Cottage Getaway
/It was short and sweet. The weather was absolutely perfect in every single way. We enjoyed visits from friends and family. Every single second that we could be outside we were. Such a great little spot on Lake Erie. Just being by the water and hearing the waves, no matter the size, calms me down instantly.
If you have never been to Essex County, here it is in a nutshell. Lots of water/beaches and lots and LOTS of farmers fields. THE END. I am growing to love and appreciate what we are. It's so hard to love where you live sometimes but the more I learn and see the easier it is.
The sunsets were like this every night.
Obligatory card game at the cottage. Nola was slipping them under the rug and Hazel was whispering into the back of them and handing them to Nola. Perhaps doing a card reading - ahhhhhh - if only I could get into Hazel's head.
Her reaction to seeing the lake #allthehearteyes
Post bath yumminess. Chips and a movie. BOOM!
It was this sweet nuggets 1st time in the lake. She was totally unsure at first but ended up trying to take some unnecessary risks in terms of how deep she could walk in.
I think it was the highlight of my time at the cottage to see her do this for the first time.
Lots of walks with Nico and "swercles" everywhere.
I read to both the girls in this chair. I rememeber when Hazel was this small sitting with me here too.
Spent some time with my mama doing what we used to do as kids, picking rocks from the beach. She's getting married soon and we are in wedding prep mode. So relaxing searching for rocks, trying to find just the right ones. She would have hand picked the entire pail full of tiny little pebbles so I had to keep things moving along #aintnobodygottimeforthat
These girls have no clue how lucky they are to have this wonderful man as their Pip. They will. I can't wait!
I always feel to lucky yo have this little spot to escape to. Love that my girls are making memories here. Hope you are all enjoying your summer.