ENABLE Haiti Wrap Up

A HUGE thanks to all who participated in giving to ENABLE Haiti - Christmas in February!!!!! (Brace yourselves, there WILL be a lot of exclamation marks in this post)

YAY!!!       YAY!!!      YAY!!!!

In a very brief period of only 2 weeks, Chasing Hazel supporters were able to raise over $300 in cash. AMAZING!!!!

What is even more impressive, is the amount of toys that were dropped off for the orphans. YOU were able to fill 4 HUGE industrial sized garbage bags with toys!!! I can't put a monetary value on the items donated, but what I can say is that the impact will be priceless.

YOU have all taken the time and money to give 400 orphans an opportunity to do something that they have never had the chance to do, BE KIDS!!!


I would like to close on ENABLE Haiti by sharing this letter to Santa.

It was written by my God-son, Zach. He is another tiny hero, who I look up to. He came into this world far earlier than he should have and spent the first year of his life proving doctors wrong. He is a fighter. He is one of the kindest people I know, his compassion for others knows no bounds.

Here is his letter to Santa... (he dropped off a huge box full of toys for the kids)



This is what it's all about for me.




Mama's Birthday

My birthday... It was a while ago now, and it took place over a period of days. It was all very well documented. There are so many pics below.

I am not quite sure what to say about my birthday this year. In the past, I have been less than enthused about getting yet another year older. This year, you couldn't have slapped the grin off my face.


She is such a precious little gift. The days of not being excited about anything are over. I am excited everyday when I wake up. I look forward to a day spent with my girl. It's even more perfect when Daddy can be home with us too!!!

Hazel has the ability to make every day special, which makes the special days become something far more entirely.

I absolutely loved spending the day with my family. I can't wait to see what the future brings (even if it means I have to get older.)


Where is our fricken medal!!!! All 3 smiling, all 3 looking...victory!!!

ENABLE Haiti Update

We are overwhelmed so far with the response for ENABLE Haiti. 5 DAYS LEFT...

With every new toy I hold in my hands, I can't help but imagine the smile that will be on the face of the child who receives it. I am so excited that Chasing Hazel got to be a part of this wonderful cause. We are generating smiles, what could be better than that!!!


We have received very generous cash donations as well. Thank you to those who have sent checks or dropped off money.

Our group of friends, being the supportive and selfless people they are, just handed us over a mitt full of cash to further our cause. They organize a collection every year. This years proceeds are going to ENABLE Haiti. Thank you so much for being able to share in our vision of the "greater good." It takes a village. I feel like I've said this before, but I LOVE our village!!!


Thank you so much to all of our readers and supporters that have gone out of their way (at such a busy time of year) to drop off VERY VERY generous donations for the kids. I know you didn't have a great deal of notice, but alas you came through (yes I said alas)!!!

If you would like to participate and are looking for a cause to support this season, click here for full ENABLE Haiti details, or read below.



Consider giving a new $10 toy. $10 can make a huge difference. Christmas in February will be an opportunity for most of these children to receive their very own brand new toy. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Tax receipts can be issued at your request.


Unfortunately, Chasing Hazel does not have a PayPal account yet to receive funds, so we will have to do this the old fashion way. Chasing Hazel is happy to offer a pick up service or a drop off location that you can stop in at your convenience.

If you would like to make a donation, please send an email to chasinghazel27@gmail.com with the subject line - Enable Haiti.

You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Seguin Financial 3200 Deziel Dr. Suite 210 Windsor, On
N8W 5K8 In the Greenwood Center, just south of central off the expressway.

ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT...Please try to find it in your hearts to give a smile this year!!!

Hazel's toys for Haiti

Hazel has started her collection of toys for ENABLE Haiti - Christmas in February!!! If you didn't check in over the weekend, click here for the full post on how Hazel is "giving back" this season. If you are interested in giving, details are below.


Consider giving a new $10 toy. $10 can make a huge difference. Christmas in February will be an opportunity for most of these children to receive their very own brand new toy. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Tax receipts can be issued at your request.


