Happy "Whip and Nae Nae" Friday

Yes the Whip and Nae Nae has fully taken over both my children's lives. They are obsessed. They wake up and ask for it, they ask for it over breakfast, after breakfast, over lunch, after naps, before dinner, during dinner....Well I think I am making my point. One would think that I would be completely repulsed by this song at this point.


I love it. I love it because I get to watch this happen. Every. Single. Time.

Tell me you don't love it.

I dare you!!! Y'all want to go and listen right now I know it.  When it's over, this is her asking for "more" 

This sweet face I couldn't resist. Gah!!!!! I know BEST FRIDAY POST in a while right?!!!!

Hope everyone had a great week getting back to school and starting new routines. 

Nola Granola

Its been a while since I have done an update on the girls here. If you follow us on IG than you are pretty much caught up. If not that's cool, I will fill you in. Nola is naughty and Hazel is an angel. 


Ok no but seriously, in the event that I get these pages printed as I have done in the past, I would like to make sure I keep up to date on our crazy lives with our growing girls.


This girl is the life of the party - ALL THE TIME. She's not shy - AT ALL (which is kinda unsettling). She always has a kind smile and greeting to share with anyone she meets. She waves and says "HHIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" and then looks at me and says, "she says HI!" with a huge proud grin. She requires very little time, in fact it's borderline inappropriate, to climb on just about anyone's lap that may have something to offer her (sometimes a hug will do - other times it's read her a book, or give her your lipstick, keys and/or phone, with a preference for all 3 obvi). She's what one may call an extrovert.

This girl loves to be out and about and she has a serious case of Fear Of Missing Out. For the love of God, please keep her involved in every single thing that goes on around her at all times. Don't ever let her hear you insinuate she is a baby, cause she's not guys. Typical second child. Any time she knows we are going in the car she's a happy camper. Doesn't matter where we go as long as the car ride isn't too far. Then look out. She not a great traveller at the moment on account of the fear of missing out. Refusal to nap in the car or stroller is at an all time high.

Her favourite activities are pretty much every single thing, unless it involves water splashing on her - then she's OUT! Lately we have been going for walks in the evenings, meaning we all walk. Well, except for Nola. She runs. And her run makes MY LIFE. It's probably the one single thing she does that causes me the most joy. Her little body moves so quick in this bouncy, uncoordinated like manner while she's on her tippy-toes. Knees going up as far as they can and her arms and hands are help up by her shoulders just following the rest of her bouncy little self. She gets going pretty quick. It's amazing!!! #purejoy

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Her favourite songs are "Hey Mama" by David and Nickki M and "Sisters, sisters" A White Christmas soundtrack. There are many others but these 2 stand apart from the rest. She knows the lyrics by heart. Katie Perry's "Roar" coming in at a close 2nd, but she thinks Kevin Hart sings it due to the Jimmy Fallon Lip sync segment. There's alway music playing. Her and Hazel are always dancing and singing - LIKE ALWAYS!!! 

Alright!!!! Enough ramblings about my genius daughter and all her crazy skills (ahem).

Really all I want to remember about her is her crazy sass, her ability to hear something once and store it in her little brain. She's been in the pool a handful of times and has a some serious swimming skills. I love her love of music and ice cream and popsicles. How much she adores her family - with a special LOVE for Hazel. How she watches Baby Signing Time like it's her job. How her food choices never cease to amaze me (she ate a shawarma the other day). The way she shows affection is quite forceful - we call it the Spider Monkey - so you can imagine what that looks like. The way she freaks out in the evenings about a half hour before bed because she want to sit on my lap and watch TV and/or read books. The way she is fearless but not really. She always tries to not be scared but then she is. The way she sings/screams 'Happy Birthday' a thousand times a day and it's always Hazels Birthday. The way she tries to coax Hazel out of a bad mood by singing to her or offering her toys she might like.

The way she loves so fiercely, laughs loudly, hugs tenderly, meltdown quickly, does anything for a laugh, her general love of life, her insistence on being independent and the way she views each new day as an opportunity to have fun.

For 21 months she has been throwing down the same attitude and zest for life. I am quite certain it is not about to change now. Every single day is a new adventure with this child. Sometimes it's laughter and dancing and other times it's screaming and injury. Either way, when I brush the cobwebs off in the morning I can't wait to see what she has in store for me. I know for sure when I open her bedroom door she will be there to greet me with her raspy little voice and the highest pitch "Hiiiiiiiiii" and "moooornnnning" that she can possibly muster. And every single day I turn to a pile of mush, smile, walk over to her, scoop her up and kiss her neck. It's anyone's guess how the rest of the day will go but at that moment, it's perfect.

The Family Circus

Wasn't there a comic strip named the family circus? I think I vaguely remember it. One sec… going to Google it.

