Growin' a Baby
/31 Weeks!!!
I am very happy to say that this pregnancy has been very uneventful. Just a baby girl growing, kicking, hiccuping, and barely ever sleeping. Soooooooo....Yeah...there's that. I'm not scared!!!!
I'M NOT!!!!
So, obviously we have started "Nesting." Is there another choice when you have a baby coming? To me it's more preparing than "nesting." You can't just grab a bail of hay, throw it in a corner somewhere, label it a "manger" and call it a day. Babies need beds, safe places to hang out, and lots and lots of little tiny things. Thus, we have started dusting off (not that they have been hangin' around too long) and collecting 'said' little tiny things.
How am I feeling?
I REALLY, REALLY try hard not to complain about being pregnant, since it took me so long to get there the first time around. Also, I try to be very sensitive to fertility experiences and know what y'all are going through and/or have been through. We really do feel blessed to have been given this little surprise the 2nd time around (and NEVER thought it was even in the realm of possibility). So, that said...
Overall, I feel really good. A welcome change from my first pregnancy where I had morning sickness until about 34 weeks. The last three weeks were great though!!! For this pregnancy, I was really lucky to have lots of energy in the 2nd trimester, which has since started to come in smaller doses. I am still literally "Chasing Hazel" everyday which tends to drain all the energy I have. Poor Matt is left to pick up the pieces around here - let's just say - "OFTEN."
Emotionally, I am just getting ready to meet this little girl. Some days I am so excited to get my hands on her and some days I am scared out of my mind what it might look like to juggle 2 babes. I know many have "came, saw and conquered" before us, so I am pretty sure it's possible - BUT still! You could all be masochists...I'm just sayin'
Here is a pic of me at 31 weeks with Hazel. It's a lot of boobs and belly I know...I didn't have blog back then and NEVER intended for these to be seen. Alas, here we are...
Here is a pic of me with Baby #2. Again with the boobs and belly. You either love it or you hate it...
Here's a side by side, just to give you an even better idea. It is very obvious to me that I was much bigger with Hazel. I remember being very uncomfortable with her from about 16 weeks along. Come to find out I had an excess build up of amniotic fluid because Hazel wasn't digesting it properly. You will find out more about the details of Hazel's pregnancy in my birth story, which I will be posting very VERY soon!!!
Thanks so much for being patient about the birth story. I am trying to get it just right. It's so close, just have to add pics, links and edit once more. I am really excited to share it with you. And will be before the new baby comes.
Happy 1st Day of school to all those who started today. A day of new beginnings is a good day!!!