5 Tips: Bringing Home a New Baby

I know that bringing home a new baby is an exciting and blessed time for new parents. I also know that it is one of the most stressful events that may ever be experienced. I thought since we are in the thick of it here, meaning - knee deep in nursing babes, dirty diapers and puke on everything, I would share a few tips on how we try to stay organized among all the chaos. I know everyone is different and needs to do what works for them. So I offer these tips as a starting point. You can start out trying this method and then tweak it to whatever suits you, your partner and your baby. I also know that I am by no means an expert at this but I still I offer you some suggestions.

If this is your first time here on Chasing Hazel....

I have 2 lovely baby girls. Hazel just turned 2 and Nola who is 4 months. They are 21 months apart. There's a reason I am just getting to this blog post now. Times are crazy! I am still relatively sane and I have a whole new respect for mamas out there who have more than 2 children (especially ones so close in age - YIKES).

I sincerely hope this takes the edge of some stress for y'all!!!



1. Laundry Factory

I hope you have a good washing machine. Between spit up and diaper blow outs, we go through receiving blankets, sleepers and baby wash cloths very quickly. It's a good idea to get a system in place for getting it done quickly. Like have your mother or mother-in-law come over and do it for you. I kid... (NOPE!)


2. Have a Travel Basket

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I bring this basket with me where ever I am in the house. It has all the necessities for new baby. It's so nice to have a portable station having another little to chase after. I use the small basket for waste (dirty diapers, wash cloths and outfits) and I empty it at the end of the day.


Note: If you have a lot of space in your home (which I do not) you might want to set up the pack and play in the room where you spend most of your time. Maybe not really for sleeping or playing at first but just to have all essentials in one place. Again, if you have another babe at home it's sometimes hard to go to the nursery for all the feedings and changing that the new baby is going to need.


3. Clean Out a Drawer in your Kitchen/Bedroom

Even if you are breast feeding you might find you still need a home for pacifiers, bottles, pump parts, wash cloths etc. in the kitchen. Also, before you know it you need cups, plates and spoons.

I have a change station in my night stand. We spend a lot of time nursing and hanging in bed after Hazel goes to sleep. It's nice to have a spot for everything we need. Also, I am loving Netflix at the moment!!!


4. Have "Your People" Bring You Food

I CAN NOT stress this one enough. For the love of God!!!! Anyone who wants a snuggle with the new babe needs to bring you food!!! It's even more ideal (especially in the first few weeks) if they just drop off the food and go. Don't be afraid to tell people you are not up for a visit. Some days and nights will be longer and more draining than others. Do what works for you and the new baby.



Reach out to friends and family who you trust and are willing to help. If they want to come over and clean your house, do your laundry, cook food for you or hold a fussy babe so you can rest. LET THEM!!! People want to help, it makes them feel good. Also, you need it. Admit that to yourself right away and life will be grand.


If you are nursing you might want to get in contact with a Lactation Consultant in your area. Developing a good nursing relationship with your new baby can be more difficult than it seems for some moms and babes so it's great to have a resource to help you get established. My experience was not easy. It took months to get to where we are now and I couldn't have done it without my LC and my extremely supportive husband (also my extremely determined personality that refused to quit - not that this is a good thing).


Ahhhhhhh what the heck here's an extra BONUS TIP:

6. SLEEP!!!

Whenever. Where ever. Things will get done. If you get the chance SLEEP! If your baby will only sleep in your arms, then your arms it is. If they only sleep in the swing, then the swing it will be. If they only sleep in the arms of grandma, then build her a room. If they will only sleep if they are facing east, laying on their side, with a specific blanket tucked a specific way, with classical or rap music on, then that's what you have to do. I truly DO NOT believe you can spoil a baby within the first 3 months of their life. DO WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO TO STAY SANE!


I don't know guys! I'm not a pro. This is just what helps us get through the days with 2 small terrorists who are winning negotiations at the moment. I am working on a post with info on bringing home baby #2. Hope this helps!

ANY other mothers out there with suggestions please feel free to leave a comment. How did you do it? What tips do you have?



Happy "Apple-Crispy" Friday

f1 K...so it's official.


I don't recall this "nesting type" feeling with Hazel so much. We did the practical "lets-get-a-room-ready-for-a-new-baby" type projects. You know a nursery, clothes, baskets of baby items that you have no idea what to do with at the time, stuff like that.

This time (and it could very well be the season. I find FALL brings out the bakey-crafty-projecty mood in people. Especially considering I'm a teacher. I am dying to do a craft with kids) I find I am into more "nesty" type activities. Like painting for instance. I want to paint everything, like everything. If we bought it for Hazel's room, it's in the garage waiting to be be painted. SOOOOOOO not like me. I prefer wood in its original form. I love the rustic feel, the colour, the grain and the smell. Apparently not at the moment. I glare at everything in sight wondering to myself what said object would look like if it was painted. Look out - Mama's on a mission.

Another example of this nesting I speak of is BAKING. I am not a girl who bakes usually. Cook...yes. I LOVE to cook. Baking is better left to the professionals. My aunt, my Nonna, my cousin, my mother-in-law, my mom - as long as it's not me.

However, my mom and I spent an entire day in the kitchen baking apple crisp. We, fortunately, were given the apples from my Zia. She has a beautiful home with LOTS of fruit trees.  This year she has more apples than she can possibly bake or eat herself. So we were put to the task to use as many as we could (#firstworldproblems). I DO NOT like to waste food.




Anyway, this post is becoming way more wordy than anticipated for a Friday post. So I leave you with the pics of the "nesting" that has been going on. As you can see by the fact that I decorated the containers for everyone...NESTING!!! The proof is right there!!! Anyone who knows me, knows this is just not something that happens.

I couldn't decide what smile to give you all today. I figured why not both? You can NEVER have too many smiles...



Hope you are enjoying the Fall season so far!!! I must admit I did enjoy spreading the Fall cheer this year with some home-made apple crisp.

Happy Friday!!!


Room Reno-ing

We have finally started to get the house ready for a new baby. I mean, we've been chipping away but now I see major project-y things starting to get accomplished. Old trim is down, new trim painted. Closet organizers being designed and put in. Material picked out. Paint on the walls. We are making nice head way. Good news since I'm nearly 34 weeks! We decided to move the girls (AH-ha "the girls" - Sounds perfect) into their own rooms which means we switched Hazel's bedroom. Here is a shot of our spare bedroom before...


Will post after pics when we are done. No worries!


In other news....BUBBLES!!!!

An activity that mommy actually still has the energy for past 3:30 in the afternoon. Also, I love FALL. Not sure if I have ever mentioned that before.




Oh and also...Is it Wednesday already?

Enjoy your week...


IG Monday

We had a great weekend! Productive on the home-front AND visiting with family from out of town. The kind of weekend that I wish I had the energy to get my camera out for. There were so many moments that I found myself dreaming for the ability to perform telekinesis and that my camera would just come to me. Or even a "Go-Go-Gadget Arm" would have done the trick. Anyway...FAIL!!! I have no pics since I have no superpowers nor did I have the energy to get the camera and well...FAIL (IG is going to have to do for now).


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If you want to follow us on IG our user name is Chasing_Hazel. Or check out our Facebook page, Chasing Hazel here.


The nesting process has officially begun, starting with big projects like siding the house and purging unnecessary furniture to make room for two bedroom renos with a crib in each. I remember the days not too long ago when I thought we would NEVER have 1 crib, never mind 2. So incredibly shocking where our life has ended up. Needless to say, I am one tired little girl today. Mama needs a rest!!!


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We would love to hear some of your favourite moments from this weekend. What did you do to celebrate life?