Yes there was… (photo curtesy of KingFeatures.com). 

Ok so why do I bring this up you ask? What does the title of todays post actually mean? Here it goes...

We have become the Family Circus!!!!

It's us. Except for we only have 2 children, which seems weird with the precursor "only" because I feel like we have 10 kids. Especially when we are outside, which is particularly when we become the family circus. Lately our neighbors have had the pleasure and luxury of watching us try to wrangle our children in somewhat of a heard (Nico in tow) while we are out taking our evening walks. You know the ones that "tire the kids out"? Yeah, the ones that end up tiring out the grown ups - YUP those. 

Indulge me. So we are outside walking on the street (we literally have zero traffic) and our children are free to run where they please - within reason. By "reason" in this case I mean, whichever direction they choose, any driveway of their choice and their favorite of all, the neighbors front porches. They run, they walk, Nola does this weird runny, bouncy, tip-toey, swingy thing when she's moving (to the best of my knowledge it's 'running'). Thanks goodness our neighbors are more like a big family and they are all smiles when the kids pop up on their porches. It does concern me a little when we walk on the other streets in our neighborhood and they attempt to visit those porches. No one has come out with a shot gun yet so #winning.

SEEEEEEEE - FAMILY CIRCUS!!!! Someone call Barnum & Bailey. If you want to see the act it starts around 6:30 with only 1 showing per evening cause the trainers are too tired to offer a second show. NO encore!

Other than all that fun and trying desperately in between rain storms to clean up our yard, we have managed to have some fun. It's rained so much this year that our choices are stay inside - which is a NO GO for me - or to just go and play in the rain.

Hazel and I had so much fun outside splashing in the puddles, running up and down the street, the neighbors even came out to smile and and laugh along with us (while staying dry). It reminded me of being a kid again. We used to have this tiny ditch in front of our neighbors house that would fill with water almost every storm. If you needed us, thats where we would be. None of us had swimming pools so the dirty, muddy, 1 foot ditch was perfect for us. If I do my job right as a mom, I'm hoping my kids will have that same memory to carry with them as adults. 

I'm not sure but I think we #nailedit. So. Much. Fun!!!

Nola is not really the type to shy away from a mess. As you can see here...

I LOVE how she doesn't think dirt is gross yet. She just wants to play. I, of course, knowing that it's dirt immediately react by taking her out and try to get her interested in something else. Until I remember that it's just dirt, she doesn't know it's not really for playing. What if she wants to become a geologist, or an archeologist, or a gardner, who am I to tell her dirt is gross.

Have at it little one - become who you are going to become. I promise to try not to let who I've become get in your way.

I think I might need reminding along the way but I promise to try my best.

They adore this little area we built for them in the back yard. They know it's for them. They LOVE that it's for them.

She thinks it's really hilarious when she splashes me with water. Like really HILARIOUS!!!

I have a couple more pics of this little devilish grin, but I thought I would save them for Friday. Yes they get better, and more devilish. I'm in trouble.

Have a great week everyone!!!

A girl's first haircut

Turns out your child's first hair cut is a big deal. Who knew? After a really long few months trapped at home. Hazel and Mommy were able to get out for haircuts. Desperately needed for both of us!


I suppose I should mention that immediately after I took this photo, Hazel realized there was a huge salon, with lots to see and do.

She was gone.


I spent about 15 minutes literally "chasing hazel" around. She found out where the music was coming from and went to stand in front of the speaker to dance. She went to each hair stylist's station to check out what they were doing.


She watched as the clients got their hair washed and rinsed (sometimes adding in a private dance just for them). It was busy. And hilarious. Literally everyone in the salon was smiling along with her.


She was really very good about sitting in the chair. Thank you iPad!!! You helped me to not look like a complete failure at the salon (or wait - did I look like a bigger failure BECAUSE of the iPad? One can never tell exactly how they are failing these days).



Baby's girls first snips...



Bless our hair stylist, Rob at Cabello. A long time friend of the family who is amazing at his job. Love his whole fam!!!



She was helping...




This is the best pic I could get of the final product.



This last pic. Well, it could NOT be more perfect. "Hazel where's your hair?" She was obvi cool with showing us but she wasn't about to stop watching her shows. Sooooooooo...



Love it. Such a great time with my girl. And yes my mom had to come and help. So between the iPad and my moms help, I had total control of my 2 year old in the salon - I really am the best! You guys would have to try really hard to have it all together like me. Or you can just borrow my mom anytime you want....HA!!!! That's my strategy. Don't knock it...


Well Hello There...

Ahem - Well here we are... It's been a while...Ahem (insert me awkwardly "looking-down-kicking-the-dirt" image here)

You seem different - did you change your hair? No - Ok - Well you look nice.

I'm sorry baby - I swear I wasn't blogging somewhere else...


