Nola Charlie - A Birth Story

NOLA HA!!!  I am writing another birth story.

I can hardly believe that I am doing this. Hold on...I can hardly believe that I have "kids" or "daughters" LIKE IT'S PLURAL!!! I NEVER take it for granted EVER. I GET to write another birth story. What an honour, a privilege to tell another babies journey into the world. I have a feeling this one won't be another ten pager, like Hazel's birth story was. Nola wasn't as high maintenance as her sister.

Even though this birth story might not be as many pages, it might not include as much drama, you won't find any medical jargon, there wasn't an imminent threat of surgery or death upon arrival. It still has enough power and strength to have changed my heart in a completely different and utterly necessary way.

I hope you enjoy!

(I am so thankful that Tiff, from Vita Photography, was there to capture these sweet moments. I look at them often and treasure them deeply. I am not sure this would have been possible had her and I not been so close. It helps to have extremely talented and supportive cousins. There are not really any before shots cause she literally walked in RIGHT before I started pushing. No fault of her own. What can I say? My babies come fast)


I'm 41 weeks pregnant, which is great.

No not great!!! NOPE - NOT AT ALL!!!

Couldn't sleep, couldn't walk, couldn't move, COULDN'T DEAL!!!! Trying to be a good mother to Hazel felt completely out of the question. Trust me when I tell you, that added emotional failure to the daily routine was productive. I literally felt like this baby was never going to come.

NO I wasn't enjoying the lasts days of my baby and I sharing one body. Not one bit. I prayed so hard. Every. Single. Night, for her to come OUT!!! Let's just say I am not my "best-self" anywhere from 35 to 41 weeks pregnant. Do NOT judge me!

So after a few very, VERY uncomfortable visits to the OB and still no baby we decide that it's time to induce. Naturally, I went diving head first into panic mode.


This really wasn't expected. I had no knowledge of what being induced would entail. I didn't want to start looking it up on the internet and I had a hard time asking people for their experiences, as it's so different for everyone. All I knew in the back of my mind was that being induced is generally "not ideal". I immediately became so afraid of labour. A feeling that I never had prior. Fears like, was it going to take longer? Would it be more painful?


I got a few opinions. Some were great, some not so much. Anyways....

We decide on the day. Saturday (not realizing at the time that it was November 9th - my sweet Allie Belle's birthday). As good a day as any. I got into bed the night before praying to go into labour. NOPE!

I got the call at 6:30 am. They had a bed for me. No rush. Have a shower, something to eat and come on in whenever you're ready. The whole morning was pretty chill. I walk into the the OB wing of the hospital at about 8ish, only to be greeted by what seemed like the entire nursing staff and doc. Lovely entry to arms-a-wavin' and happy, smiling faces saying...

"Good morning!"

"Your having a baby today?"



By 8:30 I was in a gown and my water was broken. I immediately started contracting on my own. No drugs necessary. Nurses started taking a history. Wondering what my last labour was like. "Hmmmmmmmm, so you went from 4 to 10cms in 20 minutes?" The wheels were turning. Contractions were getting very intense, very fast.


The plan quickly turned into, "let's just see where these contractions take us" before we start the Oxycontin. My body started to command the stage. I was in some serious pain. It came fast and furious and was holding nothing back. It was too MUCH, TOO FAST!

9:30 was the limit. I need drugs now please. PLEASE!!!!!

Oh, there's no anesthesiologist available right now? AMAZING!!!

The nurse took one look at me and said, "I think we'll call someone in for you."


By 10 the epi was getting put in, still at 2 cms. Hmmmmmm...I don't think so. Not with these contractions.

Matt was kicked out into the waiting arms of the family. Of which there was no shortage of. Same crazy bunch that were there for Hazel. We take over. That's our thing. We fill waiting rooms to the brim with family. Sometimes, my father-in-law's thing, is to offer money to other awaiting family members for the "boy" that they are waiting to meet. I guess he's pretty determined to get his grandson (don't think I didn't hear that little tidbit Pip!!!)

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I digress...


