Official Apple Holiday 2016

Yeah so what if this was like over 2 months ago - SO what???!!!!

I am posting now. SO that's that!! Plus it was like super warm up until last week so it didn't feel much like fall or apple picking so I held on to this for a while just until it was cool enough out to feel 'season appropriate' to post. Then all of a sudden, it was like winter so - I don't know - have it now!!!

If you've been "Chasing Hazel" for a while now, you know that every year we get the cousins together and go apple picking. You will also know that this is my MOST FAVOURITE family tradition ever!!! We walk, we run, we talk, we eat apples, we try to take the most perfect pics ever, we laugh. It's SO MUCH FUN!!!! This year we adding sweating to our list. A LOT of sweat!! Usually, we have our sweaters, boots and scarves. This year we has on shorts, dresses, tanks and we still sweat. A LOT!!! I feel like I said that already??!! SO hot!!!

Neither of the girls really love to be warm so it definitely made for an interesting experience. Hazel started collecting apples and then she just walked over to the wagon, threw everything out and sat down. Then demanded water and chips. We did manage to get her back out again but she was pretty volatile. So aside from ALL. THE. SWEAT. We had a great time.

Love this day. Love hanging with some of my fav peeps. Love being outside watching it all just happen. And this year I especially LOOOOOOOVED the very cold beer we had immediately after our apple bags were full. 

This day has officially become a holiday in our family. Love it all!!!