Unfortunately, Chasing Hazel does not have a PayPal account yet to receive funds, so we will have to do this the old fashion way. Chasing Hazel is happy to offer a pick up service or a drop off location that you can stop in at your convenience.

If you would like to make a donation, please send an email to chasinghazel27@gmail.com with the subject line - Enable Haiti.

You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Seguin Financial 3200 Deziel Dr. Suite 210 Windsor, On
N8W 5K8 In the Greenwood Center, just south of central off the expressway.

Please do not let the fast approaching deadline discourage you, or the fact that you may not have time to go get a gift and drop it off. We will help make this easy in any way that we can. Feel free to email me whatever is the most convenient for you and we will try our best to make it happen.

Thanks so much for your continued support!!!


ENABLE Haiti - Christmas in February

Looking for an easy, affordable, yet incredibly impactful way to donate this holiday season??? I think Chasing Hazel can help...We have also been looking for a way to "give back."


This year Hazel has chosen to donate to a local not for profit charity called "ENABLE Haiti - CHRISTMAS IN FEBRUARY."

ENABLE Haiti was founded by local business owner and charismatic philanthropist, Jim Scott. We have worked closely with Jim over the years raising money for various causes, which mainly included, The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southwestern Ontario. Together, with his volunteers, he has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for MAW. With his exemplary leadership and modelling selflessness, he has had great success getting the community to follow in his footsteps in realizing that our job as citizens is to give back where ever we can. Thus, inspiring Jim to create his own not for profit organization, ENABLE Haiti.

ENABLE Haiti has adopted 4 orphanages, along with a Rehab Center and a hospital in Jacmel, Cape Hatien, Petionville and Hench. Including, a total of over 400 orphans. They have been making slow and steady progress in rebuilding their facilities, building schools, hiring teachers and establishing chicken farms and organic vegetable farms.

ENABLE Haiti has been collecting gently used clothing items for the last 3 years. Jim has been sending them (along with a team of people to distribute them) to Haiti to provide comfort to those who literally have nothing. Jim accompanies the team and is there PERSONALLY to hand out the donated items. Therefore, you can be assured that your item(s) given will be handed directly to one of the children at the orphanages.



Consider giving a new $10 toy. $10 can make a huge difference. Christmas in February will be an opportunity for most of these children to receive their very own brand new toy. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Tax receipts can be issued at your request.


Unfortunately, Chasing Hazel does not have a PayPal account yet to receive funds, so we will have to do this the old fashion way. Chasing Hazel is happy to offer a pick up service or a drop off location that you can stop in at your convenience.

If you would like to make a donation, please send an email to chasinghazel27@gmail.com with the subject line - Enable Haiti.

You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Seguin Financial 3200 Deziel Dr. Suite 210 Windsor, On
N8W 5K8 In the Greenwood Center, just south of central off the expressway.

Please do not let the fast approaching deadline discourage you, or the fact that you may not have time to go get a gift and drop it off. We will help make this easy in any way that we can. Feel free to email me whatever is the most convenient for you and we will try our best to make it happen. Thanks so much for your continued support!!!


Why we decided to give to ENABLE Haiti...

It is always such a struggle to find ways to help that really make a difference in someone's life. It can be frustrating to donate your money to a huge charity and then wonder where the funds ever went.

I can also appreciate that it seems, especially this time of year, there is always someone asking. Seriously, unless we are Oprah, it's such a challenge to feel like you are really "making a difference" in the community.

With ENABLE Haiti, we have the comfort of knowing that the items donated will reach 1 of the 400 children that have never opened a brand new toy. We know that our efforts to make a difference will be seen first hand by Jim and his team. We know that with a gift as small as $10 we can give a child PURE JOY.




Happy "Beauty and the Beast" Friday

We are all so proud of Zio Brent!!!

