Happy "Apple-Crispy" Friday

f1 K...so it's official.


I don't recall this "nesting type" feeling with Hazel so much. We did the practical "lets-get-a-room-ready-for-a-new-baby" type projects. You know a nursery, clothes, baskets of baby items that you have no idea what to do with at the time, stuff like that.

This time (and it could very well be the season. I find FALL brings out the bakey-crafty-projecty mood in people. Especially considering I'm a teacher. I am dying to do a craft with kids) I find I am into more "nesty" type activities. Like painting for instance. I want to paint everything, like everything. If we bought it for Hazel's room, it's in the garage waiting to be be painted. SOOOOOOO not like me. I prefer wood in its original form. I love the rustic feel, the colour, the grain and the smell. Apparently not at the moment. I glare at everything in sight wondering to myself what said object would look like if it was painted. Look out - Mama's on a mission.

Another example of this nesting I speak of is BAKING. I am not a girl who bakes usually. Cook...yes. I LOVE to cook. Baking is better left to the professionals. My aunt, my Nonna, my cousin, my mother-in-law, my mom - as long as it's not me.

However, my mom and I spent an entire day in the kitchen baking apple crisp. We, fortunately, were given the apples from my Zia. She has a beautiful home with LOTS of fruit trees.  This year she has more apples than she can possibly bake or eat herself. So we were put to the task to use as many as we could (#firstworldproblems). I DO NOT like to waste food.




Anyway, this post is becoming way more wordy than anticipated for a Friday post. So I leave you with the pics of the "nesting" that has been going on. As you can see by the fact that I decorated the containers for everyone...NESTING!!! The proof is right there!!! Anyone who knows me, knows this is just not something that happens.

I couldn't decide what smile to give you all today. I figured why not both? You can NEVER have too many smiles...



Hope you are enjoying the Fall season so far!!! I must admit I did enjoy spreading the Fall cheer this year with some home-made apple crisp.

Happy Friday!!!