Skating Party 2015

IMG_2911 s2 I have ZERO time - LIKE ZERO!!! I have 2 really big presentations coming up. I'm very excited and also trying to get prepared. More on both soon enough.

The Seguin Financial Group skating party happened a couple of weekends ago and I have to share the pics at least. This is seriously one of my favourite days. I get to meet some new clients and visit with some old ones that have come out every year. We so enjoy having everyone out with their families or by themselves for some action on the rink. It's wonderful to see everyone spend some time together laughing, eating and enjoying each others company. Love to see those who are just learning be brave and strap on a pair of skates. It's not for everybody (





We welcomed some new faces this year.






Andrew you handsome devil you... I heart you!!!!





Ohhhhhh NOLA!!! There's always gonna be a hater. Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate - I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, SHAKE IT OFF - SHAKE IT OFF!!!




Hope to see you all again next year and then some.

Happy Days

Skating Party 2014


Seguin Financial Group (which is Daddy's company) hosted yet another successful skating party for his clients.

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Last year we had a blast and this year was no exception. Hazel was a huge fan of flying around on the ice in her daddy's arms. This year she not only had a few go-a-rounds on the ice with Daddy (and Uncle Bart), but she also enjoyed running around the arena and mingling with the crowd.


It's always such an absolute pleasure to meet some of Matt's clients. And of course, catch up with those that make it out every year. It's so comforting to know that when he is away from his family at home, he is spending time with an extended family of clients at work.

Absolutely lovely people...




I feel like I get to take part in watching his clients families grow. They have more kids. The ones that came out last year have grown. The grand kids multiply and grow. Grandparents faces beam with pride at how much the loves of their lives skills have improved out on the rink.




If I had to declare a theme for this day it would have to be PRIDE.

Skating is a tricky skill to learn. It takes practice and determination. While everyone is skating, I watch as the parents are there to encourage and pick up the ones that are just learning. They wear this protective little smile on their faces while they stay close to their kids. It often turns to a smile of pride when, even the smallest of goals, is accomplished.

I get to watch as others hold their loved ones hands and take a moment that's just for them. They glide around the ice and smile. They talk. They spend time just being in the moment with each other. I love it.




We added another guest to the invite list this year. Little Nola.

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She thought the party was Booooooooooorrrrring...

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And when duty calls in terms of being a true hockey lovin' Canadian, our girls don't like to disappoint...


There's nothing like a little dirty shove-gloves off-shirt over the back-helmets flying-hockey town fighting between sisters.



Nice work girls. Momma sure is PROUD. We all have our reasons for being proud on this here fine occasion. Don't judge me!


We truly hope everyone who came out enjoyed the event. Until next year...



Skating Party 2013

  Daddy had his annual Seguin Financial Group skating party.




This was the first year Hazel could attend. Last year we were in the hospital in London trying to do everything we could to keep her growing in my belly as long as possible.

This year we spent the afternoon introducing Hazel to those who were extremely supportive to us last year when Daddy couldn't be there to entertain his guests. We were so blessed that Matt's clients, who feel a lot more like family now, were so understanding and empathetic towards his absence last year. Thanks so much to those who sent positive thoughts and prayers our way during the most scariest time in our lives.


Most importantly, THANK YOU from the bottom of MY heart for supporting my husband while he was being a rock for both Hazel and I.


All making the same face....this picture is the best!!!


Chattin' it up with the other babies...


Lovin' her Auntie Paula, as usual.



Cuddles for some new friends...


No comment...





We celebrated all our skaters.

Those who have been practicing and are getting very confident on the ice...



...and those who are just learning.


Some who leaned on their families or friends for support, even if it was just for a second...






And I promise you there was a moment. These 2 made it happen as they were doing laps around the rink.


It was a split second in time. One of those moments that you will NEVER catch on camera. One that you witness, one that you feel.

Like you know on the movies, when the boy and the girl fall in love and the background fades away and the world seems like it's spinning around them - for them? Refer to ANY chick flick EVER, and you will see what I mean.

That was it...the moment between Hazel and Daddy. The world fell away and it was just them gazing and smiling at each other, doing laps around the rink.

It was magic. She ADORES him!!!



Thanks to all who could attend the event this year. We were so glad to share some quality family and friend time with you!!!




Until next year...