CDSW Day 3 - Benjamin

Meet Benjamin. I CAN"T EVEN with this kid!!! His little face - It's too much!!! Like whaaaaaaat????

His sweet face makes me smile from ear to ear every time I see it. Kelly and I have emailed and sent messages to each other about various things that have come up over the years. It's so nice to be able to talk to someone who may have insight into what you are going through. I am honoured to have her in our space today. Her message is powerful and I hope it reaches new parents. Also, your welcome for the smile. This kid is too much!!!

Here is what Kelly wanted to share with us for CDSW...

My pregnancy with Benjamin was great!! It went smoothly just like my other two pregnancies. All ultrasounds showed a beautiful baby boy. With family waiting patiently in the waiting room and my husband by my side, my labor went perfectly. Benjamin was born on my father's birthday! :) The nurse placed him in my arms and I saw this beautiful baby boy with features just like his older brother. I remember thinking though, that his eyes looked a little different. I didn't really think much of it. I thought it was because I had just given birth and his eyes would be fine later.  

Later on in the early evening, I was moved from labor and delivery to my room and greeted by my other two children. My nurse asked my kids if they'd like to help give Benjamin a bath. While bathing him I was snapping some photos. It was that one specific picture that I took, that picture of him looking at his sister... I just knew he had Down syndrome. I sat on the bed looking at that photo in disbelief. After the nurse left, I told my husband what I thought and he didn't believe it was so. 

As the nurse returned to our room, we asked what she had thought. She indeed replied "yes that is what they are suspecting."

I just cried, I was absolutely devastated.  We didn't get much sleep that night, I wondered and worried about his health, his future, would he talk, go to the same school as his siblings or even be able to get a job. I didn't really know what to expect. I remember my husband telling me "everything is going to be ok, it is what it is. 

Over time, those tears I cried quickly turned into tears of joy.  Looking back on that moment 5 years ago I wish I could take those emotions back and replace them with hopeful ones.  My former coworker who also has a child with special needs messaged us after we had Benjamin and told us "you now have a friend for life, Ben will teach you more than you can ever teach him." I truly believe this...Benjamin is our world, he brings to our family so much joy, laughter and love. He has taught us to be more accepting, to be a little more patient and to just take one day at a time. WE have so much support from our family, friends and our local support system here in our community.  

Benjamin is going to do great things...he goes to school with his older siblings, he's learning a second language and enjoying life itself.  He's God's gift and we are so grateful that he chose our family.

We love celebrating difference! 

What a beautiful family Kelly!!! Thank you for sharing them here with us!!!