Gearing Up for WDSD 2016

World Down Syndrome Day 2016 is almost here!!!!!! This was us from last year...

We are SUPER excited this year about our efforts to make the day the BEST it can possibly be out in the community. It is partially the reason why this blog space has been so quiet the last little while. Trust me, just because it's quiet here doesn't mean that I am not pounding the pavement everyday to advocate and educate our community about DS. And a willing community they are!

WDSD exists to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome by choosing activities that show support and awareness to those individuals. Rocking Socks has become and easy, attainable and VERY visual way to demonstrate this support around the globe. We are seeking to share what it IS to have Down syndrome - something to be celebrated. We are advocating for the inclusion, respect and understanding that individuals with Down syndrome have a great deal to offer their communities. This day occurs on the 21st day of the 3rd month because we celebrate the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome which is what makes Down syndrome. To read more about WDSD visit:

Over the last 4 years, World Down Syndrome Day has become one of our absolute favourite days of all time. It's a day where the WORLD celebrates individuals with DS. Social media channels explode with support, love and stories of accomplishments. Families share their children and all the pride and love they have brought into their lives. We here at Chasing Hazel are no different.

So far the community support we have received is outstanding. It literally brought me to tears yesterday. My heart is swelling daily as new people message me and ask how they can be a part of the day. We have firm commitments from 8 grade schools - who have pretty much made it a school wide event to rock socks and share a fact a day about DS. A local high school who will also be rocking some socks. The St. Clair College who has taken us in and adopted us as their own. They are planning on being a HUGE part of our day. More details to follow. Over the weekend the number only grew with more schools and other local organizations reaching out wanting to be a part of the celebration. So as of now there are over 20 different places committed to Rocking Socks for WDSD.

We would be honoured if you would...

Rock Your Socks

with us on this very special day. Be sure to tag your pics so I can share them all over the place!!!!!


Leave a comment on this post or email me if you are interested in joining the celebration!!!

Down Syndrome Awareness Month



This is the 3rd year in a row that October has held special meaning for us in this house. Hard to believe that 4 years ago I would not have even noticed a reference to Down Syndrome Awareness Month (DSAM), let alone have a blog that dedicates much of its time to advocating for those who have DS.

I would never go back to the me "pre DS." There's so much I would like to go back and tell myself about the beauty that I was about to experience (not that I would have believed me). It's a very difficult thing to do - accept the unknown. And hear I am now, almost 3 years later, not only accepting but loving, living, breathing, educating, advocating, supporting, challenging and hopefully most of all...


Changing not only my outlook on Down syndrome, not only our family's and friend's outlook - but YOURS. All of you. Every time you take the time to come over and visit us here on Chasing Hazel. Every time you share something on our Facebook page or like a picture on our Instagram feed, you are showing your support.

Support for Hazel - yeah sure - but also support for all those with Down syndrome.

When you look at Hazel with love in your eyes...

When you celebrate her accomplishments with us...

When you realize that she's a little girl that has learned to walk, talk, play and have temper tantrums...


How many of you have come across an individual with DS in the community and been a little less intimidated to speak to them because you know Hazel?

Oh - I hope A LOT!!!

Yes, this month is about raising awareness but I hope that we have been doing a good job raising awareness all year long and not just this month.

Guys I don't write this blog to make money, I don't receive any endorsements, funds or grants for the time I spend here writing. I don't publish posts because some body asked me too.

I do it for Hazel.


I do it so that you feel a little less intimidated by her. I do it so that you know that people with Down syndrome are beautiful, just as any other person. They have a great deal to offer us. I do it so that you can experience just a little part of the joy and love that we experience everyday. We don't just experience joy from Hazel, but from all the individuals that we have welcomed into our hearts since the beginning of this journey. I know a love now that I can't even begin to explain. My heart swells with pride for all our little friends with DS. Their accomplishments, are our accomplishments.