So epi is getting put in, Matt is out of the room, contractions are getting very strong, but I felt great! 10:30 things are happening, nurse decides to check again, just in case things happened to change. HEEEEEELLO...10cms. HA! It creeps up on you that elusive 10cm cervix. FAST!



Drugs were in full effect, I was thinking this pushing thing was not going to be productive. The doc came in, checked the baby's heart print out and made a call. We need to get her out. Right now. She's having some stress and he was not comfortable waiting for the drugs to wear off a bit. Turns out when a doc tells you that your baby is in distress you figure out pretty quickly how to push her out.




Within about 4 pushes, out came her little head. I watched her first seconds entering the world. Still very much a part of me. I let out a huge gasp of amazement. I cried in awe, "Oh My God...There's her head!" There she was. Her perfect little grey head. How is this even possible? A couple more pushes and she was free. She was here. We were two bodies.




She filled the room. Her smell, her cries, her squeaks, her new life.





And there it was. It came barreling over me. Consuming me, flooding me, like water that breaks free from a damn, coating everything in its path. That feeling...

That feeling when they put this brand new baby on your chest and nobody is quite ready to take in what has just happened. It doesn't matter. There's a baby. Her face is super crunched up, she's crying and flailing and covered in that last little bit of mama. The world fades away, all the pain is gone, the anticipation is exchanged with love, the fatigue turns into nurture, the stress turns into joy. All in a split second - an instant - a snap of the finger. That's how long it takes for this little tiny person that was growing inside you, to change your soul forever. In those first few moments, when you exist only for this little being, only to provide for her. She rests so desperately there on your bare chest. Her skin on your skin. Her senses take over and she searches, wiggles and crawls her way down your chest, staking her claim. This is where she eats. This is where she lives. This is where she feels safe, cared for, and secure. Drinking in my scent, it's all she knows. Both of us clinging to each other aching to feel our bodies, our skin, her weight on my chest.





These moments were taken from Hazel. We didn't have these first few moments that are driven purely on instinct and love. This time, we got to truly appreciate the birthing process. I got to literally watch her come out of my body. Not worrying about her health, her heart, her belly. With each push, focusing on bringing her into the world and meeting our second daughter.



This is the story of how this girl healed me. It's my birth story.

From the moment I learned that she was growing inside me, until this very present moment. She took a broken, grieving woman and turned her into a completely satisfied, completed mama. She sewed up wounds that I didn't know I had. I thought Hazel cured me. She made me a mother. But the soul knows what it needs to feel peace. And my peace came with little Nola. I never dreamed of her. I never thought she was possible. And yet she is here. She just came.



I still look at her everyday and wonder how the universe got it sooooooooo right?

How the universe knew that my soul still needed healing?

My girl Nola, let me abandon all of those grieving, infertile moments that I had no idea I was still carrying around with me. She allowed me to believe, the absolute truth is, that God will provide. I struggled with this truth during our years of infertility. Nothing ever made sense and I felt abandoned. I could spend my entire lifetime providing, nurturing, loving, and supporting Nola and I still would NEVER be able to repay her for how she has given my soul peace and my heart contentment. She erased so much pain and replaced it with hope.

Not to mention how important she will be for Hazel in the future. Something my mama heart can't even begin to comprehend. If I focus on it I get all goose-bumpy and heart-fluttery. It's TOO much. Entirely, TOO much!

Looking back now, Hazel's birth/arrival was about healing Hazel. It was about forever changing the way that we view life, people and society. It was about teaching and allowing Hazel to send her message to the world. It was about accepting things that seemed like challenges but ended up filling our hearts with pure love. She allowed us to see everything with LOVE in our hearts and therefore letting us accept real LOVE into our lives.

Nola's birth/arrival was about healing us ALL as a family. She made us complete, whole. She brought balance and peace. She was exactly what we needed and she came at exactly the right time.



Baby Nola,

You were not planned for, you seemed impossible. You are a miracle, a little gift from God. You are welcomed, you are loved. You will never know the weight of your presence in our lives. We owe you baby girl and we plan to spend the rest of our lives repaying you in unconditional LOVE and support. You filled in all the cracks and made us impenetrable.

Gosh - I love you.


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God is good.


