Room Reno-ing

We have finally started to get the house ready for a new baby. I mean, we've been chipping away but now I see major project-y things starting to get accomplished. Old trim is down, new trim painted. Closet organizers being designed and put in. Material picked out. Paint on the walls. We are making nice head way. Good news since I'm nearly 34 weeks! We decided to move the girls (AH-ha "the girls" - Sounds perfect) into their own rooms which means we switched Hazel's bedroom. Here is a shot of our spare bedroom before...


Will post after pics when we are done. No worries!


In other news....BUBBLES!!!!

An activity that mommy actually still has the energy for past 3:30 in the afternoon. Also, I love FALL. Not sure if I have ever mentioned that before.




Oh and also...Is it Wednesday already?

Enjoy your week...