Thank You Buckhorn

Hello there.... It's been a while. Sad to say that summer has come and gone. I've been working on the blog a bit here and there. I'm thinking "blog reno." When I say, "I'm thinking" I mean the mastermind behind my webdesign is thinking it. But either way, I am on board. Just a little refresher after 2.5 years. Stay tuned...

Next post up will most likely be Nola's birth story, which I am super excited to share (insert jumpy claps here - I am so not a jumpy clap kinda gal but you get my point right?)

Ok - I gotta run. Both kids are trying to simultaneously trying to grab my coffee, the computer, my leg...wait for it....Nola is crying....

Here is one of the family trips we were very fortunate to have taken this summer.







Family vacation 2014 was spent on a quiet lake in Buckhorn.  The home we stayed in was in a perfect location, with the lake right in the backyard. We were treated to some beautiful sunsets while sitting on the back deck. The geese seemed to rather enjoy our backyard as well. I think we all left there a little scarred from the amount of poop that was on the lawn. YIKES!

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By the 3rd morning, Hazel had figured out which door led to her cousins who were waiting to chase her, dance with her, do her hair, and/or play with her (always up to Hazel to decide). As soon as her feet hit the ground she would walk to the door and try to escape to where all the fun was. And by fun, I mean Nana with a pack of Goldfish crackers and grapes (or again whatever else Hazel wanted).

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Hazel's first time fishing. She lasted about 3 whole minutes.

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First boat ride for the girls. Hazel loved it. Big smiles for the 10 minutes it lasted. About 5 minutes in she looked like she was going to fall asleep. Either that or motion sickness was starting to set in. On account of the fact that we are NOT gamblers, we turned the boat around and came right back.



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Nola was NOT a fan of the life jacket. The second it went on she stiffened up her whole body and it remained that way until we took it off. She cried a bit at first in protest and then realized it was staying on and just had a mizzy face on the whole time.

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Emi's special 9th birthday celebration. This pic makes me so happy. Honestly you guys, there are NOT 3 better men on this planet. They have so much to offer these 5 girls. It doesn't seem fair that we get to have all. But oh tradezies. They're ours!


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I barely saw my kids on the trip. They were too busy being whisked away by their cousins and grandparents to keep up. I had to literally sneak away with Nola in order to spend any time with her. I know when to fight and when to cave. There was no way I was going to win my kids attention when the entertainment and food offerings were endless.


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(love the uncle Bart photo bomb)

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Well I guess we did find a few moments with the girls...



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Happy Friday (with a little IG on the side)

Good News!!! Hazel's bedroom is all put together and organized. It is not completely done, decor-wise, yet but it is almost fully functional. I will post pics of the "end product" when it is actually the "end product."

Once her room was done, we were able to make progress in the new baby's room too. Very exciting stuff going on around here. The "nesting" process is almost complete and I could not be happier. Looking forward to spending a couple of quiet weeks with my girl and my guy, while we wait for a new level of chaos to ensue.




Here is a catch up on some rather dated IG pics. Follow us at user name Chasing_Hazel. Would love for you to join us. You really do miss a lot when you don't get the captions that go with each pic (I'm pretty funny...I AM! Seriously - Like tell me you don't want to know the caption to the pic 2nd row last on the right)

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Happy Friday Everyone!!! Off to pack a couple of hospital bags...

Monday. That's all.

Sometimes dreary Mondays beg for a little IG sunshine. Hope you all had a great weekend. We were busy little beavers trying to get some progress made on the room reno for Hazel. I must admit I am getting a little antsy now that we are 7 weeks away. Nothing a weekend full of painting didn't take care of.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!


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Feel free to join us on IG, at user name Chasing_Hazel!

Happy Monday!!!

K...Don't be mad...

I am trying to get a quality post up on this blog. I swear I am!!!!! But I am also trying to settle back in at home and into some of our routines. Also, did I mention I am tired (just a 29.5 week phase I'm sure...fingers crossed).

So, AGAIN here are the IG photos from the cottage trip (of which there aren't many). I took the opportunity to almost totally unplug from social media (even IG...I know it's crazy for me). It was a lovely little break with no distractions. Just time spent with my favourite people.


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I will try to make it up to you in the coming posts. Good news is I worked on my birth story...A LOT!!! Stay tuned.

And I will be posting a "Happy Friday" post this week with some of my absolute favourite photos of all time.

Until then...

A Quick "Hello"


While our heads are still spinning from an action packed weekend (which means it's going to take me a bit to settle in with new pics and posts for the blog), I thought I would share our very few IG moments from this weekend.


Note: The chubby little leg you see crawling under the drawer is Archer, Hazel's cousin. He went in the front and out the side, complaining about his decision the whole time. He really does think he is a big boy at barely 9 months. In the end, he worked it out and came out unscathed, only emotional scars remain.


Note #2: The pic of Hazel laying on the deck was the result of her trying to climb up onto the couch, which she successfully did in the bottom left pic. No physical injury came as a result, but she was emotionally scarred that the couch had forsaken her.


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Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!!


