FAQ & June antics so far
/Just throwin' it out there... I realized that I have never done a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) post on the blog and I was entertaining the idea of throwing the option out there. Although I feel like I am very open about issues such as Hazel's health, her therapies, milestones, and behaviour...YOU may still have questions that remain unanswered.
Now is the time to voice your questions!!! I would be happy to entertain some questions you may have about anything really. Please remember to be kind, that's all I ask!!!
If you have a question, feel free to leave it in the comments of this post and I will try to answer it. I'm excited to hear what you want to know, if anything at all!!!
In other June business...
We have been busy lately just hangin' around, visiting friends & family, eating lots of cake and letting babies grow.
Hazel stayed snuggled into Pip's armpit for quite a while. Even her cousins couldn't distract her.
Lots of water play whenever the weather cooperates.
Enjoying eating dinners out with Hazel while she still likes to sit in her highchair while at restaurants.
Cause sometimes at dinner she ends up looking like this. Ok...most times!!!
This one was from Mother's Day but I LOVE it!!!
Hope to hear from you all...