Happy "Whip and Nae Nae" Friday

Yes the Whip and Nae Nae has fully taken over both my children's lives. They are obsessed. They wake up and ask for it, they ask for it over breakfast, after breakfast, over lunch, after naps, before dinner, during dinner....Well I think I am making my point. One would think that I would be completely repulsed by this song at this point.


I love it. I love it because I get to watch this happen. Every. Single. Time.

Tell me you don't love it.

I dare you!!! Y'all want to go and listen right now I know it.  When it's over, this is her asking for "more" 

This sweet face I couldn't resist. Gah!!!!! I know BEST FRIDAY POST in a while right?!!!!

Hope everyone had a great week getting back to school and starting new routines. 

Happiest of Birthdays - Friday Edition

I just want to leave this week by saying this... There are days in our home where I feel like my head is going to explode with frustration, it's all I can do to keep myself in check. Where Hazel can find the energy and emotion to stage a 45 minute meltdown (like what the?), is completely beyond my scope. And Nola MUST. CLIMB. EVERYTHING. All Day. I must always have something to offer her. A peace offering if you will. Like a cookie, or a drink, or a song, or a toy that's not a toy (kwim?), it's totally irrational.

The girls are hungry, but NO they aren't hungry for THAT.

Pick me UP!!

NO put me DOWN!


There are days when bodily functions pretty much steer my actions for the entire day. Moments where I have to say out loud, "Is that chocolate or poo?" Times where I've had to throw girls in the bath because I am just not 100% sure of the answer to aforementioned question. For example. Here's a text I sent to Matt this week (please don't mistake this as Hazel having any gains in the potty department - we are still at the VERY beginning stages)




There are days, a lot of days, where there's this.


Their love is growing in the most beautiful way. There's lots of laughing fits, hugging, kissing, dancing, chasing, steamrolling and dive-bombing.





I know it was Hazel's birthday but Nola was so excited about it. We must have done the song and the candle 10 times.





All the meltdowns, panic, cleaning, crying and irrational behaviour is just FILLER until I get to the next moments like these.

They are a dream.



Happy Friday.


Happy Friday!!!

Hey Y'all just a quick one today. Same pic that's on our IG feed and Facebook page. I couldn't help it. IMG_7423


Hope this sweetness makes you smile today!!

Trust me they're not always this sweet. As a matter of fact Hazel bit Nola pretty hard this morning on the finger. To be fair, I am not 100% convinced Hazel knew it was going to hurt but there were tears. Lots and lots of tears. Spirits were very low. Nola couldn't believe it happened and Hazel was very upset that she hurt Nola. It was quite sad for both of them actually. After I immediately scolded Hazel for the cruel act, I realized she had no idea that it would hurt. The look on Hazel's face nearly broke my heart. She could barely utter the words "sorry." Needless to say, I can barely think of it without feeling the heart break again and again. Anyhow... #reallifewithsensitivekids

The moments they hug and kiss get me through the times of disaster...



Have a great weekend!!!



Happy Friday!

I'm pulling one from the archives this Friday!!! I just love this devilish grin. I get to wake up to this (almost) everyday. Sometimes they are just plain old HANGRY in the morning. What's HANGRY, you ask? Well, it's the condition that occurs when you are so extremely "hungry" you are "angry." HANGRY!!!

I wish I could take credit for the invention of this term but I have to give it to cousin Annie. You see, her and I both suffer from this very serious condition. My kids MUST have, obviously, gotten it from her. Right?!




We finally got a tree the other day and I must admit, something about having the tree up makes the Holiday feel that much more real. The scent of evergreen doesn't hurt either.

These next few pics are from our IG feed. I love LOOOOOOOVE them. They are our first Christmas-y photos of the season (besides the Santa visit that is...YIKES!)





If you come to our house any night of the week past about 6:30 - 7ish, you will almost always find naked - or at the very least - half naked children. Because, you know what? I have probably taken those pants on and off about 20 times by then. Don't judge me!


Happy Friday!!!

What can I tell you? We have been having a lot of mom-i'm-gonna-lose-my-s@#t moments around here. You know the ones where they pause for a second, look you straight in the eye, assess the situation, evaluate your emotional state and still go ahead and decide that grunting, growling, thrashing, and screaming is somehow the right choice? Yeah THAT!!!

Thankfully, we have also been having lots of those moments where you literally want to pinch yourself because you think you are dreaming. The girls are CONSTANTLY making us laugh, like always. Nola is really funny, like really. They copy everything the other one does and they both have taken to watching The Voice. It's not uncommon for us to have that show on very loud and the girls dancing and singing along. Evr'ry NIGHT!!!!

