Nola's 1st Birthday Celebration
/Ok so somehow it's Thursday. Well then...
Here's some pics of the big birthday celebration, which is quickly becoming history as the days keep flying by. I must admit I really, truly enjoyed planning this party. I generally enjoy entertaining but since I've had 2 kids, I find it so difficult to find the energy to really PLAN a party. Like put 100% effort into every detail. For this party, I was all in. I am really happy with the final product. It was a really inviting, calm atmosphere. The kids got to see some cool nature displays and adults got to sit, talk and enjoy each others company.
Nola, however, had this face....ALLLLL DAAAAYYYY!!!
I just had to add this pic of my father-in-law eating lunch with all the kids. His choice, of course.
Literally....ALLLLL DAAAAY!!!
The only photo I have of the 2 girls together #fail.
Smash cake. She really was gentle with the cake. Not a messy smasher at all.
While Nola was having her moment, this adorableness was going on right in front of her. I absolutely LOVE how much Hazel loves her big cousin Owen. Imagine the smile on his face too. Ughhhhh...
Actually she looks happy here. Interesting.
Cutest ever!!! She saw the candle lit and was totally obsessed with the cake. Wouldn't take her eyes off of it.
Love was in the air...
The best gifts are the homemade ones. Stella really outdid herself with an album just for Nola. A picture from each month of her life. Such an amazingly thoughtful gift. Of course Hazel got one too. All 3 of our nieces bring so much love into our girls lives. I can't wait to see how their relationship grows and how close they become.
So thankful to have been able to celebrate all of your 365 days baby girl. You bring life to this house every single day.