We gathered around my mom's last night to watch the episode together. It turned out he was in 2 parts of the episode. I have (with all my high tec knowledge) recorded just his parts on my iPhone and uploaded them here. Just in case anybody missed it.

It was amazing to see him on the screen. We are so proud that he is going out and making his dreams a reality. Amazing!!! We are so glad to share in this victory with you.

Hazel was a trooper right up until the end. She was content just sitting on Daddy's lap playing with Bear.

Keep your eyes open for Mr. March. Kinda hard to miss, he is right in the center!!!


If you are having trouble viewing, click here.

Hazel is definitely crying in the background at this point. It was short lived, she passed out.


If you are having trouble viewing, click here.

Beauty and the Beast Update

Zio Brent's episode will be airing on November the 29th - THIS WEEK!!!!!.

Watch for him in the double date scene. The main character, Kat, and her partner Tess are on a date with 2 firefighters. Zio Brent is Tess' date. Again, I am not sure how much Brent will be shown, after the editing process. Nevertheless he spent an entire day on set in Toronto with the 2 main female characters to film this particular scene.

We couldn't be more thrilled to see it!!! We are so proud of Zio Brent for going out and being an active agent in making his dreams begin to come true.

Congrats!!! Please tune in to show some support to Zio Brent, a local Windsor kid who is following his dreams.

THURSDAY NIGHT!!! IT'S ON!!!! AT 9pm...on the CW....right after Vampire Diaries



Hope for Hope Part 2

Please, Please, Please continue to "hope" and pray for Baby Hope's family. I can only imagine what they are up against. I stumbled upon their story and my heart went out to them. The latest update on Hope's health can be found here. Here is a little of what Hope's mom is feeling...(taken from her blog)


"We are aware that our daughter's life span is not long.  We realize that our days with her are precious and need to be cherished.  For that reason, we pray that she quickly stabilizes enough to come home.  Whether we are given years or months with Hope, we desire to create positive memories as a family.  That is more likely to happen with us all living together in our home.  We pray that it is not only possible, but that it will happen soon.

I feel completely exhausted.  I find moments of joy throughout the day when Hope is settled in my arms or Sadie is giggling on my lap.  Life is not always full of sorrow and tears, but it is exhausting just the same.  I dread the fact that Christmas is quickly approaching, it will only make being away from family more painful.  We need your prayers as our strength is 100% from the Lord and not our own.  We do not have any strength of our own remaining."


If you have never sat across from professionals that know WAY more than you about the odds your baby is facing, let me tell you, it can be crippling at best. Our baby had surgeries - yes. Our baby wasn't able to digest food when she was born - yes. Our baby had open heart surgery - yes. Finally, our baby has Down Syndrome - yes. Seems we had some adjusting to do.

I will tell you this, when we couldn't - YOU DID!!!

When we weren't able to put one foot in front of the other, YOU were there to hand us crutches.

When we couldn't make sense of the latest diagnosis, YOU were there to offer words of encouragement and clarity.

When we couldn't see the light, YOU were there with a million candles and an emergency pack filled with LOVE, EMPATHY, and COMPASSION.

Without YOU to carry the torch, I know, we would not have gotten through this unscathed. I am asking YOU now to...

pray...meditate...send positive vibes...send healing energy

Do what it is that YOU do...Do what YOU did for Hazel!!! Look at her now. She is proof that YOU can make a difference.








Hope for Hope

While I was looking through my IG feed last night at some of the people I follow, I came across this heart wrenching story about Hope. This post was written by her grandmother and is a desperate plea for prayers. They believe that only God can help them now are requesting any and all prayers that they can get. YOu can check out Hope's full story on her mom's blog, Mending hearts and Bending Knees.

This story reminds us to take stock of what we have, take nothing for granted. We will be thinking about and praying for Hope and her family over the coming days. We "HOPE" you will all do the same.

Here is part of the story...


