Match the Vigour

I completely forgot that I had this post ready to go. I guess that speaks volumes for the emotional scarring that took place from flying with 2 toddlers. Re-reading it to myself, I realized there is so much I didn't say however, I think I said enough. Listen to me!!!!



The plane ride. I just paused for so long just starring at the screen and got bombarded by memories of the flying experience with Nola and Hazel. Let me just say it was an actual nightmare. Like a living breathing evil entity that rolled in and took over our lives. 

Let me take you through.

We woke the kids up at 4am, to which they were surprisingly happy. Nola had the best bed head I've ever seen, like super volume and light curls. She was so excited to be up in the middle of the night. Perfect! A good sign at the time but I do remember thinking that this early wake up time was going to come back and bite us at some point (just want to note that).Hazel, who really does not like to be woken up, was also in a great mood. Perfect! 

We drove through customs on our way to the airport. As the officer was asking our citizenship and collecting our passports, Nola reaches out her little arms and asked him for a "HUG." To which we laugh and he says that's the first time he's ever been offered a hug on the job. She's precious. 

We arrive at the airport.

Let me take a second to say, I HATE FYLING. I hate planes, I'm not scared, I just can't stand the idea of being so trapped. Plus all the other fun things you have to deal with, cranky airline attendants, checking luggage that's 2 lbs over the allowable limit, carryon bags that are so heavy with who knows even what, security check points (take off my shoes - like really!), trying to find your gate (which is literally always the farthest possible distance from where you are at that moment), not getting a chance to pee because no matter how early you get the airport, there is always some unforeseen issue that promises to take up any extra time you have allotted for pee breaks and food pick up. If I didn't have such a passion for seeing new places, I would never get on another plane ever. LIKE EVER!

Ok so kids are at the airport. They are running free, trying to let them get some energy out of there systems before the flight so they'll sleep. It' s a fool proof plan - ahem. The girls were in heaven. Hazel was free to run wherever she wanted and Nola was free to drag her little body around on the ground. Perfect! Like I mean she laid on her back and pushed herself forward with her feet. Disgusting!

This is where it begins. 

This child is an angel. She was such a good girl the whole time we traveled. She definitely had her moments but we all did. She could not be blamed at times for not wanting to go through the motions, none of us did. She was content to sit on the plane, eat her snacks, watch her movies and when she was tired, she rested her head on my arm and out she went. She slept so much of the time or just sat quietly and watched her movie. She's my favorite.

You know who's not my favorite? Toddlers. Period. But Nola she crossed a line. Don't let this sweet, happy, I'm-such-a-good-girl-sitting-here-doing-what-i-am-supposed-to look fool you in any way. This child was the devil on the plane and in the airport. I would have rather travelled with a wild badger in my carryon bag than this little stinker. Putting both the girls in one seat and buckling them in seemed to buy us the most time. The stewardess warned us that it wasn't the safest option, to which she received a blank stare and a promise of non-compliance from both Matt and I. We were both willing to take the risk in order to keep the sanity at a reasonable level.

Here's one of the only moments we smiled the entire plane ride. Nola was in heaven sitting right next to Hazel. Nowhere for Hazel to run meant she could hug her and kiss her as much as she wanted. 

On the way home (and this pic is not from then - nobody was taking pics of that hot mess) Nola continued her nap strike. Which soon left her completely over-stimulated and waaaaaaaay over-tired. She would NOT be entertained with ANY of the toys, movies, snacks, iPods we brought. I had to take drastic measures. As soon as the drink service passed our seats, I hopped up and ran back to the galley. Nola had worked herself up into quite a state by this point. She was screaming pretty much at the top of her lungs, refusing to be held or rocked. Only freedom would do. So, I did what any parent would do?

