I'm a big girl...

As you can see, as the time goes on, Hazel's cheeks seem to be getting chubbier and chubbier. Also, her double chin is much more evident than it was in the past. That is because she is a whole 9lbs now!!! On our recent visit to London, the doctors and nurses were very impressed with Hazel's weight gain (gaining over 20 grams each day). Last visit she only gained about 10 grams per day. It was a big improvement. The doctors are always impressed with Hazel's strength and muscle tone. She continues her fight to try and change opinions where low muscle tone is concerned. At home her eating is becoming much more consistent, now she is eating about 3 ounces every 2 - 3 hours. Her leg almost has a roll. The doctors are going to present her case to the surgeons in Toronto and hopefully let us know what the timing will be for her surgery. For now we carry on, because Hazel seems to have it all under control for the time being. Keep the prayers, thoughts and positive energy coming. It seems to be working.
Hazel is getting much more vocal these days. Sometimes we hear the quiet coos of a young babe, and other times we hear a sound I can only describe as an angry cat. An angry cat that likes to yell, specifically at her mother, for random things like food, or freedom, or a clean butt, or food...
Hazel is also beginning to enjoy her space and freedom to kick around and talk to visitors. Her neck control is coming along nicely. She can hold her head up balanced most of the time. When she is free her arms and legs never stop. She is constantly trying to suck her thumb, but can't quite figure out how to get the thumb to stay in her mouth. Hazel is beginning to pull herself up with her arms while lying down. She is very determined to demonstrate her strength at all times. We are so proud of Hazel and her progress. She amazes us a little every single day with her fight, will and determination to be stronger than the day before.
It's not all smiles all the time...
Hazel is way to long to fit into the baby tub, so now she is in the grown up bath...she loves it!!!