"The thought is that Hope's bleeding is either coming from a varices (extremely dilated sub-mucosal veins in the lower esophagus) or a stomach ulcer (stress ulcer probably a result of the heart surgeries).  If it's coming from a varices, then you need to treat it with sclerotherapy during surgery.  If it's an ulcer, it is treatable with medication and almost always improves with time.  Because Hope is at such a high risk for being put under anesthetic, the surgeons feel, if it proves to be an ulcer, the surgery would be unnecessary and possibly at great cost.  They would like to wait until Monday to reassess at that point.  If Hope were to have another massive bleed on the weekend, they would have no choice but to operate, but this is not a good option, as the weekend is not staffed with the "A" team that they feel is imperative for Hope.  They are treating her with ulcer medications and hoping that there will be no additional bleeding over the next 2 days.  She has been put back on the coagulant meds that are used to clot her blood, but they are hoping to stop them and get her back on the blood thinners as soon as possible, so that she will not develop any clots where they shouldn't be."

Allie-Belle is 2

I have missed my friend, Apryl. Not a day goes by, in fact not an hour goes by, that I don't think of my friend. I get caught up thinking about what we were doing last year at this time. How she was secretly celebrating her very new pregnancy. Planning her daughter's first birthday party. Despising the fact that she was back at work, and not with Allie everyday.

I think how different things are now. I think how weird that it is that she is not here. She wasn't here to celebrate her birthday. Nor will she be here to celebrate Allie's 2nd birthday.

She is suspended in time. Thankfully, I believe that on a spiritual level she is evolving and growing. But here in my world, she is frozen.

It still doesn't seem real. I wonder where she is and what she is doing?

Until the day that Allie walked into our home for the first time since Apryl passed. As Allie came tip-toeing through our kitchen and into the family room, I felt Apryl follow closely behind her. As we sat and played together, I could almost see Apryl sitting on the couch with one leg up, knee curled into her chest, watching us. Making sure Allie was safe. Making sure she was playing nice with Hazel.

I no longer wonder where she is and what she is doing. She is with her daughter. Guiding her, helping her, protecting her and loving her. Just as we all do, as mothers with our own children.

I no longer have doubts about where Apryl is. I know that as long as I know where Allie is, I will always be able to find my friend.

These girls make my heart happy. Their futures are intertwined. They will grow, and learn...fight and love. Apryl will be happy. She will watch over them. This is what she wanted. It just feels right.


Allie turned 2 on November the 9th.

Birthdays always have a way of rewinding time. It was not long ago we were all crowded in a hospital room waiting for little Allie to land in our arms.

(Apryl would be kill me if she knew I was posting these....shhhhhh)

Off she goes to meet her little girl...via C-section.

My, my how you have grown...

We enjoyed being a part of Allie's special day. Hazel played with Allie and her cousins, Luke and Cole. The boys were great with Hazel, playing gentle and trying to offer her toys. They included her, it was beautiful.

And then...they wrestled. And Hazel watched with Auntie Bec's protective arms around her.

Happy Birthday sweet girl...we will always be here to celebrate with you!!!

Beauty and the Beast

Zio Brent is going to be appearing on an episode of Beauty and the Beast on November 22, on the CW (it's on right after Vampire Diaries).

Zio has been ambitious enough to follow a lifelong dream of becoming an actor. He has only just begun and was already lucky enough to land a couple of decent roles. It's all very exciting!!!

His role in the episode tonight is small and he is not quite sure how much he will be shown. I can assure you that he was on set all day in Toronto filming this scene. It is a double-date with the 2 main police detectives (Kat and Tess) and a couple of firefighters. Zio is one of the firefighters.

Please tune in to watch Beauty and the Beast to support Brent. Use it as an excuse to sit and relax for an hour.

Hazel's First Halloween

As promised, here is the real time account of Hazel's first Halloween. Just as suspected, there were tears. But before the tears, there was joy!!!

The tour began at Nonna and Nonno B's house. We got a quick visit in with the great-grandparents. We also got to see cousins, Owen and Monroe.