IG Monday

We had a great weekend! Productive on the home-front AND visiting with family from out of town. The kind of weekend that I wish I had the energy to get my camera out for. There were so many moments that I found myself dreaming for the ability to perform telekinesis and that my camera would just come to me. Or even a "Go-Go-Gadget Arm" would have done the trick. Anyway...FAIL!!! I have no pics since I have no superpowers nor did I have the energy to get the camera and well...FAIL (IG is going to have to do for now).


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If you want to follow us on IG our user name is Chasing_Hazel. Or check out our Facebook page, Chasing Hazel here.


The nesting process has officially begun, starting with big projects like siding the house and purging unnecessary furniture to make room for two bedroom renos with a crib in each. I remember the days not too long ago when I thought we would NEVER have 1 crib, never mind 2. So incredibly shocking where our life has ended up. Needless to say, I am one tired little girl today. Mama needs a rest!!!


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We would love to hear some of your favourite moments from this weekend. What did you do to celebrate life?




"Oh Lawd Jesus There's a Fire"

We have been super lucky with Hazel over the last year, sickness-wise. Yesterday was the first time that we have ever had to bring her to the clinic for a cold or virus. She got a mild cough about a week ago that just seemed like it wasn't going away or getting any better. Hazel was in great spirits, sleeping well and just seemed like herself so we didn't worry. Anyway, we brought her in just to be sure and the doctor said she had bronchitis. No big deal, just some anti-biotic and she will be as good as new.

So, Why am I telling you this?

The reason is that this video that I have posted has completely and utterly made it impossible for me to hear the word "bronchitis" with out giggling out loud, just a bit. If you haven't seen Sweet Brown describe a small local fire at her neighbours house then you need to watch. Her accent, her description, her personality. I LOVE IT ALL!!! She is hilarious.



Click here if having trouble viewing the video


Let's just say, when Matt came out from talking to the doctor and he told me she had "Bronchiiiiiiiiiiiitis" in a Sweet Brown accent (after we chuckled), I was glad I wasn't the one who had to keep a straight face with the doctor.

I just want to say that I, in NO way think that a house fire is funny, or anyone who has to deal with bronchitis, or the fact that my daughter has it (I feel for her...really I do). I just really enjoy Sweet Brown's description is all. I hope you get a chuckle out of it as well (not that Hazel has bronchitis - or house fires - or anyone else who has it - but the video - ok - have I said too much?).


Ain't nobody got time for that!


Feel free to follow us on IG @ Chasing_Hazel.

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Just a quick post today to catch up on some of the IG that's been happening. I truly LOVE IG!!! It's such a great way to connect with other mamas, watch their beautiful kids grow and see what fills their days. It's a big ol' family!!! Not much going on around here. Some spring cleaning, some walking outside, playing with our girl and celebrating birthdays with friends and family. Feel free to check out our Facebook page, Chasing Hazel, for more updates on Hazel.

Hope you all are enjoying your week!!!

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Until next time...



Same IG, different format...

Trying something new this time for the IG post. Wish it was my idea but, again, have to thank Kelle Hampton. See I'm a teacher. And teachers RE-USE and RE-CYCLE. We RE-INVENT when we have to, but when we don't, we are more than happy to give credit where credit is due. Plus, I felt like playing last night.



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If you are interested, follow us on Instagram @Chasing_Hazel.

Happy Thursday!!!



OK...I'm done yelling now (maybe). Also, I'm sure you all feel terribly for me -  #firstworldproblems


That said, I LOVE this IG post!!!

There are so many pics that are my favourite. As I was putting them into the post, I just kept staring at them and laughing. There are some of my all-time favs in here!!!

I am working on a Florida post and some others, but for now here's lots of pics.






















If you would like to follow us on IG, our user name is Chasing_Hazel. You really should we are a HOOT!

Enjoy your Monday!



Lots of IG to catch up on...

If you like coming here to look at pics, we are BESTIES today!!!  

If you want to follow us on Instagram, the user name is chasing_hazel.

Also, we have a new goal for Chasing Hazel's Facebook page.

47 Chromosomes = 470 "likes"

Don't forget to click here to stop by her page and hit "like" for updates on all the shenanigans Hazel is up to.






















I have included a few IG pics of the lovely bride and groom from last month...








IG love...

Light posts this week. I was working on our chat for the U of W students this weekend. No time to write any posts. We are so excited to go meet and talk to the Human Kinetics students this week.

For now, on this very windy Monday, here is some of our IG Feed.


For those who would like to follow our Instagram feed, our user name is chasing_hazel.









Enjoy your week...




IG Pics

I know, I know this is a weak post, but it's all I got!!! It's better than nothing....right???

For those who would like to follow our Instagram feed, our user name is chasing_hazel. Or follow us on Twitter. I post all the IG pics there as well.

So if this is your first time on the blog...please don't stop here. Look around, get to know us a little before you judge....








Obsession time...

Sharing a few of my faves with y'all... For those who would like to follow our Instagram feed, our user name is chasing_hazel.

We are always up to something!!!

We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!




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