I matched the vigour 

Which meant I walked to the back of the plane, strapped my insanely angry, sweaty, trashy baby into a sling (while she was doing this cobra bendy thing with her body) and tried to match the intensity of her crazy by jumping as high and as fast and as hard as I could up and down. I matched the vigour. After about 10 jumps she calmed down. I did 10 more and then when I was just about dead a few more. She was finally quiet. I matched the vigour. I stood at the back of the plane rocking and patting her for the rest of the fight. Eventually she fell asleep. The flight attendants did not make me move until the last possible second, stretching the allowable limit of non-buckled in time, I am sure of it. They were angels and it turned out, great conversation for 2 hours.

We will UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES be flying anywhere with our children any time soon. 

Please use this as a guide to your next flight with your 18 month old child. JUST DON'T DO IT!!!! You've been warned. Also, thanks to the person who defined "match the vigour" for me. I am forever changed.


Summers are for Road Trips

Just a slight precursor, this wasn't meant to be a Friday post but alas here we are. Happy Friday!!!

We have been traveling to Peterborough for a number of years now to visit family. The last couple of years we have gone with friends and spent the weekend all together chasing our kids, eating some of the best food, drinking, playing, driving, antiquing, beach dwelling, water fighting, swinging, dancing, and laughing. Lots and LOTS of laughing. Did I say drinking? 

I have to say the thing I enjoy most is watching the kids play together. Noting how much they've grown from the year prior. Knowing that they are making memories that they will remember when they are big. Hoping they are creating a space in their hearts for spending time with people they love. Feeling a warm fuzzy feeling when they think back to their childhoods and remember times when they felt that they were a part of something big - creating bonds and fostering relationships.

I can't wait to overhear a conversation between them when they are older like, "Remember when your parents brought you over and we would have water fights? And they started it?" OR "Remember when we had dance parties and they let us listen to completely inappropriate songs?"

Something like that anyway. Just know the smile will be so big on my face that people on the moon would be able to see it.


And finally, here are your Friday smiles...

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

Thank You Buckhorn

Hello there.... It's been a while. Sad to say that summer has come and gone. I've been working on the blog a bit here and there. I'm thinking "blog reno." When I say, "I'm thinking" I mean the mastermind behind my webdesign is thinking it. But either way, I am on board. Just a little refresher after 2.5 years. Stay tuned...

Next post up will most likely be Nola's birth story, which I am super excited to share (insert jumpy claps here - I am so not a jumpy clap kinda gal but you get my point right?)

Ok - I gotta run. Both kids are trying to simultaneously trying to grab my coffee, the computer, my leg...wait for it....Nola is crying....

Here is one of the family trips we were very fortunate to have taken this summer.







Family vacation 2014 was spent on a quiet lake in Buckhorn.  The home we stayed in was in a perfect location, with the lake right in the backyard. We were treated to some beautiful sunsets while sitting on the back deck. The geese seemed to rather enjoy our backyard as well. I think we all left there a little scarred from the amount of poop that was on the lawn. YIKES!

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By the 3rd morning, Hazel had figured out which door led to her cousins who were waiting to chase her, dance with her, do her hair, and/or play with her (always up to Hazel to decide). As soon as her feet hit the ground she would walk to the door and try to escape to where all the fun was. And by fun, I mean Nana with a pack of Goldfish crackers and grapes (or again whatever else Hazel wanted).

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Hazel's first time fishing. She lasted about 3 whole minutes.

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First boat ride for the girls. Hazel loved it. Big smiles for the 10 minutes it lasted. About 5 minutes in she looked like she was going to fall asleep. Either that or motion sickness was starting to set in. On account of the fact that we are NOT gamblers, we turned the boat around and came right back.



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Nola was NOT a fan of the life jacket. The second it went on she stiffened up her whole body and it remained that way until we took it off. She cried a bit at first in protest and then realized it was staying on and just had a mizzy face on the whole time.

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Emi's special 9th birthday celebration. This pic makes me so happy. Honestly you guys, there are NOT 3 better men on this planet. They have so much to offer these 5 girls. It doesn't seem fair that we get to have all. But oh tradezies. They're ours!


