Christmas 2014 - The Day

You didn't think that was IT for the Christmas roundup did you? Long time readers you know me better than that. An event like Christmas is almost always guaranteed to be a 2 or 3 part post. This time it's only 2.

I had to add some pics of our morning together, after Santa came. How could I not?

The girls are both still a bit on the young side. They didn't quite understand that Santa was going to show up. It's a good thing he left some presents unwrapped under the tree!!! When Hazel and Nola saw them, they were VERY excited. The big red wagon was, without a doubt, the show stopper. Nola fell in love, HARD. She wanted to sit in it and have us bring all her presents to her so she could open them in there. She learned quickly that in order to actually play with her other toys, she would have to be free.



Traditional breakfast of champions. And toast for the haters (Hazel and Nola #haters).



This year I nicknamed Nola "The Thief of Joy." If there ever was a time that we were feeling the Christmas spirit, she was there to be sure to whine, complain and cry every step of the way. Unless, of course, we gave her whatever her desire was at that moment. Then she was a peach. Also, she thinks she's smarter than everyone.




Hazel was so excited for presents this year. It was super fun to watch her rip all the paper off and uncover the toy underneath. Books are her all time favourite. But this year, the Frozen themed gifts were a VERY close second. She can spot "Elsa" a mile away. She enjoyed most of the Christmas festivities. Big crowds have really never been her thing but she is getting much better.




This annual family pic is going to do me in sanity wise, but it's so worth it to look back and compare them from year to year. This year is my favourite. Nola's FACE!!!!!




These next family pics are VERY high up on my favourite list as well. I will be honest, this was a second much more casual attempt at a family photo. The first attempt may have ended with stomping feet and mass frustration, but I can't be 100% sure.


These pics are just US...period. I am quite certain I just about died after this little moment. Anytime they kiss, where ever we are, it's like fireworks on the 4th of July (or 1st since I'm Canadian).


BOOOOM!!!! CRACK!!!!! POW!!!!!! this is my all time favourite FAVOURITE picture. EVER!!!! Of all time - wait - did I say that already? I know you can't see my face but it's ok, I'm there in the middle of that LOVE. And as long as I am there and get to be in the middle of the LOVE I could care less if you see me or hear me. Chances are, I'm probably too busy soaking in all the love to notice anyway. NOLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HAZEL!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo



Hope you are all settling into the new year comfortably.


Christmas 2014 - A Jumble

Well Christmas came and went, again (as it does), and we all survived. This time of year with 2 toddlers is a little on side, BUT we tend to be experts at making lemonade around here so we all did just fine. We anticipated sickness, we did our best to prepare for chaos, we embraced messy, unorganized, houses and schedules, and we drank and ate A LOT (but mostly drank).

We got to see so much of our families. Some we did not and they were very greatly missed.

The girls were very excited to open presents this year. There were a few "situations" in which they may have been fighting over who was going to open the present first, but what's a little healthy may-the-strongest-child-win competition among family members? Most of the time it ended well.




It has definitely proven that taking pics of kids at this age, looking, smiling, and sitting still is LITERALLY impossible. So, I have decided to embrace the little idiosyncrasies and imperfections that make up most of the photos I post. After all, it's what makes them ours. Lots of personality.






There ended up being around 1000 photos just from Christmas, so obvi, I had to narrow it down. We got to spend time with so many members of the family I couldn't possibly show them all here. Plus, I have noticed some of the adults aren't huge fans of being on "that-there-intranet."






With love to all our family, you made a wonderful time of year even more wonderfuller (YES it's a word - I'm almost positive. Just take my word for it though, ok?)



From Us, To YOU

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It's official. You can expect radio silence here on the blog until the NEW YEAR.

I love a new year. New fresh start. Time to make new plans and goals. Reflecting on the last year and how much has changed? How much was accomplished (or not accomplished if you have 2 small children 2 years apart)? Time to look forward to the new adventures you will have. An excuse to clean and purge and donate. A time to celebrate new milestones, birthdays and holidays.

