Some playdates

We had the pleasure of spending an evening with Mikey and his parents. He was born 8 weeks after Hazel. Looking forward to watching our kids grow together!!!

Everyone had their tongue out...I couldn't have planned that any better.

Our sweet friend Kaitlin came over to visit again. We hadn't seen her in a while and she is such a big girl now. The girls played very nice together!!!

Most of the time...

I know in nature there is that whole dominance-submission thing...not quite sure how to interpret this move?

Either way, it didn't end in tears or injury of any kind so win-win!!!

We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!