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I barely saw my kids on the trip. They were too busy being whisked away by their cousins and grandparents to keep up. I had to literally sneak away with Nola in order to spend any time with her. I know when to fight and when to cave. There was no way I was going to win my kids attention when the entertainment and food offerings were endless.


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(love the uncle Bart photo bomb)

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Well I guess we did find a few moments with the girls...



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Road Trip

What better than to signify the start of summer but a good ol' fashion, ROOOOOOOOOOOAD TRIP!!!!! Off we went.

3 families, with our 6 children, joined together to enjoy moments of fun, laughter, peace, great meals, satisfying drinks, and a whole lot of doing what felt easy. We rushed to get nowhere, we stressed about nothing, and we worried not about our children's nap schedule.

Except for us at around 11:30pm and our kids looked like this in the hotel room...



And then they cried....LOUD!!!!! I digress...


We had a perfectly paced, amazingly timed, relaxing little get away with a few of my favourite people. There was a lot of holding each others babes and making compromises that were good for the team.

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Lots of time for lovin' on our littles...


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Different venues for a swim...


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And "firsts" for a few of the babes. First time playing in a lake for the girls. Now, they can really call themselves Canadian.

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Nola may or may not have drank some. I am going to pretend that it didn't bother me at all.

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So looking forward to doing that road trip again. Same people, older kids, more drinks!!!

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IG pics from the trip...

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Florida 2014


Let me start out by saying that this trip could not have come at a better time.

Seriously, y'all, seriously.

Mommy and Daddy had been dealing with a certain high maintenance someone (ahem - not Hazel - ahem) who does not like to sleep for very long stretches at night. She's pretty unreasonable about the whole ordeal. Long story short mommy was on the verge of going to pick up a pack of darts and coming back in 5 years (wink, wink - no not really). Literally, I was so tired that there  isn't a coffee bean (or 500 hundred) harvested in the entirety of Columbia that could have made me feel human.

So, in an effort to not leave and join the circus (which I am sure is much more lax and less dangerous than the current state of our home), we headed south.

And it was well worth the chaos of the airport and prep ahead of time. Hazel had a blast every day. Just being able to take the girls outside for a walk was worth the trip. It was a whole lotta, "doing-what-felt-right-at-the-time" to make decisions on daily activities. Overall, it was a low key, slow paced vacation, which incidentally was EXACTLY what we all needed.



Downtown Disney was a hit. Perfectly paced and perfectly priced. I would totally suggest making the visit. It gives you all the "Disney" feel without spending the "Disney" price. Especially if your kids are small and the big park might be too much.

It was a great afternoon spent bubble blowing, splashing in the splash pad, going on a walking adventure and playing with shadows.





Here is what Nola spent the afternoon doing. Sleeping in the Ergo...



When life gives you lemons in terms of timed sprinklers, make lemonade!




We visited the pool everyday...





Neighborhood pet - crocodile. Yikes!



Mornings, noons and nights hanging out in the lanai.









Spent some time in Celebration. One of our favourite places on earth.


There's a lot of nothing to do. It's perfect. Just walk, eat, splash, play, wish, drink, walk more, eat more. Need I say more?

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This dress...




Nightly sunsets...



Our family...



So grateful to have had a cozy place to stay and a chance for our family to reconnect and be present. Also, I there's that.

Love for the Family Cottage

Alas...a post that is about something!!! That actually took quite a bit of work to organize. Impressed??? I am going to miss the days where I have only 1 baby who takes a 2 hour nap everyday. I am relishing in the moments of peace, while I only have one little girl on my hands. How long do you think it will take for me to get them on the same nap schedule? HAHA!!! I can't even take that question seriously!


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Our cottage vacation has come to an end again for the year. It has become something of a tradition for us to visit the cottage every August. We look forward to it every year and it always proves to be the most perfectly low maintenance, relaxing family vacation ever.


