VSD Update from the Bosses in London

The verdict is in...

Hazel is PERFECTLY HEALTHY!!!! YAY!!!! YAY!!!! YAY!!!!!

Hazel has put on a whole pound since her surgery and is now 24 inches long. She enjoys eating now and often her legs and arms start rapidly swinging and kicking when she sees that the bottle is in view. We have noticed that she is not as fatigued as she was in the past. Lucky for mommy and daddy, Hazel doesn't take as many naps as before...uh oh!!! She, also, seems genuinely more comfortable and less irritable. The change is wonderful and nice to see after the crazy two weeks we have just entertained.

In terms of her heart, it is perfect. There are no leaks from the hole, no swelling or water retention around her heart. Her chest x-ray was the best the docs in London have seen in a while. They were very pleased that she got the surgery done and over with so fast and that we can all move on with our lives. We have been able to take her off her diuretic medication and she no longer has to have fortified breast milk. We are excited to start her on solids soon. Moving forward, we only go for check ups in London every 6 weeks and those visits will be lengthened in time. I will do a recap of the surgery and what to expect after for those readers who may be facing a similar surgery in the future.

We are so excited to move forward and are excited for what the future will bring. Even though it will bring more challenges, we don't know what or when those will be. Right now, in the present moment, we just live. That thought is liberating. Now we can just grow together. The next time I leave this house with a bag packed you can guarantee that it is NOT going to be to go to another Ronald MacDonald House!!!

It was fantastic to see one of the nurses, Marie, from when Hazel was in the NICU. It was really nice of her to come and catch up with us even though she wasn't working. She will always hold a special place in our hearts for all that she did for Hazel while we could do nothing.