First Photo Shoot
/We finally had a professional photo shoot done with Hazel this week. As you may know from the fashion show posts, she is not one for posing for the camera. Needless to say I was a bit nervous about her behaviour for the big shoot. As you can see from the final product, she threw me for a loop...again! Just when I think I know her she changes things up. Thanks to Vita Photography for the most beautiful, precious pictures of little Hazel. Also, thanks for getting her to participate so you were able to capture her in a perfect state. Thanks to BellaLuluBaby and Aunt Sharon for the props.
Overall, the session was a huge success where the final product brought tears to my eyes. What a perfect little girl we have been given. Her beauty often brings me to my knees. I am so proud to be able to share this little miracle with all of you. Enjoy!!!