I am such a sucker for the water. Any water. The sea, beach, ocean, lakes...anything. Even puddles make me want to be a kid again and jump in. The sounds, the smells, the colours. I absolutely LOVE it in all shapes and sizes.




Hazel is a huge fan of the water as well. She loves the feel of the sand in her fingers and toes (and mouth....yuck! We don't get to spend as much time down at the beach as we would like on account of the little girl who once she starts, can't seem to stop).



The beach made a perfect place for lots of shadow play, which Hazel adores.



Almost every night the moon would hang just perfectly, casting a bright reflection on the water like a shiny blanket of warmth.

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We had some visits from friends and family. Unfortunately, I don't have pics of all the visitors. I just captured a few...

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A last minute visit from some of our NICU fwends...



Where this adorable situation...



quickly turned into this...and I mean quick. Good times!!!



Even Nico's fwend Molly came to play.



Some grown up games...

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Ice cream treats...(a lot of ice cream treats)

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And the absolute BEST part...all the mommy and daddy time. Truly being able to be 100% present and in the moment as a family. Putting aside the "to-do" lists, nesting projects, work, household chores for a whole week is a gift I don't ever take for granted. There is nothing better than having no agenda, time schedule, or expectations. Wake up and do what feels good at the time. Great times!


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Last but certainly not least - THIS FACE - I kinda love her, just a bit...




Until next year...I will hold on to what memories we made with Hazel this year. I can't wait until she is old enough to remember these times and memories.

Let the nesting begin!

K...Don't be mad...

I am trying to get a quality post up on this blog. I swear I am!!!!! But I am also trying to settle back in at home and into some of our routines. Also, did I mention I am tired (just a 29.5 week phase I'm sure...fingers crossed).

So, AGAIN here are the IG photos from the cottage trip (of which there aren't many). I took the opportunity to almost totally unplug from social media (even IG...I know it's crazy for me). It was a lovely little break with no distractions. Just time spent with my favourite people.


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I will try to make it up to you in the coming posts. Good news is I worked on my birth story...A LOT!!! Stay tuned.

And I will be posting a "Happy Friday" post this week with some of my absolute favourite photos of all time.

Until then...

Makin' Some Memories

We recently went to a cottage in Brighton, Ontario for a little quality family time with Hazel's cousins that live in Peterborough. It was easily one of the best cottage vacations that we have ever been on. It was filled with beautifully serene moments on a quiet lake, gorgeous sunsets, turtles laying eggs and swans that gracefully floated by.

FRICKEN SWANS!!!!!! Seriously...RIGHT?!

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Oh...yes...and there were babies.

Babies who may have been a little too eager to see what his big brothers and Hazel were up to. Babies who like to get into everything they are way to young for and see what all the fuss is about. This little man was never happier than when amidst all the chaos of the other rowdy kids. Much to his own detriment, he sniffed out the action and assured he was always in the center. This kid likes to live in the danger zone.




There was a day on the beach, where the kids couldn't have been happier and the parents couldn't have been colder. But we did what we had to do and let the kids do their thing. Apparently, their "thing" included long runs up and down the shoreline of the water (and perhaps a little dip in the water that was way to cold for human body temperatures).



Her "thing" included eating fistfuls of sand. That was super fun for me.



My bump was there too.

(Yes - that is a receiving blanket wrapped around my neck posing as a scarf - it was cold!!!)



Lots of giggles when Sawyer couldn't seem to figure out how to get his VERY cold t-shirt off. He worked it out, it came off in the end.



Obligatory "we're on vacation at the beach" couples photo.







Little boys who are too little to be standing up looking outside.




Stolen moments with my girl where she was so tired she had a 4 hour nap. She's so squishy in my arms when she sleeps, it's like we are one body again. I kinda like it.



This could not be a more perfect picture. There was a lot of this all weekend long. Lots of lovin' on daddy moments for all the kids.


A happy Father's Day to all!!!




Finding leaves that were bigger than our heads. Why not?




I taught the kids to play war. The first game lasted 4 hours. Sawyer didn't really like winning the 2s or 3s. Those cards don't win you other cards, now do they? have to have ALL the cards to win the game. He conceded and took the 2s and 3s (and won the game).







I love that Cooper and Sawyer are at the age where they are going to remember this vacation. They are going to remember playing hockey by the water, having dance parties in the kitchen, running on the beach, taking walks, visiting towns, fishing off the dock and playing the kind of games that are just more fun when you are at a cottage. I love that it is uninterrupted time that our families get to spend together with no agendas, no chores - life isn't getting in the way. We can just "BE", whatever that means for the moment we are in.

I can't wait to make this a new family tradition every year and couldn't think of better people to do it with.

Until next time...

Happy Cottage Weekend!!!!

Please forgive me for being a little late with the Friday post. We are away for a relaxing cottage weekend in Brighton, Ontario. A gorgeous little gem of a spot on Lake Ontario.  


We are with a few of our favourite peeps and I couldn't be happier. I am doing my best to try to stay unplugged and away from social media (except IG, of course) but I thought I would share this little piece of heaven with you this weekend.




Also, I MUST say I am shocked that I fully opened the door for you to ask me any and all questions about ANYTHING and you took it very easy on me. I will answer the few questions next week when we are back. Thanks to those who asked. I love hearing from you all!!!

More photos of this great weekend to come...

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Part 2 of Our Trip - Cruise

The rest of the trip was a Mediterranean cruise. Life is rough but we thought we would give it a go.  

The first stop Florence...Duomo


Florence is such a charming city. Everywhere you looked you could snap a pic and never feel that you have captured the entire essence of Florence. It is so pretty. I feel like I need to paint, paint it all, all the time. If only I could paint...



The best part about Florence was that we've been there before, in 2008. I love that we have a pic of us at the exact same spot on Ponte Vecchio 5 years later. Lots of changes since 2008, namely the little one in my belly and the little one we left at home. Crazy!!!





Breathtaking sights and delicious food. The kind of place you want to sit at a cafe, eat, drink and watch the world go by. And so we did...bottom left patio in the pic (we sat right next to that on the left).




Some overachiever docked their little yacht in this marina. You may have trouble seeing it...



Seriously...I can't look at this without NEEDING it.




Nice, France...

It was a very rainy, very quick visit so I don't have much to comment on. It's beauty can not be denied. I hope to visit again one day for longer.





That concludes the world travel posts for now.


Peace & Love



Here are some of the pics I snapped of our trip. It's always at times like these I find myself wishing I was a trained, professional photographer, in hopes of perfectly capturing the new experiences. I find it so difficult to accurately represent the architecture, culture and atmosphere of the places we visit. These pictures do not do this trip justice. They are way too, 2-dimensional. It's always different when you are there and the culture surrounds you, with its smells, sites, people.

Sagrada Família


This church was designed by Antoni Gaudi and is still under construction according to his original plans. Its estimated date of completion is 2025.



Gaudi also designed these 2 apartment buildings in Barcelona. After visting them we learned that he gets his inspiration from things in nature, bones, skulls, trees, etc.








Las Ramblas




The loft apartment we stayed in.



By far the best meal we had in Barcelona. Delish!!!


This tiny plate of Iberian ham was 19 Euros (it's about 200 grams of meat). It tasted that expensive.





It was a super cloudy day, the day we visited the church. I know it looks like fog but we are actually high enough to be in the clouds.






There is a really old amusement park still up and running next to the church.


Coolest looking ride ever!!!



This Cathedral was in the Gothic Quarter.




This type of mosaic design is very common to see on buildings throughout the city. This was by far one of the prettiest.




My father-in-law rockin' my red scarf.


Park Güell





And last but not least, my IG pics from Barcelona. Food, shopping and a bump. Pretty much sums up the whole trip for me.





Very grateful...Happy Monday!!!