Happy Santa-Baby Friday!!!

All our chores and shopping are done. We are looking forward to spending time with cherished friends and family over the holiday season. Eating, drinking and being merry.

This time of year is usually really busy trying to fit in all our engagements. We are going to try our very best to sit and enjoy each other as much as possible. With our promise to remain present this year, we hope not to miss any important moments worrying about what is on the schedule for the next day, or the next.



Blog posts will slow down over the coming weeks, as we continue to make new memories to share. Seeing as I am obsessed with Instagram, I am sure you can keep tabs on Hazel that way (username - chasing_hazel).


In my attempt to relax and remain present, I may trade my coffee in for a Christmas martini or a glass of vino, you never know...It could happen.


I also plan to look at (and kiss) this face....A LOT!!!



She's such a happy girl. I had to share these!!!




We have a goal for Hazel's FB page. We are trying to reach 321 "likes" by March 21, 2013 - World Down Syndrome Day!!! If you are interested, please click on the link, Chasing Hazel and "like" her page. Thanks for the continued support!!!