Nola Granola
/Its been a while since I have done an update on the girls here. If you follow us on IG than you are pretty much caught up. If not that's cool, I will fill you in. Nola is naughty and Hazel is an angel.
Ok no but seriously, in the event that I get these pages printed as I have done in the past, I would like to make sure I keep up to date on our crazy lives with our growing girls.
This girl is the life of the party - ALL THE TIME. She's not shy - AT ALL (which is kinda unsettling). She always has a kind smile and greeting to share with anyone she meets. She waves and says "HHIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" and then looks at me and says, "she says HI!" with a huge proud grin. She requires very little time, in fact it's borderline inappropriate, to climb on just about anyone's lap that may have something to offer her (sometimes a hug will do - other times it's read her a book, or give her your lipstick, keys and/or phone, with a preference for all 3 obvi). She's what one may call an extrovert.
This girl loves to be out and about and she has a serious case of Fear Of Missing Out. For the love of God, please keep her involved in every single thing that goes on around her at all times. Don't ever let her hear you insinuate she is a baby, cause she's not guys. Typical second child. Any time she knows we are going in the car she's a happy camper. Doesn't matter where we go as long as the car ride isn't too far. Then look out. She not a great traveller at the moment on account of the fear of missing out. Refusal to nap in the car or stroller is at an all time high.
Her favourite activities are pretty much every single thing, unless it involves water splashing on her - then she's OUT! Lately we have been going for walks in the evenings, meaning we all walk. Well, except for Nola. She runs. And her run makes MY LIFE. It's probably the one single thing she does that causes me the most joy. Her little body moves so quick in this bouncy, uncoordinated like manner while she's on her tippy-toes. Knees going up as far as they can and her arms and hands are help up by her shoulders just following the rest of her bouncy little self. She gets going pretty quick. It's amazing!!! #purejoy
Her favourite songs are "Hey Mama" by David and Nickki M and "Sisters, sisters" A White Christmas soundtrack. There are many others but these 2 stand apart from the rest. She knows the lyrics by heart. Katie Perry's "Roar" coming in at a close 2nd, but she thinks Kevin Hart sings it due to the Jimmy Fallon Lip sync segment. There's alway music playing. Her and Hazel are always dancing and singing - LIKE ALWAYS!!!
Alright!!!! Enough ramblings about my genius daughter and all her crazy skills (ahem).
Really all I want to remember about her is her crazy sass, her ability to hear something once and store it in her little brain. She's been in the pool a handful of times and has a some serious swimming skills. I love her love of music and ice cream and popsicles. How much she adores her family - with a special LOVE for Hazel. How she watches Baby Signing Time like it's her job. How her food choices never cease to amaze me (she ate a shawarma the other day). The way she shows affection is quite forceful - we call it the Spider Monkey - so you can imagine what that looks like. The way she freaks out in the evenings about a half hour before bed because she want to sit on my lap and watch TV and/or read books. The way she is fearless but not really. She always tries to not be scared but then she is. The way she sings/screams 'Happy Birthday' a thousand times a day and it's always Hazels Birthday. The way she tries to coax Hazel out of a bad mood by singing to her or offering her toys she might like.
The way she loves so fiercely, laughs loudly, hugs tenderly, meltdown quickly, does anything for a laugh, her general love of life, her insistence on being independent and the way she views each new day as an opportunity to have fun.
For 21 months she has been throwing down the same attitude and zest for life. I am quite certain it is not about to change now. Every single day is a new adventure with this child. Sometimes it's laughter and dancing and other times it's screaming and injury. Either way, when I brush the cobwebs off in the morning I can't wait to see what she has in store for me. I know for sure when I open her bedroom door she will be there to greet me with her raspy little voice and the highest pitch "Hiiiiiiiiii" and "moooornnnning" that she can possibly muster. And every single day I turn to a pile of mush, smile, walk over to her, scoop her up and kiss her neck. It's anyone's guess how the rest of the day will go but at that moment, it's perfect.