Christmas 2014 - The Day

You didn't think that was IT for the Christmas roundup did you? Long time readers you know me better than that. An event like Christmas is almost always guaranteed to be a 2 or 3 part post. This time it's only 2.

I had to add some pics of our morning together, after Santa came. How could I not?

The girls are both still a bit on the young side. They didn't quite understand that Santa was going to show up. It's a good thing he left some presents unwrapped under the tree!!! When Hazel and Nola saw them, they were VERY excited. The big red wagon was, without a doubt, the show stopper. Nola fell in love, HARD. She wanted to sit in it and have us bring all her presents to her so she could open them in there. She learned quickly that in order to actually play with her other toys, she would have to be free.



Traditional breakfast of champions. And toast for the haters (Hazel and Nola #haters).



This year I nicknamed Nola "The Thief of Joy." If there ever was a time that we were feeling the Christmas spirit, she was there to be sure to whine, complain and cry every step of the way. Unless, of course, we gave her whatever her desire was at that moment. Then she was a peach. Also, she thinks she's smarter than everyone.




Hazel was so excited for presents this year. It was super fun to watch her rip all the paper off and uncover the toy underneath. Books are her all time favourite. But this year, the Frozen themed gifts were a VERY close second. She can spot "Elsa" a mile away. She enjoyed most of the Christmas festivities. Big crowds have really never been her thing but she is getting much better.




This annual family pic is going to do me in sanity wise, but it's so worth it to look back and compare them from year to year. This year is my favourite. Nola's FACE!!!!!




These next family pics are VERY high up on my favourite list as well. I will be honest, this was a second much more casual attempt at a family photo. The first attempt may have ended with stomping feet and mass frustration, but I can't be 100% sure.


These pics are just US...period. I am quite certain I just about died after this little moment. Anytime they kiss, where ever we are, it's like fireworks on the 4th of July (or 1st since I'm Canadian).


BOOOOM!!!! CRACK!!!!! POW!!!!!! this is my all time favourite FAVOURITE picture. EVER!!!! Of all time - wait - did I say that already? I know you can't see my face but it's ok, I'm there in the middle of that LOVE. And as long as I am there and get to be in the middle of the LOVE I could care less if you see me or hear me. Chances are, I'm probably too busy soaking in all the love to notice anyway. NOLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HAZEL!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo



Hope you are all settling into the new year comfortably.


Christmas 2014 - A Jumble

Well Christmas came and went, again (as it does), and we all survived. This time of year with 2 toddlers is a little on side, BUT we tend to be experts at making lemonade around here so we all did just fine. We anticipated sickness, we did our best to prepare for chaos, we embraced messy, unorganized, houses and schedules, and we drank and ate A LOT (but mostly drank).

We got to see so much of our families. Some we did not and they were very greatly missed.

The girls were very excited to open presents this year. There were a few "situations" in which they may have been fighting over who was going to open the present first, but what's a little healthy may-the-strongest-child-win competition among family members? Most of the time it ended well.




It has definitely proven that taking pics of kids at this age, looking, smiling, and sitting still is LITERALLY impossible. So, I have decided to embrace the little idiosyncrasies and imperfections that make up most of the photos I post. After all, it's what makes them ours. Lots of personality.






There ended up being around 1000 photos just from Christmas, so obvi, I had to narrow it down. We got to spend time with so many members of the family I couldn't possibly show them all here. Plus, I have noticed some of the adults aren't huge fans of being on "that-there-intranet."






With love to all our family, you made a wonderful time of year even more wonderfuller (YES it's a word - I'm almost positive. Just take my word for it though, ok?)



From Us, To YOU

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It's official. You can expect radio silence here on the blog until the NEW YEAR.

I love a new year. New fresh start. Time to make new plans and goals. Reflecting on the last year and how much has changed? How much was accomplished (or not accomplished if you have 2 small children 2 years apart)? Time to look forward to the new adventures you will have. An excuse to clean and purge and donate. A time to celebrate new milestones, birthdays and holidays.

