WDSD in Our Community
/Why World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD)?
WDSD exists to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome by choosing activities that show support and awareness to those individuals. Rocking Socks has become and easy, attainable and VERY visual way to demonstrate this support around the globe. We are seeking to share what it IS to have Down syndrome - something to be celebrated. We are advocating for the inclusion, respect and understanding that individuals with Down syndrome have a great deal to offer their communities. This day occurs on the 21st day of the 3rd month because we celebrate the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome which is what makes Down syndrome.
I am absolutely thrilled with the willingness and number of members in our community who have committed to educating and promoting the inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome this year for WDSD. They have vowed to not only Rock Their Socks but have agreed to know WHY they are doing so and to educate others.
Here is a list of some of the organizations that have joined the WDSD Rock Your Socks campaign this year:
ALL of the Ontario Early Years Centers - So amazing!!!!
A group of schools from the Greater Essex School Board:
Hugh Beaton - https://publicboard.ca/schools/beaton/Pages/default.aspx
Dougall - https://publicboard.ca/schools/dougall/Pages/default.aspx
David Maxwell - https://publicboard.ca/schools/maxwell/Pages/default.aspx
West Gate - https://publicboard.ca/schools/westgate/Pages/default.aspx
Sandwich Secondary School
Massey - https://publicboard.ca/schools/massey/Pages/default.aspx
Tecumseh Vista Academy - https://publicboard.ca/schools/tecumsehvista-elem/Pages/default.aspx
Several Daycare Facilities:
ABC Nursery - http://www.abcchildcarewindsor.ca/
Francosol - http://www.godaycare.com/ontario/belle%20river/Franco-Sol+-+Pavillon+Des+Jeunes/3195/1
The Children's House Montessori Lakeshore - http://lakeshore.tchmontessori.ca/?_ga=1.83824403.440616686.1457999477
Ironcore Kettlebell Gym - http://www.ironcorekettlebellclub.com/
A group of schools from the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board:
St. Williams Elementary School - http://stwwecdsb.blogspot.ca/2016/03/mrs-pearce-grade-3s-rockin-socks.html
Holy Name Elementary Essex
St. Bernard in Windsor - https://sites.google.com/a/wecdsb.on.ca/stbwweb/home
Holy Cross Elementary - https://sites.google.com/a/wecdsb.on.ca/holycrosswebsite/
St. Gabriel Catholic School - https://sites.google.com/a/wecdsb.on.ca/stgabriel2012/
Lassoline - http://mail.wecdsb.on.ca/~160/
A handful of faculties at the St. Clair College - http://www.stclaircollege.ca/
The John McGivney Children's Center:
The Town of LaSalle
The Town of Tecumseh
Essex County Diversion Program/Youth Diversion
The University of Windsor - http://www.uwindsor.ca/
There are so many I am losing count!!!! What an amazing problem to have. Among these that I have mentioned and those that I am sure I have missed, we have also had information shared in the GTA, St. Catherine's, Sault Ste. Marie, Peterborough and various places in the United States.
I am so excited to celebrate with some of our participating community members next week on World Down Syndrome Day 2016. I have said this before and I feel I will say it again in the future but it takes a village to raise a child, especially a child with special needs. We happen to live in one of the strongest most supportive villages I know. Thank you so very much for your participation, love and support!!!
Don't forget to tag us in your pics on WDSD at: