
It has been pretty quiet here on the ol' blog since before the holidays. I have reasons. Trust me. We are working on a pretty time consuming "project" (we will call it that for now) at the moment. I can't say much about it yet, but it's been a year in the making and our hope is that it will benefit children with special needs. That's all I can say now. I will fill you in when I can, I promise. In the meantime, if you wouldn't mind accessing that special Chasing Hazel rally and support for the cause by throwing a prayer or some positive vibes our way, it would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!! now

On the home front...

It has been quiet. As quiet as it can be with 2 little hyper girls, anyway. I am enjoying settling into a new year just staying close to home and spending time with the babes. Not that we have much of a choice. The temperatures around these parts are way too low (today it's 3 Celsius, feels like -8) to even go outside. The few times I have tried, poor little Nola loses her breath when the winds blows.



We are continuing the organizing and purging. We are almost done the entire house!!!!! WOOT!!!! Nothing has been left untouched. It so therapeutic to rid your life of excess. It feels even better to give it to those who need it more than you. I'm not only talking charity, but just to give it to friends and family and see these items get another life cycle is amazing. Once we are finished purging the SPRING CLEANING will begin. I LOVE IT ALL!!!! Of course my mom will help me, otherwise I would probably hate it. Just sayin' #spoiled

The girls have been so content these last few weeks. I find I am always left wanting more (It's a nice change from the craziness that was our home before the holidays - felt like no one was happy ever) They have been distracting me from cooking, cleaning, errand running and the blog. We colour, play, do puzzles, read books, play with babies, pretend to sleep and "Wake UP!!!", DANCE PARTIES - lots and lots of dance parties, or I just sit and watch them play with each other and the new toys they got for Christmas. They are my most favourite distraction.




A wise woman once told me (my mother-in-law...ahem), in relation to kids,

"Everything's a phase"

An immediate disclaimer following, sometimes the next phase is worse than the one you are in, but it too shall pass. It has proven to be some of the best, most true advice that I have been given. It provides a little reality, with a dash of hope. Oh, how there are times I wish that dash was a mountain, but you know what they say "a little dab'll do ya."

This is an amazing phase. The girls rarely fight, they like the same food, the same shows, the same songs, the same toys, the same books. It makes for an easy, peaceful atmosphere here at home. The flow is natural. I am finding it difficult to get motivated to take Hazel back to daycare. I want her home with Nola and I. Also, the threat of the FLU doesn't help. I am sure it will change soon enough, but these moments are fleeting around here and I plan to suck up as much of this phase that I can. Then I'm going to hope and pray when the phase shifts to the next one, I can use these memories to to help me have hope that better times are on the horizon.

Facial tissue id currently a big hit at the house. Nola pretends to blow her nose and Hazel pretends to clean her face.


I am seriously trying to wrap my head around this girl turning 3. This might be it. The year I jump...stay tuned.


Nola's newest, most fun trick she's learned yet. Shirtless...


This child is a beautiful little soul.



Stay warm San Diego...


Mommy Forces a Photo Shoot (with a TUTU)

I may not be a professional but who needs to be when you have the 50mm lens?? HA!!! Just jokin' don't tell Tiff from Vita Photography I said that....shhhhhhh. I worship you, Tiff!!! No seriously, I did the same exact session with Hazel when she was about 12 months old, so it's only fair that history dictate I do the same with Nola. I do very little editing on these babies, but they are mine. I love them!!!










Trust me when I tell you there are about 150 more photos from this session. I truly envy those of you out there that have mastered that fine art of "deleting" photos that are unnecessary. You know the ones that their head is tilted a little more to the left in the next picture, saying to yourself "you never know when you're going to need it." I have been trying, really I have, but seriously, you never know when you are going to need it!!!!

As a little side note, that happens to be a little on the subject. I feel a HUGE PURGE coming on. Like massive! Like an everything must go, free to a good home, we live in a world where we think we NEED too much stuff, if you haven't worn it, it's GONE type of purge. I feel it deep inside me just screaming to get out. I am literally sitting on my hands and forcing myself to wait until the new year to start rustling things up around here. But, it's coming. I CAN NOT be stopped. Matt if you are reading...BE WARNED.


I look at these pictures and can't believe that I am looking at MY 2 daughters. How did these 2 babes come from the same parents? Opposites in almost every way. At least this way we get the best of both worlds. A blonde haired, blue eyed, feisty little lamb and a brown haired, brown eyed, sassy little love.









Happy day Y'all!!!!



Time passed, Life Changed

Let's just start by acknowledging just how fast time seems to go by these days. Is that a bad thing? Hmmmm? Second, go grab a cup of coffee and come on back. This is going to be a marathon.

I look back at these sweet photos of a human life that only joined us a little over 365 days ago. Then, I look back at photos of Hazel, and her first few moments and days here in this life. Something just doesn't add up.

How could it only have been less than 3 years ago? Less than 3 years that our lives have changed in such a dramatic way. I barley remember the days before tripping over toys, changing dirty butts, waking frequently during the night, battling about food and rarely sitting down. What I can remember about those days was that we NEVER laughed so much, loved so hard, cared so deeply, felt so proud or experienced such contentment.


A little over a year ago a tornado hit our home, turned everything upside down and left no survivors. We have never felt so blessed. She's still kicking up dust where ever her feet land. Her name is Nola Charlie...




Documenting my girls lives on this blog will serve as a tool to revive my memories when they are all grown and independent. As you know, if you've been reading for a while, I am not one for documenting milestones. Especially not for comparison reasons. But I am wishing that I was little more diligent in keeping the little details about Hazel's first year on record. Simply for the purpose to help me to remember who she was at those certain moments in time. I wanna remember how they made me laugh, cry, mad or sad.



Here goes...

Nola growls always. Happy or sad. Tired or hungry, always with the growling. When she's really excited she squeals. Like loooooong and loud and hard. She puckers up her lips just so and sucks in as hard as she can. I laugh almost every. Single. Time.

She's got a real thing for expressions. She has a million.






She's a walker. At 10 months she was over the crawling thing. Now she walks (or runs) around the house like she owns the place. Hates the baby gates- HATES!!! The moment she hears the click, she starts crying (they both do). Girlfriend likes to be free.



Smiles all the time. Always looking for the next super fun time. Like the trampoline for example.



Except for when I get the camera out. Then there is an immediate smile drought in effect. It usually lasts right until about the time I put the camera down.



Her vocabulary grows by the day. Mama, Dada, apple & bottle (which sound exactly the same - but I'll be damned if I don't get it right), Nonna, sissy (of course - it was her 3rd word), GO (sounds like 'do'). Oh and how could I possibly forget the most frequented word of choice, "NO" (with a pointed finger and mostly right before she's about to do something she's know she's not supposed to do), nice, play, baby, book...



When we come in from being outside. It's a guaranteed melt down every time, no matter how long we have been out there.






She's been eating pretty much everything we eat for ages. I barely remember purees with her. Always insisted on eating what Hazel was eating. Her favourite food is pasta. Favourite fruit is raspberries. And now they both come running when they hear the pantry door open, CHOCOLATE.



Still wakes up in the night occasionally, just to make sure she has access to a bottle whenever she feels like one. And yes, she gets one. #FAIL



I, also, want to remember how Nola has been loving steamrolling her sister every chance she gets. Sometimes Hazel laughs, sometimes she looks at me to make it stop. Hazel is usually pretty tolerant but every once in a while she gives her a gentle shove.



I want to remember how they laugh with each other all the time. They have this one specific sound they make that's like a nature call to the other one to repeat the sound. Ever seen "The Hunger Games"? They are like the jabber jays - no joke!

They follow each other around the house and find a multitude of surfaces to bang on. They try to pass the food they don't want to eat on to the other one's tray.

Every morning since she's been able, Nola crawls or walks into Hazel's room first thing with a huge smile that quickly turns to laughter. I swear she is trying to say, "morning." And everyday she turns to me with this smile on her face as if to say, "Can you believe it? It's Hazel!" Blows her mind er'yday.



Every night after dinner they go into Hazel's room and read book and play in the mirror.



What more can I say?

She's the destroyer of books, the spoiler of quiet, the seeker of danger, lover of people, admirer of Hazel, chaser of the sippy cup, nuturer of babies, caresser of the dog, master of the growl, nibbler of everything, kisser and cuddler extraordinaire...


She's the creater of joy, giver of love, sparker of laughter, lover of all. She is the life. She literally IS THE LIFE in our home. Her blond hair, blue eyes, cheeky grin can't be denied.

Where there is Nola, there is laughter. There is ease. There is peace. She is our constant reminder not to take things so serious. To stop and smile. To throw our hands up and have a jumping party on the bed. Or to play dolls, or to go outside and take a fresh breath of air, or to wrestle, or to read or to do anything that is fun in that exact moment. Girlfriend's got this living in the present moment thing down. She's a pro and she's teaching us all how to really do it.




Thank goodness because the other night while I was holding her, I needed that reminder. I remember having a very similar experience while rocking Hazel to sleep as well.

I was laying there with her in my arms. She had scooted her way down in my arms so I was cradling her like a new born again. The lights were so dark that I could only barley see the outline of her tiny face. Yet I had never been able to see it so clearly. Evey little detail, every bump, every crevice. The weight of her very real in my arms. The realization that even as the seconds past right then, she was getting older and older. In this moment I struggled to stay grounded, present, trying to grasp so tightly onto her babyness. All the changing and growing. But in that moment she was snuggled into my chest, breathing in my scent, feeling my heart beat against her face. In that moment she was my little baby. And in the morning she's still going to be my little baby, until one day she will be a grown women (and I will still see her as my little baby). Until then I'm going to enjoy all these little moments where I am her ENTIRE world and she is mine.

(these next 3 images are courtesy of the ingenious Tiffany at Vita Photography)





So the passing of time. Is it a bad thing? Not really.

It allows our relationships to grow and evolve. It allows us to watch our children learn the things we teach, and transfer that learning to their lives. It provides opportunity for us to saturate them with our love. With the passing of time, our children experience our nurturing. If the time stopped passing we would never experience the pride in watching our children grow into the people they will become. And I'm not sure about you, but I am way to curious about who they will grow to be. I am WAY to invested in making sure that I provide them with the tools they need to meet their full potential.

An entire lifetime of time passing would never give me enough kisses, hugs, smiles or cuddles with my girls to be satisfied, so I say - bring it!





Happy 1st Birthday Friday Nola!!!

I did warn you that November here on the blog was going to be dedicated mostly to Nola on account of her turning 1. October was Hazel's for Down Syndrome Awareness Month, so it seems only fair. Without further adieu...Here is the happiest baby in the history of all babies to be receiving a cupcake and a song on her special day.





Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! Happy Friday!!!

Offically "Chasing Nola" too


Month 6 and 7 have been very eventful for our newest little. Here's what she's been up to.


I know this pic is blurry but, THE FACE!!!




1. Eats whole bananas, cucumbers, strawberries, pasta, blueberries like its her job


2. Got the Army crawl down to a science



3. Pulls herself up on everything



Nothing like having to do an emergency dropping of the crib mattress right before bed. Immediately after I snapped this pic, she fell and smashed her face on the crib railing :(



4. Goes from laying to sitting



4. Claps while saying "Yeaaaaahhhhhh" - I swear she is!

5. "Na Na Na Na" is her sound of protest

6. She growls always, like always.

7. She is SO loud, going out for dinner is completely out of the question

8. She is just starting to get comfy doing the four point crawling. Most of the time it ends in a bear walk of sorts.


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9. She refuses to not be included in the festivities



10. Plays Peek-a-boo like it's her job.

11. Her life's current mission is to hunt and track Hazel's sippy cup. Must. Get. Sippy. Cup. Must. Drink. From. Sippy. Cup.




Watching Frozen like a big girl.



Daddy is moving up in the ranks with Nola. It's quite sweet.



She's teething, like hard core teething. She's got 2 bottom teeth, one top so far. And I'm pretty sure the next 3 at the top are going to be out shortly. She suffers, you guys. Just ask her.



Some of her "firsts" over the last couplel of months. Sprinkler, Swings, pool floaty, PASTA, and road trip.

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Off to continue month number 8...crazy!!!


Nola's Baptism


The day was perfect in every way. Turns out I love baptisms! It was exciting to plan. I was honored to be able to celebrate my girl's marriage into the Church with all our family and close friends. It's the only one of her weddings that I have total control over. So I took advantage.

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Let me mention now that Vita Photography is yet again responsible for capturing all the perfect moments and details of this day that I don't want to forget. If you are in the local area, you need to book with her!!!! The pics are always amazing in every way.

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Proud Godparents...

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Love these...

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Nola was very interested to see who was putting water on her head. By the third time the priest poured it on her, she just had to turn to see what was going on. She had us all smiling.




Family shots...

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Nola and Nonna B. Nonna B completely outdid herself again making the gorgeous dress Nola is wearing. No pattern, no measuring, only one fitting and perfect. We are all spoiled to have her. Also, shes almost 80. Seriously!!!

Love you, Nonna B!!!



These next 2 are what is currently making my life.

My girls...



My family... I heart them!



Perfect day spent with perfect people, honoring the most perfect little girl and her relationship with God.

Happy Days


Nola, Nola

photo(6)'s 6 months already. In a way it feels like it's flown by like the speed of sound, but in a very different way it feels like she's been here forever. It's the latter, I am going to try to savour. I thoroughly enjoy her company. She is such a smiley, happy, curious little girl. Seriously, she literally is TOO much. Jammed packed full of pure joy!!!

As a quick side note: Since she has started eating solids, her sleeping through the night has improved dramatically. I think this MAY be (just may be) part of the reason why I feel like I love her so much more at the moment. Do not judge me! I think I have been honest about me not being my "best self" when I am sleep deprived.

I digress...This is about Nola.

There's nothing that goes on around her that she doesn't want to be a part of. She loves everybody. Always has a big smile to share and a snuggle to give. Still, I am her favourite. I can't say I'm hating that. She will literally do a dive bomb out of Daddy's arms to try and get to me. She also does the same thing when she sees her food coming near....sooooooo. Still, I am sure it's me she's obsessed with and not food. Right?!



With each passing month she changes so much. I am forever thanking the gradual passing of time. A mama heart can handle their babes growing, as long as it happens slowly, gradually.


Here's some of the changes that have been happening 'round here over the past couple of months:

She started sitting up. I need to be sitting next to her just in case she topples over (which she does). I can't say that I am encouraging the gross motor. I just want her to stay put and be little forever. She's not on board.




She got her first couple of teeth. First tooth - May 4 2014 and second tooth - May 19th. It's been fun. Poor babe.

We started solids. That's been great. She loves it. Not so much fruit (I remember Hazel was the same), but veggies YES! Started rice cereal (April 27 2014). Not a fan until I added banana or sweet potato.




See...Much better.


We have been introducing new foods quickly. I try one per day. I was very interested to find out that the guidelines have changed since Hazel started solids. According to my pediatrician (and this is only him - so please ask your docs before you start your children on solids), you can introduce any foods anytime now. Yes, peanut butter and yes, eggs. As long as you only do one food at a time. We are just doing what we feel comfortable with and taking Nola's lead. So far she's a happy girl. Onward...


Nola's babbling has become somewhat of a nuisance. She will be heard guys! She will be heard. SO LOUD all the time. I literally can't watch a TV show while I am nursing. I can't tell you how many a line on "Friday Night Lights" I have missed because of Nola and her need to talk. (Complete side note: Friday Night Lights will leave a mark on your soul and change the way you view life - just sayin')

Girlfriend loves to play with cups any shape any size, strings and tags. Also, anything Sissy has. Hazel has offered to share, twice, that's all. She will do whatever she has to, to see the TV once The Wiggles have been put on for Hazel.

Last thing. There was a baptism. It deserves it's own post. The pics are unreal.



What else can I say? I just want to bottle up all these little tiny details so that I never EVER forget what makes my girl my, my girl. No matter how long I go on here, I will never be satisfied that I wrote enough, or described her well enough, or added enough details about her. There will always be things that I forget. So, I guess here is a good a time as any to stop.



