OFF TO COLLEGE - January Play Session

Well it was a success!!!!

We had around 20 families out in one night. We danced, coloured, played, hung out, and laughed. LOTS OF LAUGHING. I finally got to meet some new families that have been online friends and it was AWESOME!!!! There were a variety of activities for the kids to choose from and LOTS of super excited, enthusiastic Concurrent Education/ECE students there to help facilitate the activities and events. They were more then happy to hold and snuggle the sweet babes or chase, play and dance with the older children. 

Thank you to representatives from Children's First and the JMCC who were there as a resource to new parents and share a little bit about the services they have to offer to families in our DS community. 

HUGE THANK YOU TO the student volunteers and their fearless leader, Kathryn. Of course to The St. Clair College for providing the space.

ALSO, FAMILIES!!!! I am so glad you came out to see what the play group is all about. Hope we can keep it going strong. 

Next session: