Happy Halloween Friday!!!!
/I present to you.... Little Bo Peep and her little wondering sheep.
I learned that it's super easy to #FAIL when you piece together your own costume. Especially when your plan comes together pretty perfectly and your child (in this example Little Bo Peep) refuses to wear the parts of the costume that make her who she is. The bonnet and the staff. Oh yes, they exist. In fact, they are adorable. However, Hazel really didn't see the point in either and refused to even let me take ONE PICTURE of her in the full gear.
This is not over. I WILL try again.
It's a good thing she's cute...seriously. Nola completely stole the show at the Halloween party. I am obsessed with this costume. Thanks amazon.com for making that easy for me.
Closing out Down Syndrome Awareness month. It was a great one!!! I have truly enjoyed reading all the interesting links people have been sharing on their social media channels. Thanks to all of you who took the time to read about DS this month. And an extra special thanks for sharing Hazel on your Facebook pages and blogs. We had over 200 shares on that DSAM pic. GUYS!!!!! That's insane for us!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!
October was all about Hazel. November will be all about Nola. In honour of her first year, I will share her birth story and a general update about her (which will include lots of pics). Then, of course, I will post pics of her birthday celebration. It's unbelievable that my little baby is turning 1.
And with alllllllllll that...
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!
Happy Friday!!!!
Mother's Day Shenanigans
/It only took a Mother's Day miracle to get a pic of the three of us all looking in the same direction. Forget the smiling. We are all looking and that, in and of itself, exceeds all expectations.
And then of each of my girls...
We spent the day playing...
It was the BEST!!!