Anyway, I'm throwing this Friday back to a 7 month old baby Hazel that was just recovering from open heart surgery. If you are new here, feel free to read more about her VSD surgery here.


Fact for DSAM:

Lots of babies with Down syndrome are born with heart defects like VSD or AVSD (just to name a couple). Modern medicine has made it easier for these children to get the medical attention and repairs they need to fix these defects and let them lead healthy lives. Hazel was lucky to have had her VSD repair young. She's good as new!!!





Happy Friday everyone!!!

Happy "100th" Friday!!!






I CAN NOT believe it's been this many Friday's since I started documenting our life with Hazel. What's more insane, is to think now we have 2 littles to call our own. Unbelievable!!! It astounds me everyday (yes even on the hard days) just how blessed that we have been with our 2 little miracles.

Even more so, I am so honoured to have a space where I can share our journey with you. The way that you've embraced Hazel for the little girl that she's becoming. Yeah - sure - she has Down syndrome but that certainly doesn't define her. It's just a small part of what makes her who she is and who she will grow to be. I enjoy sharing her triumphs and tribulations with you.



You have been with us for 100 Friday's!!!

That's gotta be a milestone in our relationship. 100 pics of Hazel (and Nola too). 100 smiles. I want you to know that nothing makes me happier than imagining the 100 smiles that have landed on YOUR faces in the past 100 Fridays. It really is the least that I can do for you...

You, who takes the time to follow our girl.

You, who makes space in your heart to love her.

You, who has accepted something new and different into your life.

You, who have always supported me while I try to change negative opinions and stigmas about Down syndrome.

You, who see Hazel for the determined little girl that she is.

You, who spread the joy and love that children have to offer us.

And most important...For every person that has opened their minds and hearts up to those with Down syndrome, because of the interest you have taken in Hazel.


Thank you so much for being a part of the change, for allowing me to educate and advocate for my little girl. Please help me to continue to spread awareness for the next 100 Fridays.





Happy 100th Friday to you!!!

Happy Friday!!!

The weather has been perfect these days. Just enough rain to water the plants, just enough sun and heat to be able to bring the kids out and enjoy the fresh air. I am so much more pleasant to be around when the sun is shining (in my opinion). Hazel likes to open the screen door and let herself out when she feels like it. So, we pretty much keep the door closed at all times. But, her face when she thinks she's smarter than us...priceless.

This week I'm sharing a little NOLA love. She's gotta be the happiest baby I have ever met. Her smile is so big her whole body goes stiff. Legs and arms are goin' every which way. Ughhhh...It's just way too much for me. I scoop her up, squeeze her and kiss her like a thousand times a day.




Hope you all enjoy your weekend. Happy Friday!!!!



Happy Saturday!

Hey y'all!!! (I just got finished watching Friday Night Lights and now I'm on to Nashville, soooooooo expect lots of "Y'all ing" from now on) We are back after some minor technical difficulties. Hope you are all enjoying whatever it is you enjoy on the weekends.

For us it's sunshine, BBQs with friends, yard work, a buddy walk, a birthday and lovin' on the girls. Also, we are keeping dear friends of our in our hearts this weekend and the days to come. They lost their father suddenly over this past week. We will be praying for you.






Happy Saturday!!!

Happy Friday!

I know...I know... A whole week has gone by and not ONE post. Sorry!!!

This Friday's pic makes my LIFE!!! It also shows exactly why I have not been able to post. Although not for the best reason, we have had some family in town. My grandfather is ill and he needed the family to pull together and be present for a couple of days.

We did just that. All the cousins spent an entire day just being present. We laid on picnic blankets, blew bubbles, went for walks, listened to Nonno muster every ounce of energy he had to sing opera to us, pulled out old records of Nonno singing opera back in the 1950s (My Nonna and Nonno have had quite the history together. There love story is remarkable - REMARKABLE). We cooked and drank and ate - TOGETHER. It was just what the doctor ordered. By the end of the first day Nonno turned around for the better. He still has good days and bad but we were able to turn the bad into good. And we will keep on doing what we have to do to make sure all the rest of his days are the best that they can be.



These munchkins....I die



Happy Friday all!!! Seize the Day and all that.

Happy Friday!!!

Another week has come and gone. Sometimes as the weeks pass our kids enter into good phases. Cute phases. This week Hazel has decided to start waking up at 4 am (ish). So that's super fun. It's one of the cutest phases ever! (NOPE - NOT AT ALL). On the other hand, Nola is finally starting to see that she doesn't NEED to eat every 3 to 4 hours through the night. Small victories... Anyway... It's Friday. Friday to a long weekend. That's something right?

Hazel thinks so...




Have a good one everyone! I'm going to get a(nother) cup of coffee...