her first couple of teeth. First tooth - May 4 2014 and second tooth - May 19th. It's been fun. Poor babe.

We started solids. That's been great. She loves it. Not so much fruit (I remember Hazel was the same), but veggies YES! Started rice cereal (April 27 2014). Not a fan until I added banana or sweet potato.




See...Much better.


We have been introducing new foods quickly. I try one per day. I was very interested to find out that the guidelines have changed since Hazel started solids. According to my pediatrician (and this is only him - so please ask your docs before you start your children on solids), you can introduce any foods anytime now. Yes, peanut butter and yes, eggs. As long as you only do one food at a time. We are just doing what we feel comfortable with and taking Nola's lead. So far she's a happy girl. Onward...


Nola's babbling has become somewhat of a nuisance. She will be heard guys! She will be heard. SO LOUD all the time. I literally can't watch a TV show while I am nursing. I can't tell you how many a line on "Friday Night Lights" I have missed because of Nola and her need to talk. (Complete side note: Friday Night Lights will leave a mark on your soul and change the way you view life - just sayin')

Girlfriend loves to play with cups any shape any size, strings and tags. Also, anything Sissy has. Hazel has offered to share, twice, that's all. She will do whatever she has to, to see the TV once The Wiggles have been put on for Hazel.

Last thing. There was a baptism. It deserves it's own post. The pics are unreal.



What else can I say? I just want to bottle up all these little tiny details so that I never EVER forget what makes my girl my, my girl. No matter how long I go on here, I will never be satisfied that I wrote enough, or described her well enough, or added enough details about her. There will always be things that I forget. So, I guess here is a good a time as any to stop.



I love you my sweet little lamb. You literally brighten up our hearts and our home with your smile.




Snuggles for Nola

Here are some pics of family and friends meeting Nola for the first time. Some at the hospital and some at home. I can already hear Nola now...."BUT YOU DID IT FOR HAZEL!!!!!"

So, in an effort to try and curb that conversation in the future, I am posting the pics of some of the welcoming committee for Nola.

I think she is loved. See for yourself...
















She received a very warm welcome by so many. We are blessed.


I know these pics are never flattering but I guess we just consider these posts my way of "keeping things real." I feel like this will be my last pregnancy post so I couldn't NOT post it (not that I am in labour, feeling labour coming on, or showing any signs whatsoever that I will be in labour in the very near future. My prediction from the beginning was that this babe is staying in as long as she possibly can - Sooooooooooo).

Since I only went to 37 weeks with Hazel (which you will soon read in her birth story). I thought I would throw up some shots to compare of my last pics while pregnant with Hazel.

So here is Baby #2 at 36...


Here is Hazel at 36...



Here is the bump "Face-off" pic of the 36 week belly progression:

PicMonkey Collage


So I am feeling pretty good at 38 weeks. Somehow I have more energy now than I did in the early 30s (main contributing factor to this are the naps I take every time Hazel goes down #keepinitreal). By this point with Hazel I could barely walk. There was an enormous amount of pressure happening and walking was quite a chore. Thankfully, I am still (relatively) able to chase after Hazel. So I am way ahead of the game this time around.

The best way I can describe what I feel on a daily is TIGHT! Oh so tight - all the time- tight!!! Baby girl is stretching, moving and flexing every chance she gets. She's the boss of me at the moment, I am at her mercy. I am begging her to ease up on the bladder punches, just a tad. Throw mommy a bone little girl!

In all seriousness, we are getting super SUPER excited to get our hands on this little soul. I can NOT wait to see what she looks like? How much hair she has? How Hazel will react to her? It's all just too much to anticipate. It really is just TOO MUCH! I still don't think that it really has set in that we are having another baby yet. So excited for the new changes and what the future will bring us with this new little one.

Oh yes and the nesting is finally done!!! I feel ready. I feel as prepared as any parents of new babes can feel. Looking forward to a quiet couple weeks before our world gets altered in a grand way, yet again, by another little person.

Happy Sunday...