Summer Has Gone - Part 2

The last bit of summer. I think I actually see the light. I might actually be up to date here shortly. An early Christmas miracle perhaps.  

Labour Day with the family.








Annual Venice dinner. I really hope this tradition stays alive. Such an amazing memory.

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A new face joined us this year for Venice dinner. Nola, you sweet little lamb. Welcome, my dear, welcome.

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I know they aren't smiling but I adore this pic. It's so them...




This next pic is just because she's beautiful...



So long summer. You were very kind.



Summer Has Come - Part 1


So this is that summer post I told you about. Lots of pics and not a lot of words. We had a blast. Enjoying the warm weather, sisters keeping mommy and daddy busy, visiting with friends, spending time with family, vacations, eating, playing, etc.


We had endless summer nights hanging around the house. Those nights where it just seemed like way too much to pack the girls up and go anywhere. So home we stayed. Lots of playing in the little pool and eating ice cream.



Oh yes...and helping daddy in the yard.



She got teeth, lots of teeth. BRUTAL!!!!

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Also, there's this #purejoy




Girlfriend needs to have either 2 sticks or 2 rocks in her hands at all times.




We took some time out to vacation at the cottage.



Girl's got the "Seguin eyebrow" down. I CAN NOT do it!!!!




I died during this interaction. DIED!!!!



We visited with dear friends that live in Australia. They had never met our girls before this trip but you would never know it the way our children carried on together. Like old mates. So much laughing, imitating, watching movies, and eating. Actually, I am pretty sure at some point there was an inflatable pool inside and the kids were all sitting in it. Amazing!



Meet Hazel's future husband...SWOON

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I can't tell you how happy the sight of these kids together makes me.

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Nola is really not taking kindly to chess...

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Acting out the movie Frozen. 1000 TIMES A DAY!!!!!

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THOMASSSSSS!!!!!! Xoxoxo... Nola is totally obsessed.






Can't remember where I left off

So much has happened since I last shared. Summer has come and gone and I literally have a million photos to sift through to try and organize some semblance of a blog post. Just know I am working on it. The goal is to get a well-rounded post of the entire summer. YIKES!!! I have my work cut out for me. Sometimes "blog-ations" (is that a thing? I'm sure it's a thing - right?!) are not worth it in the end. Especially when you are me and MUST. Document. Every. Freaking. Moment!!!!

Let's start with our summer on IG. Shall we?


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We got caught in the rain...good times!


Meet you back here shortly with a recap...I swear - I'm on it!!!!

That post I promised...

Just checking in. How are you all??? We are good...

Summer so far has been great. Lots and lots of family time, mixed in with visits with friends and play dates with the girls. Also, managing to get some projects done around the house. There has been a perfect balance of outings and trips with an equal amount of those days of staying home and just hanging with the girls. Nothing on the agenda except playing in the yard.

Still missing Nonno like crazy. Actually, noticing his absence even MORE as the day pass. It's such a strange thing to try to get used to when such a presence is no longer with us. Not sure if it ever feels normal.

Here are all the "smiley" photos from our family trip to Buckhorn Lake (the rest of the pics will come later).










See you back here in September. Starting off the return with Nola's birth story. Stay tuned...


It Not You - It's me...

Ok. Don't be mad. You're gonna be mad. Just hear me out... It's nothing you did, or said. It's me... YOU? You are perfect!

Although I love this space. I love sharing, writing and documenting, researching, reading comments and e-mails from readers...

I need a break.

With the passing of my Nonno and the simple fact that life just doesn't seem to be slowing down, I am really feeling the need to spend time with my girls. Without the social media distraction (except for IG of course). My motivation is definitely taking a hit here.

I might keep posting a few things here and there. Mostly just to continue documenting life for the girls to read one day. I will also be writing and getting new posts ready for the fall. Like a birth story for example. It's written, just needs a little editing and a few images. Not sure why they take me so long to post??? Anyway, trust me I will be quietly working away on a fresh bunch of posts. Just in time for us all to be ready to get a warm cup of coffee and settle in to those few moments we have to spare and catch up on your favourite little gal Hazel and her new side kick.



I leave you with a little update on our girl Hazel.


(all her photos look like this now. She runs toward the camera almost every time)

She has been growing and changing so SO much in her second year. Turning more and more into a little girl with an evolving personality. She is certainly enjoying exerting control over the decisions being made. Especially where food is concerned. Except I don't get the memo each day with the menu choices. I think she would literally just live on gold fish crackers, yogurt and tomatoes if I let her.

Yes, I give her gold fish crackers. No they are not gluten free, dairy free, organic, free range and whatever else food is supposed to be now-a-days. But the bonus about them is, she eats them. She doesn't whine, complain, throw them, waste them, and she can come up to me and ask specifically for "crackers."

SOLD!!!! Here ya go.

Look - I know what a healthy, holistic, well rounded diet should look like. And I also know what survival should look like. I'd like to think I am somewhere in between. Sometimes you just have to embrace processed cheese for what it is. A miracle. Hazel will eat anything with processed cheese on it.

