Well Hello There...

Ahem - Well here we are... It's been a while...Ahem (insert me awkwardly "looking-down-kicking-the-dirt" image here)

You seem different - did you change your hair? No - Ok - Well you look nice.

I'm sorry baby - I swear I wasn't blogging somewhere else...


After what has been a long uncomfortable silence for us (on account of me having 2 children that demand pretty much every  second of my day) I have returned. If even for only a fleeting moment, a brief whisper in the wind, I have come back to you. I hope our relationship is strong enough to withstand such a long pause.

I digress...



Coming into the new year on Chasing Hazel sharing some of my favourite moments of 2014 so far.


1. Very Serious Shadow Play


I adore that Hazel still loves to chat and dance with her shadow. The weather has not been cooperating lately in terms of sunny days and these opportunities for her to interact with her shadow are few and far between. I try to soak it all in when the sun shines in. We have been held captive in the house this winter. Partly because we have a newborn and partly because the temperatures have been lower than they have been in years.





2. Play Date with Nanny K

We drank coffee (not Hazel - or Nanny K - just mommy I guess...well it was perfect), we read books, we had a dance party and we threw tissue paper. The pictures speak for themselves.

Hazel's face...





Best. Visit. Ever.


3. This...



I wish I could report that Hazel is infatuated with her sister, but to tell you the truth she really couldn't care less. She doesn't like when sissy cries, or when one of her limbs uncontrollably reaches out and touches Hazel anywhere. For Hazel, Nola doesn't bring much to the table. She just goes about her day as if sissy didn't exist.

BUT every once in a while, like an eclipse, this moment happens. And my mama heart explodes - literally - explodes with love.


Nola is absolutely head-over-heals, in unconditional love with Hazel. Her face lights up when she can even just get a glimpse of Hazel. She insists on being propped up so that she can watch when daddy and Hazel wrestle, she wants to witness the dance parties that are happening always, and she especially wants to be sitting at the dinner table with us while we eat (we certainly have learned to do a lot with only 1 hand).

You can see it in Nola's eyes. She knows. She chose us. She chose Hazel.


Our cup runneth over...my friends.


4. Late Nights with Nola

It is not uncommon for Matt and I to say goodnight to Hazel, gather Nola and jump into bed. We start the late evening chats with our girl where she gets 100% of our attention. Between her uncontrollable cuteness, the smiles, the new cooing sounds of a new babe and The Good Wife on Netflix, our nights shape up to be quite ideal.




I hope the new year is treating you all kindly.


Comin' home

Sharing a few pics from the first 24 hours with our new little, Nola. n





We were on our way out the door a little over 24 hours after she arrived. Nothing like the feeling of going home to Hazel.

n3  n5


Hazel is really not sure what to make of her sister. She rubs her and says "nice" and kisses her. Then it's business as usual - books to be read, balls to be thrown, puzzles to be built and dancing to be done. Also, she has been sick so we have really had to limit the amount of touching. She still hasn't held her - I am dying to see it - DYING!!!!



Here is a side-by-side of the girls. Nola left and Hazel right. Hazel is a bit older than Nola in this pic but it was really hard to find a photo I could use from early on because of all the tubes and whatnot. Poor Baby Hazel. But look at her now!!!

They look like sisters to me...

PicMonkey Collage


Here's the pics of the day we left the hospital with both girls. Hazel left, Nola Right (my motherly instincts tell me she's upset. I'm super good at reading my kids - Ahem).

PicMonkey Collage1


Have a great week everyone!

Room Reno-ing

We have finally started to get the house ready for a new baby. I mean, we've been chipping away but now I see major project-y things starting to get accomplished. Old trim is down, new trim painted. Closet organizers being designed and put in. Material picked out. Paint on the walls. We are making nice head way. Good news since I'm nearly 34 weeks! We decided to move the girls (AH-ha "the girls" - Sounds perfect) into their own rooms which means we switched Hazel's bedroom. Here is a shot of our spare bedroom before...


Will post after pics when we are done. No worries!


In other news....BUBBLES!!!!

An activity that mommy actually still has the energy for past 3:30 in the afternoon. Also, I love FALL. Not sure if I have ever mentioned that before.




Oh and also...Is it Wednesday already?

Enjoy your week...