Hazel Loretta - A Birth Story

Finally...I am posting Hazel's birth story. I know I meant to get to some other posts for Down Syndrome Awareness Month, but I am also trying to be very conscious that I have another babe on the way that needs me to rest and relax so I am ready when she decides to join us out here. There's always National Down Syndrome Awareness Week in November. Hazel is only going to be an only child for another couple weeks, so I am trying to soak up every minute of her that I can in the coming days.

Long story short - this will be my last post for a while. Bitter sweet for us all (I hope). I miss the blog when I am away from it, but I will come back with lots of new material and some old, that I have prepared ahead. I am not going to completely unplug. I will, as always, be updating my IG feed (follow us at user name Chasing_Hazel) AND I will still be posting pics and small updates via our Chasing Hazel Facebook page (jump on over and give it a "like").

Hope you all enjoy this read. It's a long one so you may want to do it in parts. I put my heart on the line with this one.

Can't wait to share our new little girl with all of you...Thank you so much for your support, your love and your interest in our little family.

Leaving you all with much love in my heart.




"Did you guys know?"

A very common question that we’ve been asked since the birth of our daughter, Hazel. Down Syndrome - really? Trisomy 21? How could that be?

Yes we did – Wait (pause for dramatic effect) Did we?

Well, that’s the simple answer. Right? It makes perfect sense.

However, the full story is not simple. It is painful, long and feels like the pieces took a very long time to fall into place. The happy ending has already been documented and continues to flourish but for a long time it seemed unlikely that the end was near and the last thing it seemed was happy.

I hope that after reading this story you are able to identify and relate to 2 people who overcame fears, learned how to truly accept what is, and who were completely vulnerable to what the universe had hidden up its sleeve. I also wish that through this story, you might gain empathy for others that have had to surrender themselves to a universal plan that was far beyond anything they could ever have imagined or controlled.

By living this story, I have realized that life has a way of providing the experiences that we NEED to make us more compassionate people. More importantly, it usually has little to do with our own perceptions and ideals about what will help us along. Indeed it is what will enlighten and empower us, we just have to accept it for what it is.

In the end, it all happens just as it is supposed to.

Happy reading!


As I sat down and tried to write this some months ago, I found that it presented more challenges than I expected. It became painfully obvious that I was having a hard time separating my fertility story, from my pregnancy story, from Hazel’s birth story. I was not ready to revisit the fertility battle, nor was I ready to recollect and explain my pregnancy in detail. Advice was desperately needed. I was determined to get this birth story out there somehow. The advice I received to help me get this process started was, that all of those experiences do not necessarily have to go together and form one story. I could dissect each individual part and write what I felt I could handle and relive again. Turns out that I do revisit the pregnancy in some detail.

Mostly, this is a birth story.


Please click here to continue reading...



I know these pics are never flattering but I guess we just consider these posts my way of "keeping things real." I feel like this will be my last pregnancy post so I couldn't NOT post it (not that I am in labour, feeling labour coming on, or showing any signs whatsoever that I will be in labour in the very near future. My prediction from the beginning was that this babe is staying in as long as she possibly can - Sooooooooooo).

Since I only went to 37 weeks with Hazel (which you will soon read in her birth story). I thought I would throw up some shots to compare of my last pics while pregnant with Hazel.

So here is Baby #2 at 36...


Here is Hazel at 36...



Here is the bump "Face-off" pic of the 36 week belly progression:

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So I am feeling pretty good at 38 weeks. Somehow I have more energy now than I did in the early 30s (main contributing factor to this are the naps I take every time Hazel goes down #keepinitreal). By this point with Hazel I could barely walk. There was an enormous amount of pressure happening and walking was quite a chore. Thankfully, I am still (relatively) able to chase after Hazel. So I am way ahead of the game this time around.

The best way I can describe what I feel on a daily is TIGHT! Oh so tight - all the time- tight!!! Baby girl is stretching, moving and flexing every chance she gets. She's the boss of me at the moment, I am at her mercy. I am begging her to ease up on the bladder punches, just a tad. Throw mommy a bone little girl!

