Christmas is Coming...

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Ahhhhhhhh....the lights. Such fun. This is pretty much the only Christmas activity the girls have actually enjoyed so far. We all know how the Santa visit went. YIKES!

They aren't familiar with the yearly traditions yet. Santa is just a jolly old fellow they've seen in books. They have no concept of making a list and have absolutely no expectations of "getting" anything. And although I can't wait for them to be excited about waking to the treasures that Santa has left, I am kind of enjoying their ever present state of mind at the moment. They just are. I love them for that. Also, I thank them for it.

These kids are happy with anything or nothing. They were good with the lights...




Well, that's not entirely true. Nola looked like this most of the night. Thank goodness Hazel looked like this. Balance.



I think at one point I asked Matt if he thought Nola was trying to ruin Christmas. Soooooo, yeah, the night was peaceful. NOPE!

It wasn't until Mommy made one of these that we started to feel the Christmas spirit. Peppermint ice cream, rum, milk, blend. Magic!!!! If you are feeling crazy - eggnog instead of milk. But RUM!!!









Life certainly isn't perfect, usually, it's far from it. It's messy and unpredictable and LOUD. Often my kids don't get the memo that we are supposed to be spending a magical night together making memories as a family. They end up cranky, or hungry, or tired, or well, let's just say - "not in the Christmas spirit." We can only control so much.

In the end, the lights were a hit. The tree went up and got decorated. Mommy and daddy had special drinks and it felt like Christmas.




Here's to spreading Christmas cheer!!!

If your kids are "not in the spirit of Christmas" please throw on your favourite Christmas song, "I pray on Christmas," works like a charm AND see the drink recipe listed above. 100% chance of increasing the "feelings of Christmas" in your home.

Good LUCK!!!

Hazel's Big Girl Room

Back when I was nesting (preparing for a new baby by giving my old baby a brand new bedroom), I met one of the greatest loves of my life. PAINT!!!

Not just any old paint, American Paint Company - Chalk and Mineral base paint. I cannot tell you how easy it is to use, it's safe for a kids bedroom, and it gives the best distressed look to old furniture. Basically, I became so obsessed with this paint, if things weren't nailed down they were likely going to find themselves with a shiny new coat of paint. It was bad. Good thing I was really pregnant at the time and eventually my energy fizzled out. I could only do so much.


Here are some of the items that were subjected to my nesting obsession:

1. Toddler swing - bought for 5$ at antique shop



Picture frame - 20$ at antique shop



Wooden plaques - 24$

PicMonkey Collage


Old hutch - 50$ at yard sale

PicMonkey Collage


Here's how they ended up in Hazel's room...




Ok...I didn't paint this mirror. I bought it at an antique shop just like that. Hazel loves to sit in front of it and talk, read, and dance.


I decided to hang her Christening gown instead of leave it in the closet.



This is the hutch I bought for $50 and painted. OBSESSED!!!


How much do I love that she's closing the door on me already???


I think she likes her new room...


Curtains and bedding custom made by Bellalulubaby.

On the Homefront - Christmas Wise

The house is ready for Santa! The several inches of snow that fell this weekend (well last weekend now) certainly didn't make it feel any LESS like Christmas. It's beautiful outside (now that the roads are cleared and the snow has stopped falling and I don't have anywhere to go - Gorgeous!). I wrote this when there was snow outside. The snow no longer remains. The sentiment is the same. Anyways... Hazel is so much more fun this year. She's so curious about what we are up to. Wanting to help Daddy in pretty much whatever activity he is doing. "Help" is sort of a loose term - it's more she's right under his feet, making sure to steal whatever objects he places down. Usually followed by hysterical laughter and the pitter-patter of her feet running in the opposite direction. It's pretty funny.



She was really a really big help in decorating the tree this year. When we were placing the lights and ribbon just so, Hazel made sure to go behind us and pull them down. It was fun!







This is the very first time Hazel ever held Nola. My heart nearly exploded into a huge, hot, mama, mess right there on the spot. I think I stopped breathing...


As you can see Hazel has hearts in her eyes and Nola, well, "she's just not that into her." Seems we can't win.

In other Christmas news...

We have all been sick AGAIN and so there are no pre-Christmas-dress-wearing photo shoots taking place this year. We will just have to wait until the day of and try to get the pics then. It's risky I know - but sacrifices have to be made. Desperate times...

Will check in once more before the big day, but for now hoping all your Holiday plans are falling into place and you are beginning to exhale and look forward to spending some time doing whatever it is you do to celebrate the birth of Jesus and ring in the new year.
