The Easter of the Egg Hunt
/Easter was early this year - which I HATE!!!! Here's why:
Easter is a holiday that celebrates new beginnings, new chapters, new growth and new adventures. So in my opinion, it is crucial that, at least some of the day, be spent outdoors experiencing these "new beginnings" and "new growth." We need to be with the new, fresh smell of the earth and the lime green colours of the freshly popped buds. March doesn't lend itself to this type of activity. Usually in March (around these parts) it's cold, miserable, and sometimes even snowy. The harshness of winter is still looming. Making people (and by people I mean ME) TOTALLY over the cold, damp, stink of the cold, hard ground. BLAHHHHH!!!! Every now and again we have Easter at the end of March, guaranteeing an indoor event with very little capability of an egg hunt or other outside festivities, with no opportunity to receive the greatest gifts the Spring has to give - the freshness of the air and newness of Mother Nature.
This year March was kind and generous for Easter. The sun was shining so very bright. It's possible that it was the brightest it's ever been. It dried and warmed the ground just enough to allow us easy passage for hunting but kept it just damp enough so we didn't forget that Spring was the season. We were outside most of the day chasing butterflies (Ok - do you want to puke yet? We were NOT chasing butterflies, but we would have if they were around is all I am saying). We were outside Egg Hunting at various places all day. Both the girls were super excited this year to find, search and collect the eggs.
Nola was on a mission at every turn, running, searching, collecting and then dropping the previously collected eggs out of her basket as she bounced along looking for more treasures. After about 20 minutes of hunting as she came upon another hidden egg. She approached it cautiously and in her loudest, deepest, growlyest voice, she said, "AWWWWW, CRAZY MAN!!" while shaking her head. To which we all immediately died (and then Easter was over cause we were all DEAD).
Hazel was ever so slowly searching and gently placing each egg in the basket pleased with only having 2. She was just happy to be there with everyone, outside and free. Also, she was thankful that we stopped trying to make her eat the very delicious breakfast that was made with love by her Mim, that we all enjoyed immensely. How dare we try to offer her a beautiful, home cooked meal? I have a feeling the chocolate for breakfast from the Easter Bunny didn't help.
Poor Hazel was sick again this year for Easter but she did manage to enjoy some of the day out at the farm. Both girls had an amazing time out there. So much room to roam, chickens to visit (with real eggs to collect), eggs to hunt, cousins to play with and amazing food for dinner. It was the perfect Easter Day - EXACTLY what every Easter should be like.
One of the top 3 moments hands down... I was watching from a distance as Nola ran out onto the pasture pictured below. I could see her outstretched arms and little body twirling around and around. A few minutes later I met her and Matt out on that pasture. He told me she ran out there and immediately started singing, "The Hills Are Alive" like she was in fact Julie Andrews and on The Sound of Music. And it was at that moment that I realized I am NOT completely failing as a mother. I mean - The SOUND OF MUSIC IN REAL LIFE - COME ON!!!!!!! #allidoiswin
Another top 3 moment was this one...
Our kids fell asleep on the way out to the farm creating theeeee ultimate opportunity for a delicious, alcoholic bevvy on the driveway. We kinda had to, or ya know, bad karma for future Easter Holidays.
Happy Easter Everyone!!!