National Down Syndrome Awareness Week

Here in good ol' Canada, the week of November 1st to the 7th is National Down Syndrome Awareness week. In my best possible efforts, I am going to try and post a blog post every day for this week. Yes, I know - IT'S only a week. For those of you who have been around a while you will notice that I used to post 3 times a week, then twice a week and now, I am down to about ONCE per week. Believe it or not that IS MY BEST EFFORT. So as I was saying, this week I am going to try really hard to post everyday. 

But wait you say...November 1st was yesterday and you didn't post????

Yes that is true, so technically I failed already. BUT instead of throwing in the towel like I originally thought, I am going to power through and try to still accomplish the goal of 7 posts from now until the 1st. Also, in my defence I DID post it on Facebook AND IG yesterday.

Ready. Set. GO!!!


In Canada it's National Down Syndrome Awareness Week 💙🌟💙 So to start it off, I *had* to share an article that I think is a must read. You may recognize this sweet face, Macy. I shared a pic of her last week. Well Macy's mom, Heather, wrote about what she wishes other people knew about Down syndrome. Besides the fact that it is so eloquently written it makes me want to find Heather and hug her neck, she gives ideas on how YOU can embrace and understand more about Down syndrome. She is a true advocate for Macy and in turn, Hazel. This community is certainly a stronger, happier place with her in it. And her kids are ACTUALLY AMAZING 🙊😍 @macymakesmyday Also, go follow her!!!


Here is the link to the article:

Please go and read it. It is wonderful. Heather also has a blog called The Lucky Few. Please click here to head over and check it out.