I love this photo. None of the kids are looking, Monroe is trying to grab Hazel, Hazel is trying to grab Owen, Nonna B is trying to grab Monroe...priceless.


Monroe is almost TOO much...I just want to kiss and bite her cheeks every second!!!

Next stop was to visit more cousins. Stella the cat, Emilia the princess, and Lilly the bumble bee. As you can see there was joy!!!

And kisses...

Last stop, was at Nonna and Grandpa's house. Zio Brent met us there so he could see Hazel too. It was really cool that they were all there to celebrate and see Hazel on her first Halloween.

Our whole family was so amazing! They made this very busy night so much more manageable by all going to one or two places.

Thanks so much Nana, Mim, Pip and Zio Brent!!!

Hazel tried to hand out candy but aborted the mission when she got to the door.

She is running on fumes at this point, but we still managed to get a decent family photo.

And then this happened...she cried, I laughed, and Matt just waited to be relieved of his photo posing duty.


Until next year...






A visit with Baby Archer

Hello Baby Archer!!!!

We welcomed baby Archer into the family on October 28th.

Because we are a part of a huge Italian family, we got in the car (with our lasagna, manicotti and Hazel in tow) shortly after Archer's mom went into labour. We drove as quickly as we could to Peterborough, so that we could smoother him (and his brothers) with sloppy kisses and aggressive Italian-style hugs.

It goes without saying that, the whole time we were there, the kitchen appliances were-a-blazing. Well, you know, food fixes everything for an Italian. Food = Medicine.

Are you sick? Oh ok...here's some soup...

Are you stressed out? Ok....lasagna, salad, bread, vino...

Did someone die? Is someone born? Did you lose your job? Did you get a job? Your ex-husband (or ex-wife) is dating a 21 year old?

Any life situation you can come up with, the answer is inevitably, food. FOOD!!!!

It's ok...once you eat you will feel better. Get my point. I digress...

So, we drove to Peterborough and got to meet our new little man, Archer. He had that smell they have when they are that new. You can literally sit with your nose against their little heads for hours. The little squeaks, and sighs...the innocence. It was so amazing to get to be with them when he was so new. What an honour to be able to share that moment with them.

We couldn't be happier that Archer has arrived safe and sound, that Hazel has another cousin and that Cooper and Sawyer have a new little brother to torment and teach.

Congrats to the whole family!!!

Hazel is really into textures these days. This blanket was so soft and fuzzy she could not get enough.

Here is Zio Bob playing the guitar and singing to Hazel. It was the first time she had seen or heard a guitar and was a little hesitant and very curious.

Cooper and Sawyer were excited to play with Hazel.

There is nothing better than the quiet observation of children-led play. The way they interact, the things they find fascinating, the way they use their imaginations...

...the things they are able to do together.

They figure it out all by themselves. They find some common ground. Even if it only lasts a minute or two. It was there and it existed. It was wonderful to watch.

So, I almost stole Sawyer and brought him home. He put Hazel to sleep several times in this chair. Again, all by himself he decided to help her bounce and before she knew what hit her, out she went. Nice!!! Eventually, Sawyer protested against this action, cause he was "too tired from doing this with Baby Hazel," so the dream for me quickly faded.

A little stare down for good measure...

This was not as bad as she is making it look....so


Sneak Peek at Halloween!!!

Time is flying by these days... We didn't wait until the day of Halloween to take some photos of Hazel in her costume. I have heard that it is almost inevitable for your child to have an absolute - the world is ending - meltdown the night of the big reveal. In an effort to avoid the hot-mess-ed-ness that may have presented itself on Halloween night, I decided to take pictures ahead of time.

You aren't going to get me this time. NOT THIS YEAR HAZEL!!! Mommy was prepared.

Real time events Halloween post to follow. For now enjoy these...very staged, very prepared and very meltdown-less  photos.


Lots to celebrate

It was Daddy's birthday on the weekend!!! Hazel was a very welcome addition to the yearly tradition. We have spent many birthday's dreaming and wondering what it would be like to have our baby at the table with us - to share a meal, a laugh and a piece of cake. Of all the images we had conjured in the years we waited for Hazel, none were as sweet and perfect as the reality.

Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Daddy!!!



A badge of honour indeed...

This letter was written by John Franklin Stephens as a response to Ann Coulter's use of the R-word in one of her tweets during the presidential debate. Her comment has generated quite a bit of attention, although fortunately it has not been for her. John Franklin is getting it all. Nothing could make me more proud than seeing the evolution of one ignorant comment. People are listening to John, respecting him, and are impressed with his ability to articulate his feelings so maturely into words. My response would not have been so kind. He is such a grown up.

"The R-word"

I bring this article to your attention for many reasons. Some of which are to highlight the abilities of individuals with DS. Their capacity to have their feelings tarnished, but also to respond with grace and maturity to a hurtful stereotype. How John demonstrated he could rise above the limitations that some may perceive to be placed on him by participating in the Special Olympics, also, his very well written letter to Coulter. And, finally, to raise awareness on how individuals with DS feel about the R-word.

I am not going to preach here about how you are a terrible person if you say it or have said it. I'm not going to judge you or think you are ignorant if you say it or have said it.

I have said it. I will stop saying it!!!  Simple.

One problem is that it is so commonly accepted in society to say it, we don't even notice we have said it. The second problem is that it is hurtful. It is hurtful to those who may be categorized as being, according to John Franklin, "dumb and shallow." It is hurtful to those who love someone who might be considered "dumb and shallow."

My request here is simple...keep this is mind. That's it...don't be ashamed or get defensive that you have said it. Simply, keep it in mind.

This letter makes me proud...

An Open Letter to Ann Coulter

imageJohn Franklin Stephens

The following is a guest post in the form of an open letter from Special Olympics athlete and global messenger John Franklin Stephens to Ann Coulter after this tweet during last night’s Presidential debate.

Dear Ann Coulter,

Come on Ms. Coulter, you aren’t dumb and you aren’t shallow.  So why are you continually using a word like the R-word as an insult?

I’m a 30 year old man with Down syndrome who has struggled with the public’s perception that an intellectual disability means that I am dumb and shallow.  I am not either of those things, but I do process information more slowly than the rest of you.  In fact it has taken me all day to figure out how to respond to your use of the R-word last night.

I thought first of asking whether you meant to describe the President as someone who was bullied as a child by people like you, but rose above it to find a way to succeed in life as many of my fellow Special Olympians have.

Then I wondered if you meant to describe him as someone who has to struggle to be thoughtful about everything he says, as everyone else races from one snarkey sound bite to the next.

Finally, I wondered if you meant to degrade him as someone who is likely to receive bad health care, live in low grade housing with very little income and still manages to see life as a wonderful gift.

Because, Ms. Coulter, that is who we are – and much, much more.

After I saw your tweet, I realized you just wanted to belittle the President by linking him to people like me.  You assumed that people would understand and accept that being linked to someone like me is an insult and you assumed you could get away with it and still appear on TV.

I have to wonder if you considered other hateful words but recoiled from the backlash.

Well, Ms. Coulter, you, and society, need to learn that being compared to people like me should be considered a badge of honor.

No one overcomes more than we do and still loves life so much.

Come join us someday at Special Olympics.  See if you can walk away with your heart unchanged.

A friend you haven’t made yet,   John Franklin Stephens Global Messenger Special Olympics Virginia

EDITOR’S NOTE: John has previously written powerful opinion pieces on the R-word. Read one here.

Lilly is 4

Happy 4th Birthday Lilly!!! I remember when she was as big as Hazel, and now she is in school. Such a big, beautiful girl!!! Lilly's birthday was on Thanksgiving weekend. We waited to celebrate so that she could have her rightful moment to shine.


And shine she did...


Auntie Paula made Hazel her very own pumpkin. It's a good thing too, cause Mommy dropped the ball...LOVE IT!!!

