Celebrating 3 Years

Here we go. The sappy, I had 5 minutes to think about my baby getting bigger post is up. Brace yourself.

These pics were taken at the exact moment that Hazel arrived in the world. Exactly 3 - 9:55am





She's 3 guys...


She tries so hard to make 3 with her fingers...



The other night I was putting Hazel to bed and it was the typical routine: Wiggles, brush teeth, change diaper, sleep sack, read stories.

Instead of putting her in her bed, leaning over the side so I am right down in her face kissing her neck and listening to her laugh hysterically - then starting her sleep sheep and saying "night night." Her saying it back. Me saying "I love you." Her saying it back (loud and fast and usually more than once) like we usually do - I picked her up, let her lean her cheek on my shoulder, and rocked her in the chair until she fell asleep. Something her daddy does with her often. I could tell the exact moment she fell asleep. The exact breath that put her comfortably into her slumber. Her body went limp. She melted into my body. Extra melty cause of the low tone, one of the little gifts that DS offers you that no one else knows about. She fits and molds around my every crevice like she's a part of me again.

As I was sitting there with one hand over her ear and the other patting her bum, I remembered back to when she was just a wee babe and I used to rock her to sleep. Counting the days until she would be too big for me to do it. I remember a specific time when she was around 1. I remember feeling so sad that time was running out. That she wouldn't be little for long and that the days were numbered that she would let me rock her to sleep. I did my best to jump back to the preset moment, think about how in that very moment she was little enough to rock to sleep - right then.

Fast forward to now. There she was almost 3. Gently rocked in my arms, sleeping soundly. I realized that yes, the rocking to sleep has become more of an exception than the rule, but it still happens. Right now - 2 years later- she's not too big to rock to sleep. And I think that although the times will become less and less frequent, there will be those few magical moments where all the stars align and I can rock my baby to sleep, feel her breath on my neck and the weight of her melty little body on mine.

That will just have to do. I have had 3 years and counting of rocking, hugging, kissing and laughing with this little love. All of these moments make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.





Taking birthday calls - ALLLLLLL DAYYYYY!!!



Opening her presents. Obviously, Nola wasn't far behind. Also, she hasn't given Hazel 1 turn on the trampoline since we gave it to them.






I can't believe it's been 3 years with this sweet girl who came into our lives and turned it upside right.

Here's to many more nights I rock you to sleep baby girl. So proud to be your mama.


Happy Birthday Baby!

Today's the day. She's 3. I can't run and hide from it anymore. Just a quick note today, to acknowledge our sweet girl turning 3. Unbelievable!



How on earth has it been 3 years already?! How on earth did my girl go from a new born, to a baby, to a toddler, and now moving very close to "little girl" territory. I am so - oh, I don't even know - emotional? about this birthday.




It's just that it's so very difficult to look at her like she's grown. A challenge I think most mothers find impossible. When they are your baby, they are your baby for life.



We have celebrated with the families already. Pics will be posted soon enough. Hazel has really gotten into the spirit of her birthday this year. She liked the presents, the song, the candle. It is really quite cute to see how excited she got. The first birthday celebration we had, she came home and sang the song to herself a few more times before bed. I died!! Obvi.



So today we spend a quiet day with our girls, celebrating life, growth and change. The latter will be cried over first and then celebrated (maybe). I thank God every single night for my sweet family. They are my favourite.



This face. This girl. I could never EVER celebrate her as much as I love her. There is not enough confetti, balloons, cakes and party games to even compare to the amount of love I have for this amazingly stubborn little girl in my heart.



Happiest of birthdays Hazel! If I haven't made it clear I LOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!



Will be back soon with some more pics of her special celebrations. Those of you who have been around a while will be expecting a 2 or 3 part post for this special occasion. I can guarantee you there will be a sappy "how is my little girl 3 already?" post for sure.

Meet you back here soon.