We are in this together. All of us. We are paving the way. But first we have to take out our power tools and heavy machinery and break the very hard concrete roads that are already laid. We need to change the infrastructure and then pave a new road entirely. Our new roads bend, weave and fork in ways that we never thought possible. At the end they join together and lead us to a most breathtaking view.

I am calling on you. Won't you please help me?

Talk about Down syndrome in your homes, share our Facebook links, open your hearts up to something a little different, teach you kids about it.

If there is anything I can do to help I am IN!!! ALL IN!!!! Email me or post a comment.

"Up About Down" Buddy Walk


It was a beautiful weekend for a walk. The sun was shining and smiles were not in short supply.




Our local Down syndrome community, Up About Down, got together this past weekend for their annual "Walk" in support of Down syndrome. Up About Down:

  • is committed to enhancing the quality of life for those with Down syndrome and their families
  • raises money for the local association so that they can provide events and activities for individuals in the community that have Down syndrome or the support system of those with DS
  • raises awareness about DS in the community

To read more about Up About Down click here to visit their website. Also, you can check out the Up About Down Facebook page and give it a "like" so you can follow along with future events honouring Down syndrome.

This was our 1st year attending. The event was a huge success!!! The walk raised over $10,000 for Up About Down. We are really looking forward to being a part of this community in the years to come.



A very special THANK YOU to our friends and family who came out and walked with Hazel. I have said this a million times but it takes a village and we truly appreciate you coming out to stand with us. Y'all only make us stronger. Thank you!!!





A reflection on Judgement

I have chosen to do a post today about Judgement, in honor of Non-Judgement week. Visit The Conscious Perspective for more deets on Non-Judgement week.  

A wise man once said to me: "Never judge a mother - unless you know for a fact what she is going through - you are not allowed to judge." Brilliant!!!

Now that I am a mother and I have done things that are very questionable in the name of sanity, I 100% agree with the above mentioned quote. I have done things that I never thought I would.

I specifically remember a day at the mall with Hazel and my mom. At said "day-at-the-mall" there are vivid memories of me in a side hallway on my hands and knees trying frantically to make a bottle. While my mom tried to change a dirty butt diaper with Hazel in her stroller.

Yeah I said "stroller!"

We did not walk to the "family bathroom" and use the "change table" because I LITERALLY could not imagine walking all the way back there with a screaming, hungry, dirty baby. We were close to a somewhat secluded hallway in a busy, public place so, it was as good a place as any...right? We all got out pretty much unscathed, except for my dignity - but I mean - whatever. Being a mom means sacrificing your dignity...doesn't it? Please tell me it does for you too!!!

Anyway, my point is DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!

Yes!!! I changed my kid in a totally inappropriate place AND I didn't "take my screaming kid home" - but I do acknowledge that I shouldn't have done the former and should have done the latter.

Needless to say I don't judge mothers EVER - for any reason!!! That day I couldn't bring my kid home because my house was under heavy construction. That little episode took place after a day out of the house with a baby trying to keep ourselves occupied and sane. Clearly we only accomplished 1 of the 2. You just never know what is happening in someones life so please try not to judge!



On a more serious note:

Part of the reason I started this blog was to rectify or aid in the inaccurate judgements or perceptions of those with Down Syndrome.

One of the blessings that Down Syndrome has brought to my life is realizing that judgement often times comes from ignorance.

People judge that which they do not know.

By educating ourselves, listening to people bias free and keeping an open mind we accept things that are different. We gain perspective and embrace the things that we had no prior knowledge about. Human beings have a great deal to teach us, but we must be receptive and open to the lesson they offer (even though we might not agree with their thoughts or opinions on the subject.)

I hope that reading about Hazel helps you to accept her differences and celebrate her victories, just as you would with any other child. I also hope that her message helps readers to shift prior assumptions or perspectives of those whose live with Down Syndrome. Please continue to educate or advocate any chance you get!!!