Hazel's new move. She stiffens her legs up so that you can't sit her down and then gets the biggest smile on her face. She thinks she is hilarious (will post more about this in the next physio post).

I am IN LOVE...



Don't Judge Me!!!

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but - YES - Hazel got her ears pierced!!! Her and her cousin Monroe had their first experience going to the mall together. They did a girly thing together!!! They are so lucky to have each other, especially in situations like this one (I think the mommies needed each other more on this outing).

Don't worry those of you who think that getting holes poked through babies ears is cruel. There were plenty of people there judging us and making their opinions known while we were doing it. Fortunately for us, the babies were upset about it for about 5 seconds...and then forgot it even happened. As soon as mommy hugged them and kissed them they were over it.

Trust me it hurt us more!!!!


Here are the girls waiting for the big moment.

This photo was taken, literally, seconds after it was done.

Again, seconds after...

First Thanksgiving

Here it is!!! This what I am thankful for. (Tomorrow I will be back to Down Syndrome Awareness month. For now we give thanks...)

It is fitting that I am between these two rocks. They keep me grounded, stable, and sane. I have NEVER had more to be thankful for. I have NEVER been so content and complete. Every time I see a photo of the three of us, my smile extends from ear-to-ear!!!


Monroe and Hazel share their first Thanksgiving together. This is just one of the many things these girls are going to do together.

They have already done one really girly thing together...can you tell what it was?

Looking at the picture of the three of us, I realized how much I had to be thankful for. Then I saw all of these. We are blessed with a great family!!!

Here's the family all cozy at our dining room table. Great grandparents at one end and...

Hazel at the other...claiming her spot at the head of the table.

Love this shirt...so perfect!!!

To be fair to uncle Bart, we are all wearing those gold hats.

Hazel wants to be like her daddy.

Kick Off for Down Syndrome Awareness Month!!!

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month!!! Hazel is excited!!!

This will be an exciting month for us, not only in our home, but on the blog!!!

I will be featuring a series of posts to try and raise awareness for Down Syndrome. My goal is to inform as well as educate readers on living with DS. And, as always, to share the story of our sweet girl Hazel, in hopes that our readers will see that although raising her certainly has some challenges (surgeries mainly), Hazel experiences and reaches all the milestones that every other baby reaches. Please join us in the educating, raising awareness and spreading knowledge.

Share the links that you find interesting on your Facebook pages. Also, feel free to visit Chasing Hazel's Facebook page for regular updates. Please don't hesitate to contact me with stories or resources you would like me to include on the blog this month. We would love to hear from you....

I can only speak from my experience of having a child with Down Syndrome.


Just because Hazel has t21, it doesn't mean that she doesn't wake up during the night just looking for cuddles cause she's figured out that when she cries we come to tend.

It doesn't mean that she doesn't get really cranky when she is tired or hungry.

It doesn't mean that just as we are ready to take her visiting, she has a poop that I'm sure brakes records for just how far up her back it goes, ruining the perfectly adorable outfit that I had taken time to pick out, only to end up wearing the first sleeper on the clean clothes pile.

It doesn't mean that as we are trying to get her into the car seat she isn't throwing a fit so real and serious that I can't possibly get her to bend to sit in her car seat. She was serious, her voice was going to be heard.


She is a baby, just like other babies, and we are parents, just like other parents, trying to do what works to make sure we all stay sane. Some days it easy, other days you wonder how the universe saw it fit to deem you a suitable candidate to be responsible for a life other than your own.

I believe that in order to embrace difference and understand the world of special needs we need to listen, we need to educate, we need to understand and then finally to accept.

Watch this video, show it to your partner, your friends, show it to your kids. I am wiling to bet your kids know more about special needs than you think. Here is a perfect video for younger children.

Let Down Syndrome become a topic of conversation in your homes. Let it into your life, you never know when you will be called upon to act, to protect and to love. We certainly didn't...