I love you my sweet little lamb. You literally brighten up our hearts and our home with your smile.




I DO have 2 Daughters...see

2 Parent fail #1245

I can't believe I haven't added a single post here about Nola's growth in 5 months.


I am going to condense it all into one post, in hopes that she won't pack a bag when she is 13, yelling and screaming at me that I loved her sister more than her. I'm trying to avoid a meltdown in 12 years from now. What can I say? I'm a planner.


Here are the stats from her first couple of doctors appointments...

6  8


Here is a little bit about my new girl, Nola. Just some of the many things that I never want to forget.


1. The very first thing, is her obsession with me. It's my favourite, obvi. When we are in our room at night getting ready for bed, Daddy does the final burp and swaddle. I should note that this is not limited to our bedroom, it's pretty much anywhere I am at all times. The entire time he is holding her she is looking for me. She cranes her little neck and head around as far as it can go just so she can look at me. And if I look back and make eye contact - well - the smile is absolutely magical. It shines light in a very dim room.

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2. I can count on one hand how many dinners she has missed since being born. Even as a newborn she was always awake for dinner time. Demanding to be a part of the ritual. We learned to do a lot with 1 hand at the dinner table.

3. Her tiny little features.





In particular her biggest smile...



and the little sparkle in her eye.



4. How she figured out how to roll from back to belly but just couldn't seem to consistently roll from her belly to back until she was almost 5 months. She used to get so frustrated when she got stuck on her belly.








5. How she's starting to become really interested in toys. With a particular interest in her feet. She grabs at everything, EVERYTHING!

6. How I can NEVER lay her down in a place where she can't see Hazel or she cries. She is very often sitting in her Bumbo or swing so that she can see all of us at all times. Especially when Hazel and Daddy are wrestling. Nola gets very protective of her sister and she has a very concerned cry when she thinks Hazel is getting hurt. I DIE!!!!

7. The way she talks to us with quiet little coos that sound like shes actually talking.  She also, has very VERY loud yells just because she can and she learned how. I especially love those when Hazel is asleep.

8. How when she grabs her toes, her belly and chest look so chubby and edible.


9. She laughs so hard every time we say the word "Boo"



10. She is seriously high maintenance. ALL THE TIME! She is not an "easy going - go with the flow" type of gal. She's happy all the time - sure - except when we are making her do something she doesn't want to do. Example, when we make her sleep, ride in the car, walk in the stroller, go in the sling. She likes all of those things and is completely content in any one of these situations, as long as it is on her terms that she is entered into said situation. If she's not up for a car ride, then FORGET it! Yet, she's still always smiling.




There is so much more that I try to stash away in the depths of my memory. I pray and hope that I never forget the way her feet are always sweaty, the way she rubs them together constantly. Or the way she looks at me while she's nursing (sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a furrowed brow). Or the way her mouth hangs open when we eat in front of her (she wants it bad). She has the most expressive little eyebrows (it really is quite something - one up, one down, straight line etc.). The way she thinks she a big girl. Just how fast she went from being a newborn to a little baby girl (way WAY too fast).

I'm still always working on her birth story, mostly in my head, but still. It's beautiful. I want to make sure I get it just right for her to read one day and know exactly what an impact she had on my soul. These things take time. Of which, I currently have none of due to the high maintenance caliber of my newest little. It shouldn't be much longer now.


Here you go, my dearest Nola. Not a day passes that I don't thank God for our most perfect gift.

5 Tips: Bringing Home a New Baby

I know that bringing home a new baby is an exciting and blessed time for new parents. I also know that it is one of the most stressful events that may ever be experienced. I thought since we are in the thick of it here, meaning - knee deep in nursing babes, dirty diapers and puke on everything, I would share a few tips on how we try to stay organized among all the chaos. I know everyone is different and needs to do what works for them. So I offer these tips as a starting point. You can start out trying this method and then tweak it to whatever suits you, your partner and your baby. I also know that I am by no means an expert at this but I still I offer you some suggestions.

If this is your first time here on Chasing Hazel....

