International Down Syndrome Coalition

Have you heard of IDSC for Life? Check them out!!!  

Here is their Mission Statement (taken directly from their website):

IDSC for Life is dedicated to serving individuals with Down syndrome from conception throughout their lives. We will achieve this by supporting families who have been given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. We direct families to accurate and up-to-date information about Down syndrome. We extend our heartfelt compassion, and hope and healing to parents who who were pressured to terminate, and ended their pregnancy because of a Down syndrome diagnosis and later regret that decision.

Here are only a few of the services that they offer. Not to mention the adorable pictures that they post all the time!!! This organization is very active in promoting knowledge and awareness about those living with Down syndrome.

1) Offer support to parents who are new to the Down syndrome diagnosis.

2) Create awareness about the current trend by professionals, friends and family, who pressure women to terminate a pregnancy when Down syndrome is diagnosed for their pre born baby.

3) Connect to the Down syndrome associations as a resource to them and their members

4) Connect to the national Down syndrome organizations as a resource to them and their members


In honour of Down Syndrome Awareness month, we volunteered to have IDSC for life feature our family on their website and Facebook page. They are running a campaign called "Real Families, Real Stories." This campaign aims to highlight how loving someone with Down Syndrome has changed their lives.


We are proud to share that our story was chosen to lead off the campaign. You can view it here on the IDSC website. Don't forget to like their Facebook page!!!