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. I really try to do my best all year round, as we all do. When the idea strikes to eat healthier or start to exercise, I start right at that moment. Cause why wait? But one that I always need to remind myself of at the end of the year, and it seems to carry me through until the next year is, "TAKE EVERYTHING AS A COMPLIMENT." I find if I try my best to do this, trust me I fail at times, but if I do succeed, everything is received with love and kindness. Challenge yourself and attempt it this coming year. If you search hard enough, there's a compliment in there somewhere.

Happy New Year!!!


In the meantime, I hope you all find peace and joy this holiday season. My wish for you is that you get a chance to recharge your bodies and hearts in the coming days. I hope this rest helps you to be prepared to conquer this upcoming year. You never know what may come your way, let's all be ready.




I hope you take a few moments to receive your blessings this year. Be present, take a minute to think, observe and appreciate. Not sure about you but I literally only have about 1 minute before my kids need something from me. But I can assure you in that 1 single minute, I will be able to recognize my gifts, praise God and remember just how much my cup runneth over. My heart will swell with love and and almost burst. If I had 2 minutes, I might shed a tear of gratitude, but I probably won't, so heart swelling it is.



Seriously, y'all thanks for reading this little blog of ours and letting us share our gifts with you. We are honoured that you have even the tiniest of places in your hearts and your homes for our little girls. We are grateful that you choose to accept that which may be different and spread the accomplishments and the joy of our girl, Hazel.

Much MUCH LOVE to you now and ALWAYS!!! We can't wait to share another year of shenanigans with you.





Wishing you all the very Merriest of Christmas' and the Happiest of Holidays.

From our family to yours. May you find enough peace in your hearts to carry you through another year of new experiences - good or bad, happy or sad. God Bless you!



Christmas is Coming...

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Ahhhhhhhh....the lights. Such fun. This is pretty much the only Christmas activity the girls have actually enjoyed so far. We all know how the Santa visit went. YIKES!

They aren't familiar with the yearly traditions yet. Santa is just a jolly old fellow they've seen in books. They have no concept of making a list and have absolutely no expectations of "getting" anything. And although I can't wait for them to be excited about waking to the treasures that Santa has left, I am kind of enjoying their ever present state of mind at the moment. They just are. I love them for that. Also, I thank them for it.

These kids are happy with anything or nothing. They were good with the lights...




Well, that's not entirely true. Nola looked like this most of the night. Thank goodness Hazel looked like this. Balance.



I think at one point I asked Matt if he thought Nola was trying to ruin Christmas. Soooooo, yeah, the night was peaceful. NOPE!

It wasn't until Mommy made one of these that we started to feel the Christmas spirit. Peppermint ice cream, rum, milk, blend. Magic!!!! If you are feeling crazy - eggnog instead of milk. But RUM!!!









Life certainly isn't perfect, usually, it's far from it. It's messy and unpredictable and LOUD. Often my kids don't get the memo that we are supposed to be spending a magical night together making memories as a family. They end up cranky, or hungry, or tired, or well, let's just say - "not in the Christmas spirit." We can only control so much.

In the end, the lights were a hit. The tree went up and got decorated. Mommy and daddy had special drinks and it felt like Christmas.




Here's to spreading Christmas cheer!!!

If your kids are "not in the spirit of Christmas" please throw on your favourite Christmas song, "I pray on Christmas," works like a charm AND see the drink recipe listed above. 100% chance of increasing the "feelings of Christmas" in your home.

Good LUCK!!!

Happy Friday!!!

Holiday mode is slowly kicking in over here. Shopping is done, daycare is over, therapy appointments are done, gifts are wrapped, food is bought, and all is well. Just have to wait for Daddy to finish work. Hoping all your holiday prep is just about over so you can enjoy your family and friends. Or even just enjoy a nice cup of tea, coffee, something a little stronger perhaps.

Santa will be here soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!



Happy Friday!!!!

Happy Friday!

I'm pulling one from the archives this Friday!!! I just love this devilish grin. I get to wake up to this (almost) everyday. Sometimes they are just plain old HANGRY in the morning. What's HANGRY, you ask? Well, it's the condition that occurs when you are so extremely "hungry" you are "angry." HANGRY!!!

I wish I could take credit for the invention of this term but I have to give it to cousin Annie. You see, her and I both suffer from this very serious condition. My kids MUST have, obviously, gotten it from her. Right?!




We finally got a tree the other day and I must admit, something about having the tree up makes the Holiday feel that much more real. The scent of evergreen doesn't hurt either.

These next few pics are from our IG feed. I love LOOOOOOOVE them. They are our first Christmas-y photos of the season (besides the Santa visit that is...YIKES!)





If you come to our house any night of the week past about 6:30 - 7ish, you will almost always find naked - or at the very least - half naked children. Because, you know what? I have probably taken those pants on and off about 20 times by then. Don't judge me!


Gift Guide for Therapy Toys

Seeing that it's Christmas time, I thought I would put together a gift guide. I can't believe it's well into December already!!! We, fortunately, are done our holiday shopping. I'm feeling very thankful to have this month to spend just enjoying our family and friends. May your cup runneth over this holiday season. And I probably mean with eggnog and rum, but love and peace works too.  

For those of you who still have some last minute shopping to do, I thought I would try to help. Hope these toys will work for someone on your list. Here are some of the toys that we have been using during therapy time with Hazel. These are mostly Occupational Therapy toys.



Buying toys I always look for 3 qualities.

1. Developmental skills

2. Longevity

3. Fun


Keep this list in mind when buying for the kiddos on your list this year. These toys are not only great for children with Down syndrome but any child. These are skills all children will need to practice and toys that they will enjoy!!!


Lacing Beads

We started with the wooden spools and the big beads in the first set. Then we moved to the string lacing set. I did take some electrical tape and reinforce one end of the string to make it easier and more firm for Hazel to grasp.



Play doh

So many things you can do with this inexpensive toy. Also, make your own and it's even cheaper. We hide little objects or animals in the Play doh and Hazel digs them out.




Large peg puzzles are a great way to start and move onto the smaller pegs. We also use the puzzles that the doors open (hide and seek barn) and the latches board.



Lift Flap Books

ANY BOOK with lift flaps will do. Helps children to learn to isolate their finger to manipulate objects.



Duplo Lego Sets/Mega Blocks

Love these for pulling apart, building, and pretending.

buildabakeryMEGA BRANDS INC. - New Fall 2012 Products




These are the best!!! Can be used for building, stacking, spelling. These will be around for a while.




We try to get Hazel to do this often. Practice with grasping the markers, working on her grip.



Sensory Play

We have not yet attempted this sensory activity yet. Hoping to get this from Santa!!! It was recommended by our Occupational Therapist as a great sensory play toy.



Pretend Play

Baby dolls, kitchen set, cupcake making set, the list can go on. Use whatever toys your child is interested in. We use a lot of Little People toys.


littlepeoplebus littlepeoplefarm



We use so SO many different toys for this skill. I feel like it takes a multitude of toys to master this skill. Each toy offering a different way to turn your wrist and put the item in the slot. We use buttons in a peanut butter jar, coins in a small plastic container, the fisher price pig, and on and on.






Christmas Morning

We had a very quiet morning just hanging with our girls. Nola slept in and gave us time to spend with Hazel. She is not sure yet who Santa is, and doesn't get that he brings presents. She was just really into unwrapping her gifts and playing with her new toys. And the Christmas  tree...



And eating. This is what I ate on Christmas morning growing up as a kid, it's what my mom ate and it's what her mom ate...and so on. So, we eat...


We were all getting over a cold/flu bug just in time for Christmas. Hazel was really run down and sick. She was such a trooper but was still tired and cranky most of the holidays. You have no idea what a relief it was to see this face on Christmas morning.


The only pic I have of the girls somewhat together on Christmas. At least they're in the same frame. And Hazel is smiling (a rarity this season). I will take it!


My sweet little lamb's First Christmas.