I have 2 lovely baby girls. Hazel just turned 2 and Nola who is 4 months. They are 21 months apart. There's a reason I am just getting to this blog post now. Times are crazy! I am still relatively sane and I have a whole new respect for mamas out there who have more than 2 children (especially ones so close in age - YIKES).

I sincerely hope this takes the edge of some stress for y'all!!!



1. Laundry Factory

I hope you have a good washing machine. Between spit up and diaper blow outs, we go through receiving blankets, sleepers and baby wash cloths very quickly. It's a good idea to get a system in place for getting it done quickly. Like have your mother or mother-in-law come over and do it for you. I kid... (NOPE!)


2. Have a Travel Basket

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I bring this basket with me where ever I am in the house. It has all the necessities for new baby. It's so nice to have a portable station having another little to chase after. I use the small basket for waste (dirty diapers, wash cloths and outfits) and I empty it at the end of the day.


Note: If you have a lot of space in your home (which I do not) you might want to set up the pack and play in the room where you spend most of your time. Maybe not really for sleeping or playing at first but just to have all essentials in one place. Again, if you have another babe at home it's sometimes hard to go to the nursery for all the feedings and changing that the new baby is going to need.


3. Clean Out a Drawer in your Kitchen/Bedroom

Even if you are breast feeding you might find you still need a home for pacifiers, bottles, pump parts, wash cloths etc. in the kitchen. Also, before you know it you need cups, plates and spoons.

I have a change station in my night stand. We spend a lot of time nursing and hanging in bed after Hazel goes to sleep. It's nice to have a spot for everything we need. Also, I am loving Netflix at the moment!!!


4. Have "Your People" Bring You Food

I CAN NOT stress this one enough. For the love of God!!!! Anyone who wants a snuggle with the new babe needs to bring you food!!! It's even more ideal (especially in the first few weeks) if they just drop off the food and go. Don't be afraid to tell people you are not up for a visit. Some days and nights will be longer and more draining than others. Do what works for you and the new baby.



Reach out to friends and family who you trust and are willing to help. If they want to come over and clean your house, do your laundry, cook food for you or hold a fussy babe so you can rest. LET THEM!!! People want to help, it makes them feel good. Also, you need it. Admit that to yourself right away and life will be grand.


If you are nursing you might want to get in contact with a Lactation Consultant in your area. Developing a good nursing relationship with your new baby can be more difficult than it seems for some moms and babes so it's great to have a resource to help you get established. My experience was not easy. It took months to get to where we are now and I couldn't have done it without my LC and my extremely supportive husband (also my extremely determined personality that refused to quit - not that this is a good thing).


Ahhhhhhh what the heck here's an extra BONUS TIP:

6. SLEEP!!!

Whenever. Where ever. Things will get done. If you get the chance SLEEP! If your baby will only sleep in your arms, then your arms it is. If they only sleep in the swing, then the swing it will be. If they only sleep in the arms of grandma, then build her a room. If they will only sleep if they are facing east, laying on their side, with a specific blanket tucked a specific way, with classical or rap music on, then that's what you have to do. I truly DO NOT believe you can spoil a baby within the first 3 months of their life. DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO STAY SANE!


I don't know guys! I'm not a pro. This is just what helps us get through the days with 2 small terrorists who are winning negotiations at the moment. I am working on a post with info on bringing home baby #2. Hope this helps!

ANY other mothers out there with suggestions please feel free to leave a comment. How did you do it? What tips do you have?



A Bit of Perfection

Be still my beating heart!!! Nola2

I hope that if you are looking at these you are sure you don't want any more babies. These newborn pics of Nola, by Vita Photography, make ME wanna have another baby. And anyone who has had a baby knows just how absurd the thought of having another this quickly is. I am not saying my baby is the cutest (although I do tend to lean that way), I am saying that Tiffany just has this elegant way of preserving the beauty of a new little life.

Vita, Vita, Vita...

What can I say? Again you captured moments that I never want to forget. This sweet babe has grown so fast. I frequently look back at these photos with a big smile and fond memory of exactly how she was those first few days after we met.





She's so cozy on her Bellalulubaby Blanket...










I never wanna forget the way she feels all squishy and warm cuddled up on my chest. NEVER.