Last Visit to the Cardiologist

While we are still adjusting to our new home life, new routines, and new roles I have this update from last month. I hope to get some pics of the girls up on the blog soon! *************************************************************************************************

Just a quick update on our last visit to London. It was in early October, but you know how things are - time is flying. Hazel had just turned 20 months. She weighed in at a whopping 26 lbs and 33 inches. It is almost unbelievable to think that at some point she was only 4 lbs.

She received another glowing report from the cardiologist and his staff. She is always putting on the smiles and blowing kisses to them just to make sure they eat out of her hand (like they weren't already). They adore her, and we adore them. We have come to know them all so well and respect how well they have taken care of our girl. She really likes the tech who does the ultrasound on her, all holding his fingers and whatnot. LOVE IT!




And of course we try to NEVER miss an opportunity to see our NICU fwends.


All of which are getting so big and active. We certainly weren't sitting on the blanket having a nice quiet picnic this time around. More like trying to maintain a zone defense and make sure to keep all our littles corralled on the playground.







Love these little trips so much...

Sadly we missed out on seeing our other 2 little fwends, Carter and Ella. Hope to see them soon!!!

These girls...

Let me just preface by saying, "I'm not complaining..." BUT, it's so hot outside right now that between a pregnant belly and an under 2 year old, we are feeling pretty trapped inside these days. I know it could be worse, I know!!! We are lucky to not have hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes. All I'm sayin' is, I wanna go outside with my girl!

Back when it was nice enough to be outside (which was only like two weeks ago - ok - I guess maybe I'm complaining a bit. Feel free to stop reading and just look at the pics in this post), Hazel visited with her fwend Allie.

Such a beautiful little girl, reminds me so much of her mama. I thought I would post a couple pics of Allie for those who are wondering how much she has grown over the past while.





Tell me her mama isn't with her all the time? I am not this good of a photographer.





These girls together just make everything feel right. I feel connected to Apryl. I feel so much peace just having them in the same room together. It's like therapy for me. They just make sense.

Singin' some songs...



Sharin' some popsicles...




It was great to see you Allie Belle...Love you!


We have been busy making some great memories this summer. Visiting with family and close friends. I will post some pics soon. They are some of the best ones I've seen yet!

Hope you are enjoying the weather...where ever you are!!!