You guys!!! This baby is seriously so sweet and happy all the time. We could not have been more blessed to have her with us this year. She always has a smile to share and stories to tell. Any friendly face will do. When she smiles her whole body smiles with her. Her legs are a kickin', arms are a wavin', eye brows furrowin', it's THE BEST.


And obviously these feet are beyond the scope of perfection. They are almost edible. I am so obsessed with this girl. I can't wait for all our life holds now that she's a part of it.


And now I'm moving on the to the new year. I'm done talking about 2013. It's time to start fresh with our girls.


Christmas at a Glance

First I have to say...Thank God for my sister-in-law or I would have no pics of the family Christmas celebrations. She literally took all of these photos (that is why I have none from the Italian Christmas). I have some from Christmas morning but Hazel was really not into posing pretty for the camera this season. We did manage to snap a couple but in most of them her face looks like this... 44

YIKES!!! She was just getting over her cold/flu and was not in the holiday spirit yet. Here is the best we could do.




She is obsessed with this gift. A recordable book that her cousins made for her.





This is the BEST group shot we could get. Hazel was having NONE of it.


So we took one without her. Sweet little lamb's first Christmas.


I absolutely ADORE the photo on the right. I smile every time. Wait - Does that make me heartless?

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Hazel came around by boxing day. Just in time to visit her cousins. 7 girls - 1 family.


She played with the girls all day and had lots of smiles to give (#wegavehertylenol). It was a great day!





There you have it. Some of our Christmas shenanigans. Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are resting easy now that most of the chaos is behind us. Now it's time to start the goal planning for 2014.

Happy New Year!!!


Happy Christmas

I'm not gonna lie. We have had better Christmas holidays. Sorry Nola, it's a fact. With 17 family members sick from the same virus, it's kinda hard to see the light. It's hard to find the time and energy to pick up that Christmas book and read it to your kids. It's hard to cook and take part in the giving and sharing part of the season. It's hard to have dance parties to Christmas music (although this we have managed - some things I just won't compromise). It's been hard to find the perfect gifts for loved ones when you are trapped inside the house. It's been hard to console a sick miserable girl everyday, knowing that she is such a happy kid most of the time. BUT THEN...

Then I get a small glimpse of what really matters. My girls being together for their very first Christmas. The first of many. They are too young to understand yet, but with the addition of a sister this year, it just all makes sense. I can imagine them bouncing into our bedroom in years to come, with news that Santa has come. Let's be honest, Nola will be running in to tell us Santa has come and Hazel will be under the tree tearing through the gifts before our feet hit the floor.

We have been blessed this year with a gift that we never saw coming, but didn't hesitate to receive.



From our hearts to your homes - We are wishing you all the peace in the world for this holiday season.



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Happy New Year!!!

On the Homefront - Christmas Wise

The house is ready for Santa! The several inches of snow that fell this weekend (well last weekend now) certainly didn't make it feel any LESS like Christmas. It's beautiful outside (now that the roads are cleared and the snow has stopped falling and I don't have anywhere to go - Gorgeous!). I wrote this when there was snow outside. The snow no longer remains. The sentiment is the same. Anyways... Hazel is so much more fun this year. She's so curious about what we are up to. Wanting to help Daddy in pretty much whatever activity he is doing. "Help" is sort of a loose term - it's more she's right under his feet, making sure to steal whatever objects he places down. Usually followed by hysterical laughter and the pitter-patter of her feet running in the opposite direction. It's pretty funny.



She was really a really big help in decorating the tree this year. When we were placing the lights and ribbon just so, Hazel made sure to go behind us and pull them down. It was fun!







This is the very first time Hazel ever held Nola. My heart nearly exploded into a huge, hot, mama, mess right there on the spot. I think I stopped breathing...


As you can see Hazel has hearts in her eyes and Nola, well, "she's just not that into her." Seems we can't win.

In other Christmas news...

We have all been sick AGAIN and so there are no pre-Christmas-dress-wearing photo shoots taking place this year. We will just have to wait until the day of and try to get the pics then. It's risky I know - but sacrifices have to be made. Desperate times...

