Day 3 and 4-When in Toronto...

Well when life gives you lemons... Since we are in Toronto anyway, and almost our entire families are here as well, we decided to take in a few sights, do a little shopping and have a few meals on a patio or two. Hazel is always making excuses for us to stop and enjoy the present moment and this has been no different. Although there is a very serious surgery coming tomorrow, today we have a whole day to embrace our friends and families and enjoy that they have all taken time out of their busy lives to be right by her side and support her ever step of the way. Between having a huge support system present and all the thoughts and prayers of our readers, Hazel should be all set!!!!

A funny story...

We were at a Chinese restaurant having some Dim Sum, of course, we had Hazel with us. She was a very good girl who spent most of the time sleeping. Towards the end of the meal she woke up and we took her out of the bassinet just as the little old Chinese waiter came to clear the table. He looked at Hazel, then at Matt and I, then back at Hazel. This went on for longer then was appropriate and you could tell, something wasn't adding up for him. So he says, "Oh she is so cute!! She looks like she could be Chinese!!!" Then he looked at us as if we needed to give him an explanation. So then in all my infinite wisdom I say, "Nope, that's just the Down Syndrome!!!" We all shared a laugh, although I am still not quite sure he understood what I was saying.

...hey make lemonade!!!!


The pic above is of Hazel's Entourage today in Toronto!