Happy "Whip and Nae Nae" Friday

Yes the Whip and Nae Nae has fully taken over both my children's lives. They are obsessed. They wake up and ask for it, they ask for it over breakfast, after breakfast, over lunch, after naps, before dinner, during dinner....Well I think I am making my point. One would think that I would be completely repulsed by this song at this point.


I love it. I love it because I get to watch this happen. Every. Single. Time.

Tell me you don't love it.

I dare you!!! Y'all want to go and listen right now I know it.  When it's over, this is her asking for "more" 

This sweet face I couldn't resist. Gah!!!!! I know BEST FRIDAY POST in a while right?!!!!

Hope everyone had a great week getting back to school and starting new routines. 

A girl's first haircut

Turns out your child's first hair cut is a big deal. Who knew? After a really long few months trapped at home. Hazel and Mommy were able to get out for haircuts. Desperately needed for both of us!


I suppose I should mention that immediately after I took this photo, Hazel realized there was a huge salon, with lots to see and do.

She was gone.


I spent about 15 minutes literally "chasing hazel" around. She found out where the music was coming from and went to stand in front of the speaker to dance. She went to each hair stylist's station to check out what they were doing.


She watched as the clients got their hair washed and rinsed (sometimes adding in a private dance just for them). It was busy. And hilarious. Literally everyone in the salon was smiling along with her.


She was really very good about sitting in the chair. Thank you iPad!!! You helped me to not look like a complete failure at the salon (or wait - did I look like a bigger failure BECAUSE of the iPad? One can never tell exactly how they are failing these days).



Baby's girls first snips...



Bless our hair stylist, Rob at Cabello. A long time friend of the family who is amazing at his job. Love his whole fam!!!



She was helping...




This is the best pic I could get of the final product.



This last pic. Well, it could NOT be more perfect. "Hazel where's your hair?" She was obvi cool with showing us but she wasn't about to stop watching her shows. Sooooooooo...



Love it. Such a great time with my girl. And yes my mom had to come and help. So between the iPad and my moms help, I had total control of my 2 year old in the salon - I really am the best! You guys would have to try really hard to have it all together like me. Or you can just borrow my mom anytime you want....HA!!!! That's my strategy. Don't knock it...