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. I really try to do my best all year round, as we all do. When the idea strikes to eat healthier or start to exercise, I start right at that moment. Cause why wait? But one that I always need to remind myself of at the end of the year, and it seems to carry me through until the next year is, "TAKE EVERYTHING AS A COMPLIMENT." I find if I try my best to do this, trust me I fail at times, but if I do succeed, everything is received with love and kindness. Challenge yourself and attempt it this coming year. If you search hard enough, there's a compliment in there somewhere.

Happy New Year!!!


In the meantime, I hope you all find peace and joy this holiday season. My wish for you is that you get a chance to recharge your bodies and hearts in the coming days. I hope this rest helps you to be prepared to conquer this upcoming year. You never know what may come your way, let's all be ready.




I hope you take a few moments to receive your blessings this year. Be present, take a minute to think, observe and appreciate. Not sure about you but I literally only have about 1 minute before my kids need something from me. But I can assure you in that 1 single minute, I will be able to recognize my gifts, praise God and remember just how much my cup runneth over. My heart will swell with love and and almost burst. If I had 2 minutes, I might shed a tear of gratitude, but I probably won't, so heart swelling it is.



Seriously, y'all thanks for reading this little blog of ours and letting us share our gifts with you. We are honoured that you have even the tiniest of places in your hearts and your homes for our little girls. We are grateful that you choose to accept that which may be different and spread the accomplishments and the joy of our girl, Hazel.

Much MUCH LOVE to you now and ALWAYS!!! We can't wait to share another year of shenanigans with you.





Wishing you all the very Merriest of Christmas' and the Happiest of Holidays.

From our family to yours. May you find enough peace in your hearts to carry you through another year of new experiences - good or bad, happy or sad. God Bless you!



Christmas is Coming...

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Ahhhhhhhh....the lights. Such fun. This is pretty much the only Christmas activity the girls have actually enjoyed so far. We all know how the Santa visit went. YIKES!

They aren't familiar with the yearly traditions yet. Santa is just a jolly old fellow they've seen in books. They have no concept of making a list and have absolutely no expectations of "getting" anything. And although I can't wait for them to be excited about waking to the treasures that Santa has left, I am kind of enjoying their ever present state of mind at the moment. They just are. I love them for that. Also, I thank them for it.

These kids are happy with anything or nothing. They were good with the lights...




Well, that's not entirely true. Nola looked like this most of the night. Thank goodness Hazel looked like this. Balance.



I think at one point I asked Matt if he thought Nola was trying to ruin Christmas. Soooooo, yeah, the night was peaceful. NOPE!

It wasn't until Mommy made one of these that we started to feel the Christmas spirit. Peppermint ice cream, rum, milk, blend. Magic!!!! If you are feeling crazy - eggnog instead of milk. But RUM!!!









Life certainly isn't perfect, usually, it's far from it. It's messy and unpredictable and LOUD. Often my kids don't get the memo that we are supposed to be spending a magical night together making memories as a family. They end up cranky, or hungry, or tired, or well, let's just say - "not in the Christmas spirit." We can only control so much.

In the end, the lights were a hit. The tree went up and got decorated. Mommy and daddy had special drinks and it felt like Christmas.




Here's to spreading Christmas cheer!!!

If your kids are "not in the spirit of Christmas" please throw on your favourite Christmas song, "I pray on Christmas," works like a charm AND see the drink recipe listed above. 100% chance of increasing the "feelings of Christmas" in your home.

Good LUCK!!!

Happy Friday!!!

Holiday mode is slowly kicking in over here. Shopping is done, daycare is over, therapy appointments are done, gifts are wrapped, food is bought, and all is well. Just have to wait for Daddy to finish work. Hoping all your holiday prep is just about over so you can enjoy your family and friends. Or even just enjoy a nice cup of tea, coffee, something a little stronger perhaps.

Santa will be here soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!



Happy Friday!!!!

Ho Ho HO!!!!

I just had to share this on the blog. For those who don't follow us on Facebook or Instagram. It's not a smile for Happy Friday this week. Well not the kids smiles anyway.

Let's just say the visit with Santa was a lively one.