After what has been a long uncomfortable silence for us (on account of me having 2 children that demand pretty much every  second of my day) I have returned. If even for only a fleeting moment, a brief whisper in the wind, I have come back to you. I hope our relationship is strong enough to withstand such a long pause.

I digress...



Coming into the new year on Chasing Hazel sharing some of my favourite moments of 2014 so far.


1. Very Serious Shadow Play


I adore that Hazel still loves to chat and dance with her shadow. The weather has not been cooperating lately in terms of sunny days and these opportunities for her to interact with her shadow are few and far between. I try to soak it all in when the sun shines in. We have been held captive in the house this winter. Partly because we have a newborn and partly because the temperatures have been lower than they have been in years.





2. Play Date with Nanny K

We drank coffee (not Hazel - or Nanny K - just mommy I guess...well it was perfect), we read books, we had a dance party and we threw tissue paper. The pictures speak for themselves.

Hazel's face...





Best. Visit. Ever.


3. This...



I wish I could report that Hazel is infatuated with her sister, but to tell you the truth she really couldn't care less. She doesn't like when sissy cries, or when one of her limbs uncontrollably reaches out and touches Hazel anywhere. For Hazel, Nola doesn't bring much to the table. She just goes about her day as if sissy didn't exist.

BUT every once in a while, like an eclipse, this moment happens. And my mama heart explodes - literally - explodes with love.


Nola is absolutely head-over-heals, in unconditional love with Hazel. Her face lights up when she can even just get a glimpse of Hazel. She insists on being propped up so that she can watch when daddy and Hazel wrestle, she wants to witness the dance parties that are happening always, and she especially wants to be sitting at the dinner table with us while we eat (we certainly have learned to do a lot with only 1 hand).

You can see it in Nola's eyes. She knows. She chose us. She chose Hazel.


Our cup runneth over...my friends.


4. Late Nights with Nola

It is not uncommon for Matt and I to say goodnight to Hazel, gather Nola and jump into bed. We start the late evening chats with our girl where she gets 100% of our attention. Between her uncontrollable cuteness, the smiles, the new cooing sounds of a new babe and The Good Wife on Netflix, our nights shape up to be quite ideal.




I hope the new year is treating you all kindly.


Random Park Day (nothin' wrong with that sentence)

This happened a while ago, BUT since we are STILL waiting (at 40.3 weeks) for our new little joiner, I thought I would share it now anyway. For those of us where the weather is just about turning from fall to winter, I hope it brings a bit of warmth and sunshine to your days.

There is nothing like a spur of the moment decision to spend some time with cousins at the park. Oh and to also have ice cream for lunch. Hey sometimes you gotta!








My heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw this pic...



and this...







Here's to hoping we meet a baby girl soon!!!



Happy Flashback Friday!!

Just feeling slightly nostalgic as I wait for this new little girl to join us. I have been trying to remember what it's like to have a new, tiny, little baby to snuggle with. Seems a bit surreal that Hazel was ever that small. Indeed she was...only 4.5 lbs at one point. Here are some of the original smiles for this Happy Friday!!!




And some IG...Feel free to follow us at user name Chasing_Hazel.


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Have a great weekend everyone!!!

A Quick "Hello"


While our heads are still spinning from an action packed weekend (which means it's going to take me a bit to settle in with new pics and posts for the blog), I thought I would share our very few IG moments from this weekend.


Note: The chubby little leg you see crawling under the drawer is Archer, Hazel's cousin. He went in the front and out the side, complaining about his decision the whole time. He really does think he is a big boy at barely 9 months. In the end, he worked it out and came out unscathed, only emotional scars remain.


Note #2: The pic of Hazel laying on the deck was the result of her trying to climb up onto the couch, which she successfully did in the bottom left pic. No physical injury came as a result, but she was emotionally scarred that the couch had forsaken her.


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Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!!


"Festivus" in July

Here are some of the memories we made this summer. July has been kind to us so far. Allowing us to spend time together as a little family and time with our big family. We are grateful to be able to have the opportunity to share gorgeous days with people we love.  

We have been celebrating Hazel and how healthy and happy she is a year after her heart surgery.

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Her favourite snack is ice cream. She tried licking it out of the cone, until she realized it was faster to just hold the cone with one hand and use her fingers to dig the rest out.

Also, she thinks she is HYSTERICAL when she sneaks up behind you and jumps on your back. She starts laughing from the minute the idea gets into her head, even if you are far away from her. She just laughs her way over, climbs up and laughs harder.

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Hazel's cousin, Emilia, turned 8.



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I love the look of the 4 girls sitting all together at the table (even though Hazel is really starting to look like a big girl).

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A great poolside family get together.




Hazel's spends so much time talking to the baby in the reflection. It's one of her favourite things to do outside. She sits in front of the patio doors and talks, sways, stands up, sits down - pretty much everything she knows how to do she does.