In all seriousness, we are getting super SUPER excited to get our hands on this little soul. I can NOT wait to see what she looks like? How much hair she has? How Hazel will react to her? It's all just too much to anticipate. It really is just TOO MUCH! I still don't think that it really has set in that we are having another baby yet. So excited for the new changes and what the future will bring us with this new little one.

Oh yes and the nesting is finally done!!! I feel ready. I feel as prepared as any parents of new babes can feel. Looking forward to a quiet couple weeks before our world gets altered in a grand way, yet again, by another little person.

Happy Sunday...



Growin' a Baby

31 Weeks!!!


I can't believe how fast time seems to be going. I am really not one to talk a lot about being pregnant but I figure another update might be in order. The last one was at 20 weeks. Yikes!!!



I am very happy to say that this pregnancy has been very uneventful. Just a baby girl growing, kicking, hiccuping, and barely ever sleeping. Soooooooo....Yeah...there's that. I'm not scared!!!!

I'M NOT!!!!

So, obviously we have started "Nesting." Is there another choice when you have a baby coming? To me it's more preparing than "nesting." You can't just grab a bail of hay, throw it in a corner somewhere, label it a "manger" and call it a day. Babies need beds, safe places to hang out, and lots and lots of little tiny things. Thus, we have started dusting off (not that they have been hangin' around too long) and collecting 'said' little tiny things.

How am I feeling?

I REALLY, REALLY try hard not to complain about being pregnant, since it took me so long to get there the first time around. Also, I try to be very sensitive to fertility experiences and know what y'all are going through and/or have been through. We really do feel blessed to have been given this little surprise the 2nd time around (and NEVER thought it was even in the realm of possibility). So, that said...

Overall, I feel really good. A welcome change from my first pregnancy where I had morning sickness until about 34 weeks. The last three weeks were great though!!! For this pregnancy, I was really lucky to have lots of energy in the 2nd trimester, which has since started to come in smaller doses. I am still literally "Chasing Hazel" everyday which tends to drain all the energy I have. Poor Matt is left to pick up the pieces around here - let's just say - "OFTEN."

Emotionally, I am just getting ready to meet this little girl. Some days I am so excited to get my hands on her and some days I am scared out of my mind what it might look like to juggle 2 babes. I know many have "came, saw and conquered" before us, so I am pretty sure it's possible - BUT still! You could all be masochists...I'm just sayin'


Here is a pic of me at 31 weeks with Hazel. It's a lot of boobs and belly I know...I didn't have blog back then and NEVER intended for these to be seen. Alas, here we are...


Here is a pic of me with Baby #2. Again with the boobs and belly. You either love it or you hate it...


Here's a side by side, just to give you an even better idea. It is very obvious to me that I was much bigger with Hazel. I remember being very uncomfortable with her from about 16 weeks along. Come to find out I had an excess build up of amniotic fluid because Hazel wasn't digesting it properly. You will find out more about the details of Hazel's pregnancy in my birth story, which I will be posting very VERY soon!!!

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Thanks so much for being patient about the birth story. I am trying to get it just right. It's so close, just have to add pics, links and edit once more. I am really excited to share it with you. And will be before the new baby comes.

Happy 1st Day of school to all those who started today. A day of new beginnings is a good day!!!




Half Way There - WOOT!!!

I am not one to post a lot about my pregnancy, but since I just crossed over the half way point I thought I would check in. I guess having been through fertility issues, it's still a sensitive topic to write about for me. I have been posting some pics on IG, just to keep it real. I have been feeling great these last few weeks. Not a great deal of morning sickness (anymore - I was pretty sick for the first 16 weeks). My energy has returned and I once again feel ready to face the world (and by "world" I mean Hazel). It's definitely not the same the second time around.

I have been feeling the baby move around and kick a lot. Just gently reminding me that there is in fact a baby in there. Matt got to feel for the first time this week. I feel so much more comfortable this time around.

I think I'm not showing as quickly either, but it's so hard to say.

Hazel at 20 weeks



Baby #2 at 20 weeks



Oh...and...also....we decided to find out this time.






...and we will share just as soon as we tell the family. I will do a full reveal post soon.


Hazel says - "shhhhhhh, it's a secret for now"



Gratitude & Health