Will check in once more before the big day, but for now hoping all your Holiday plans are falling into place and you are beginning to exhale and look forward to spending some time doing whatever it is you do to celebrate the birth of Jesus and ring in the new year.


A Christmas Blend...

In an attempt to wrap up our Christmas coverage, I have created one post with tons of pics (and lots of different family and friends). I still have one more post from our Christmas morning. Santa came and he was kind.

One of the reasons I started this blog was to keep people informed and up-to-date about Hazel's health.

Another reason, was (is) to raise awareness about those with Down Syndrome.

Lastly, I keep this blog as a scrapbook for Hazel. This is her baby book, it will help her remember. It will help me to share these memories with her as she grows (and maybe I - let's say - forget).

So, that as a disclaimer, here are the rest of the wonderful visits we had with family and friends.


Christmas at the cottage with the family. Aunt Linda...


Cousins Tara & Dan...






Cousins Maddy & Morgan join the girls...



Christmas with more Aunties and Uncles...

This globe was a HUGE hit with Hazel.








Dear friend Allie Belle.

Love you like you are my own blood. I treasure every moment I am with you - EVERY SECOND actually.







Clutching a BellaLuluBaby blanket made especially for her out of her momma's clothing. I snatched the clothes when we cleaned out her room at hospice. My heart broke in a million pieces at the thought of having to hand this tragic gift over to such a young baby girl. I had a nervous feeling in my gut until the moment she peered inside the bag. Allie reached her hands in and pulled it out of the bag. She held it close to her chest in a huge embrace and smiled so BIG.

We did good BellaLuluBaby...we did good.



Love & Peace





Big Ol' Christmas Shenanigans

Here's a little look at a good ol' fasion Italian family Christmas. These pictures only represent some of the clan. I tried my best to get everyone but time did not allow me to complete the mission.

Let me break it down...



Children wrestling

People laughing


...and there you have it!!!





This is one of may favourite pictures of all. I just love how natural and content they all look.






My attempt at a Kelle Hampton inspired picture. I am not worthy!!!






Finally, all 4 2012 babies in one room. Archer, Hazel, Monroe and Heston. Love that there is always one baby crying. It is perfectly flawed.

Hazel's turn...


Archer's turn...


Monroe's turn...



This is only half of us...










Christmas Eve...

segs3 Hazel was looking perfect in her gorgeous dress from Mim.


Hazel's first Christmas eve was spent being cradled in the arms of her loving family.

Our evening was filled with lots of good conversation, laughs and delicious food.






This pic is the best!!! All 4 girls...


The generosity of our family was overwhelming. Hazel had was thrilled to touch, crinkle and pull the paper out of the bags to reveal the treasure that lie within. She enjoyed ripping paper and playing with toys. She was so genuinely interested and amused to see what was hidden under all the red and green paper. We couldn't help but watch, smile and revel in her joy. It was contagious.



These next 3 pics fill my heart with peace. What else could a girl ask for. I have the most PERFECT family!!!



Hazel's kisses are frequent these days. She will often reach out to grab our face, lean in and plant a sloppy one with full lip to lip contact. Sometimes she lingers a little too long and sometimes she uses her tongue. It is what it is...

You know those moments in time that once they're past, you would do just about anything to have just one second of it back, just once. That is what these kisses will one day be for me. I will take all that I can possibly get while she is keen on giving them out. I smile through each one, get a good look at the look in her eye and take a mental picture that I can carry with me forever. Love is not a big enough word to describe how I feel about every single sloppy kiss I get.




Off to Nonna's house to celebrate and snuggle some more. Hazel was such a trooper that night. Up until midnight and not one meltdown.




Even Allie was sneaking in her kisses!!! sant


Hazel was in her glory opening new and interesting gifts all night long.





It was a perfect night, filled with perfect people and, most importantly, a PERFECT baby!!! There were so many smiles to be had, my face hurt as I laid my head down on my pillow and anxiously awaited Santa's arrival.


Peace & Love