Hope for Hope Part 2
/Please, Please, Please continue to "hope" and pray for Baby Hope's family. I can only imagine what they are up against. I stumbled upon their story and my heart went out to them. The latest update on Hope's health can be found here. Here is a little of what Hope's mom is feeling...(taken from her blog)
"We are aware that our daughter's life span is not long. We realize that our days with her are precious and need to be cherished. For that reason, we pray that she quickly stabilizes enough to come home. Whether we are given years or months with Hope, we desire to create positive memories as a family. That is more likely to happen with us all living together in our home. We pray that it is not only possible, but that it will happen soon.
I feel completely exhausted. I find moments of joy throughout the day when Hope is settled in my arms or Sadie is giggling on my lap. Life is not always full of sorrow and tears, but it is exhausting just the same. I dread the fact that Christmas is quickly approaching, it will only make being away from family more painful. We need your prayers as our strength is 100% from the Lord and not our own. We do not have any strength of our own remaining."
If you have never sat across from professionals that know WAY more than you about the odds your baby is facing, let me tell you, it can be crippling at best. Our baby had surgeries - yes. Our baby wasn't able to digest food when she was born - yes. Our baby had open heart surgery - yes. Finally, our baby has Down Syndrome - yes. Seems we had some adjusting to do.
I will tell you this, when we couldn't - YOU DID!!!
When we weren't able to put one foot in front of the other, YOU were there to hand us crutches.
When we couldn't make sense of the latest diagnosis, YOU were there to offer words of encouragement and clarity.
When we couldn't see the light, YOU were there with a million candles and an emergency pack filled with LOVE, EMPATHY, and COMPASSION.
Without YOU to carry the torch, I know, we would not have gotten through this unscathed. I am asking YOU now to...
pray...meditate...send positive vibes...send healing energy
Do what it is that YOU do...Do what YOU did for Hazel!!! Look at her now. She is proof that YOU can make a difference.