Trust me when I say that Hazel will eat a huge variety of food. Fish, risotto, chicken, sausage, sandwiches, eggs (with spinach & kale), pasta, oatmeal, toast, hummus, potatoes and so much more. BUT...only when she is in the mood to eat said foods. If not...


I digress...


I would have to say that the biggest changes for her these last few months have been with her communication. She has literally become obsessed with Baby Signing Time (sign language DVDs). She comes out in the morning and is signing and saying "Baby - Time." I usually try to indulge her in her requests so she learns the basics of communication - ask and you shall receive. When she asks for anything, she pretty much gets it.


(signing cry)

Her vocabulary grows by the day, she is always willing to repeat everything and a great deal of what she says is in context. She will look through a picture book and I can hear her saying all the words she knows. Strawberry, ball, boat, grapes, apple, shoes, dog, cat, bear, socks, fish, banana, tomato, flower, orange, balloon, bubbles, etc.

Every day she carefully examines the books in her bin, thoughtfully chooses one, carries it across the room, hands me the book, slowly turns her little body around and lowers her bum onto my lap and we read. It's the best. I really enjoy the moments she is willing to sit still and read a book because a lot of the time lately she just wants to go go go.





(How much do I LOVE this??!!! This here is the reason I am taking a break. This is what is going to heal my soul. I am going to indulge in this)


I am so proud of how hard she tries to repeat my words, even though sometimes it sounds NOTHING like what I have said. Her determination and confidence to keep trying is all I could ever ask for. As long as she feels safe to try, I will always be proud. Let's face it. Hazel makes me proud. Everyday. She makes my heart proud.

Hazel also has this ability to make me annoyed, frustrated and wear down all my patience but you don't wanna hear about that now do you? 2 year olds...sigh.

For the next little while we are working on speech and communication, strengthening her hams and quads, and just enjoying the summer. Visiting with friends, swimming in pools, enjoying family dinners and indulging in a few more cottage trips (which I will share here eventually).



If you are really desperate for a Hazel fix you can find us on IG or follow our Facebook page. But for now, the blog is on summer holiday.


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I sincerely wish you all a great summer (or winter depending on where you are reading from). I will be thinking of you and hoping you find some time to spend with your families and friends.

Meet you back here in or around September-ish. You may see a random Friday post before then. I will try, I promise.

Will miss this guys. Lots of love and warm wishes.

Talk soon


Summer Lovin'

Here's some of what we've been up to lately. June flew by and it seems that July is going to be much the same. We are doing a lot of hanging around the house. Keeping it low key in between a few road trips. And honestly, it's just easier to stay close to home. The current schedule around here is no one sleeps at the same time. So, it's hard to leave when someone is always napping.

But this good enough for me.







I am loving watching her grow and explore more this summer.






These eyebrows are JUST ridiculous.




Ughhhhh....they are the BEST!!!!



Hope you are having fun and enjoying life.

Enjoying the last bits of summer

As we are heading into the fall season once again, I thought I would share some of our last wee bits of summer now. PicMonkey Collage1

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The family got together for a very much needed beach & boat day. It really was a perfect day to relax and enjoy each others company. The kids all had a blast playing at the beach, tubing and I think, they ate dinner in the hot tub. Rough life! Just the kind of life that kids need to have. Carefree and fun! Awesome, awesome day!!!


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Back at home, while the weather is still holding, we have been trying to get all the use we can out of this little pool. So low maintenance (for pregnant mommy) and so perfect for her to climb in and out when she wants. It wasn't until daddy came to play with us that I realized the pool had an added water feature.

Fun factor increased 10 fold!!!

Mommy Fail.


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So that's it. That's what the end of the summer looks like 'round these parts. I have a feeling a "Welcoming Fall" post will be in the making shortly.

Enjoy the last bits of the nice weather, where ever you all are!!!


"Festivus" in July

Here are some of the memories we made this summer. July has been kind to us so far. Allowing us to spend time together as a little family and time with our big family. We are grateful to be able to have the opportunity to share gorgeous days with people we love.  

We have been celebrating Hazel and how healthy and happy she is a year after her heart surgery.

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Her favourite snack is ice cream. She tried licking it out of the cone, until she realized it was faster to just hold the cone with one hand and use her fingers to dig the rest out.

Also, she thinks she is HYSTERICAL when she sneaks up behind you and jumps on your back. She starts laughing from the minute the idea gets into her head, even if you are far away from her. She just laughs her way over, climbs up and laughs harder.

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Hazel's cousin, Emilia, turned 8.



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I love the look of the 4 girls sitting all together at the table (even though Hazel is really starting to look like a big girl).

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A great poolside family get together.




Hazel's spends so much time talking to the baby in the reflection. It's one of her favourite things to do outside. She sits in front of the patio doors and talks, sways, stands up, sits down - pretty much everything she knows how to do she does.



Also, she likes Popsicles. THE FACE!



Hope you are all enjoying summer so far!