It all started the INSTANT I tried to hand Nola off to Santa. Her little body stiffened and she screamed her loudest, most horrified, someone-just-ignited-my-clothes-on-fire scream that she could muster. Well, Hazel got one look at that and she was convinced that danger was imminent. She too began to scream her loudest, get me-the-heck-outta-here scream. If Nola was out, there's no WAY Hazel was sticking around to see this thing through. And on and on AND ON they went. Dispite the fact that we were holding them. We reassured them and we DID NOT even try to attempt to hand them back to Santa again, they still carried on. It was really warm and cozy. Like seriously, I was sweating.

Anyway, a little poem, if you'll indulge me...

We decided to visit Santa and get out of the house, Upon our arrival, nothing was stirring, not even a mouse. When suddenly there arose such a clatter. Everyone walking past had to see what was the matter. And what to their wondering eyes might appear? Two tiny humans stiff as a board, flailing their arms and yelling from fear. With Santa in the middle, chuckling with glee. And I on his right trying not to flee. The elf behind the camera through her arms up in defeat. All I can hope is there was no live Tweet (#insanesantavisit) So with my red face and sweaty arm pits, I collected my children, and gave my humblest of apologies. We exited the area and exchanged a look of terror, while we laughed and declared that this make for good stories.

The END.


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Happy Friday everyone!!!!

Ahhhhh Mother's Day

While I wish all the mama's a Happy Mothers day, I can't help but remember the many painful days I spent celebrating the other mothers in my life, all the while silently aching inside to have my own child call me "mama." Those were the darkest of days struggling through infertility. 4 years. 4 Mother's Days. 4 Father's Days.

The emptiness almost unbearable. I don't know if Hazel will ever really understand how she filled that empty space by making me a mama.

I wish all the mama's out there a happy day. But I also hope and pray for all the mama's-to-be out there that are still waiting for that space to be filled. I pray for you to have strength on this day that is so very difficult for our hearts. I know that becoming a mom seems so far off and probably impossible for some of you. I know that feeling all too well. I have not, I will NEVER, forget.

I am certainly not going to sit here and tell you that it will happen for you. I won't tell you that you will become a mom when the "time is right." I know better than that. I will tell you that all will be as it is supposed to be in the end. I will also tell you, if even the tiniest part of you desires to be a mama, than your heart already is one.

So, you too deserve to celebrate this Mother's Day.

To those of you who are laying in wait, I want you to know that you are allowed to celebrate this day too...

For every time you cuddled a new baby and loved all over it like it was your own.

For all the times you hugged and kissed a child that fell and hurt themselves.

For the sloppy kisses from puppies you received (puppies need mamas too).

For the moments you felt you needed to protect a child from harm.

For spending your time teaching children and helping them learn.

For every moment that you have given something up, shared or sacrificed for someone's child.

For every dance recital you clapped through, soccer game you cheered for, drawing you hung on your fridge, picture you've taken, diaper you've changed, baby you've rocked to sleep, moment of pride you've felt...



I am beyond words about just how lucky and blessed I have been to spend the last 2 Mother's Days with someone who calls me mama. My heart is so full, overflowing in fact, that soon another little girl will be able to fill that space by calling me "mama."



This pic is old but I feel like at the heart of this pic is what makes me a mom. Pjs, no make-up, definitely not showered, teeth brushed (maybe - but doubt it), and kids are in control. Real life.



Family is a beautiful thing.



Thanksgiving is My Favourite!


We had a lovely day together as a big ol' Italian family.

The weather was, lit'rally, perfect for a day spent eating, drinking and chasing kids around outside. It was especially nice for those of us who are really pregnant to escape outdoors for some refreshing cool air.

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Nonno and Nonna B saying hello to Hazel. I think they love her just a little bit!


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Chasing Nonna around on the driveway...



This little dress that Hazel is wearing was passed down by her cousin Anna (and Zia Kim, Anna's mom). It was given to Anna by her Great Grandmother, who I had the pleasure of meeting on a handful of occasions. What a cherished soul she was. Always ready with a kind word and a smile. We were so happy to have Hazel wear such a cherished and meaningful family heirloom.

It must have set the tone for her and Anna for the day because Hazel was glued to her side. They read books, played outside and Hazel offered spontaneous hugs and kisses to her big cousin. So awesome to witness this kind of love!





Thanksgiving indeed...We are thankful.

We all sincerely hope you enjoy your holiday this year as well.