Happy Friday!!!
/Last night at bedtime, Hazel fell asleep in my arms. It doesn't happen often and sometimes when it does, there is a list of chores running through my head that still need to get done. OR...I just want to lay my butt down on the couch, watch a show and chill. Which ever makes me sound more like "super-mom" is the one I do. Super-mom...ugh...I'm not a fan of hers. I digress... I was sitting rocking Hazel, looking down at her perfect little face as she slept. I noticed how heavy she is now, how big her little hands are when they wrap around my finger, how long her hair is getting, the bruises she has from being a toddler. And the tears, they started to build. I started thinking about how these days of rocking her to sleep are numbered. How she is going to be 16 one day. And especially, about how it all goes by so fast.
The tears almost got outta control mommy style (y'all know how it is) and then I thought...
In this moment she is small. RIGHT NOW I am rocking her to sleep, RIGHT NOW she fits into my arms perfectly, RIGHT NOW she is my baby. That is where I choose to be...right now.
Just a gentle reminder as we head into our weekend to remain present and enjoy living for RIGHT NOW!!!
Here is what I wake up to EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Happy Friday!!!