Also, she likes Popsicles. THE FACE!



Hope you are all enjoying summer so far!



Happy "guaranteed-to-make-you-smile" Friday

These pics are sure to make you smile today. Especially this first one. Biggest smile EVER captured on camera by my sister-in-law. Priceless!!!!




Hazel's cousin, Emilia, had her 8th birthday this week. Happy Birthday Emi!!! Hazel had nothing but love, hugs and kisses for her big cousin (and maybe just a little drool - sorry Em). The girls were adorable together (more pics of her special day to come).



Hope you had a great birthday Emi!!!



Happy Friday everyone!!!



These girls...

Let me just preface by saying, "I'm not complaining..." BUT, it's so hot outside right now that between a pregnant belly and an under 2 year old, we are feeling pretty trapped inside these days. I know it could be worse, I know!!! We are lucky to not have hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes. All I'm sayin' is, I wanna go outside with my girl!

Back when it was nice enough to be outside (which was only like two weeks ago - ok - I guess maybe I'm complaining a bit. Feel free to stop reading and just look at the pics in this post), Hazel visited with her fwend Allie.

Such a beautiful little girl, reminds me so much of her mama. I thought I would post a couple pics of Allie for those who are wondering how much she has grown over the past while.





Tell me her mama isn't with her all the time? I am not this good of a photographer.





These girls together just make everything feel right. I feel connected to Apryl. I feel so much peace just having them in the same room together. It's like therapy for me. They just make sense.

Singin' some songs...



Sharin' some popsicles...




It was great to see you Allie Belle...Love you!


We have been busy making some great memories this summer. Visiting with family and close friends. I will post some pics soon. They are some of the best ones I've seen yet!

Hope you are enjoying the weather...where ever you are!!!


Happy Friday!!!

I know this pic isn't great quality but I LOVE it!!! Hope you are all enjoying your week. Thank you so much to those of you took the time to read our last post about educating other children about Down syndrome. I was so happy to hear from those of you who provided feedback about the new series that I am going to attempt on the blog. I hope I can do it justice and provide you all with some useful resources. Please feel free to share any and all ideas that you have found helpful.

Also, thank you for sharing the image of Hazel on your social media outlets. We really do appreciate all your love and support.




Happy Friday!!!


Happy Friday!!!

We have been doing a lot of this in the backyard this week. Temperatures outdoors are leaving us no choice but to let Hazel be free and have fun in the water. Oh well...  

You should see her smile when she falls back and makes a huge splash. Awesome!!!



I'm excited for everyone who just started their summer vacations. Hope you have some really fun things planned with your families, friends and pets!!!

Hope you all had a great week. Happy Friday!!!



Just a quick post today to catch up on some of the IG that's been happening. I truly LOVE IG!!! It's such a great way to connect with other mamas, watch their beautiful kids grow and see what fills their days. It's a big ol' family!!! Not much going on around here. Some spring cleaning, some walking outside, playing with our girl and celebrating birthdays with friends and family. Feel free to check out our Facebook page, Chasing Hazel, for more updates on Hazel.

Hope you all are enjoying your week!!!

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Until next time...



We're Baaaaaaack!!!

I hope all of you very loyal Chasing Hazel readers have not given up on us!!! I think that was the longest I have gone without posting since this blog was created. I am sorry for our absence, but sometimes vacations are necessary (especially when you are growing a tiny human). I will post some pics from our world travels soon. Also, I will post some pics of what shenanigans Hazel is up to now-a-days.

We celebrated Mim's birthday with the family. Happy Birthday!!! Love you Mim!!!



I LOVE this pic of Daddy and Hazel. Nothing like a silhouette pic to get the emotional juices flowing?



Before we left we were enjoying the nice weather, as well as EVERY POSSIBLE SECOND we could with our girl before we left. Honestly, I think the cab driver that took us to the airport thought I was losing it. Lots and lots of tears.




Hope you are enjoying the weather where ever you are!!! Never been happier to be home. More thoughts on that to come.


Peace & Love



Daddy LOVE

I ACTUALLY captured this on camera. It's my latest obsession. These 2 are so ridiculously in love. I can't stand it! Her face lights up when he walks through the door. Any door. Any time.

I just love the way they are looking at each other, her naked little chest and her unicorn-like pony tail.





I am not going to tarnish these photos by pointing out that Hazel literally pushes me out of the way to get to him at times. Or the fact that she has also been doing the same thing with my mother. I could write this post with very bitter undertones, but I am going to choose to celebrate that my daughter has formed strong bonds with the other caregivers in her life and that she does not ONLY RELY ON ME for anything, EVER!

I mean, it's good that she is comfortable with them, right? RIGHT!?


Gratitude & Peace