Rocking Socks on #WDSD2017

Why World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD)?

WDSD exists to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome by choosing activities that show support and awareness to those individuals. Rocking Socks has become and easy, attainable and VERY visual way to demonstrate this support around the globe. We are seeking to share what it IS to have Down syndrome - something to be celebrated. We are advocating for the inclusion, respect and understanding that individuals with Down syndrome have a great deal to offer their communities. This day occurs on the 21st day of the 3rd month because we celebrate the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome which is what makes Down syndrome. 

For us, and you've heard me say this before, we celebrate Down syndrome everyday. We are learning to understand what it means for people who have it. We are learning to accept it, and accommodate it, when it needs accommodating, and mostly love Hazel for her individual self. We live everyday just like anyone else, doing what our kids need us to do to the best of our ability.

On World Down Syndrome Day we go out of our home and we try to spread the message of...


to the rest of our community. In 2017, we are in a more accepting place than we have been in the past, in regards to people with disabilities, however I feel, we still have some work to do. It's important for us to use this SUPER FUN platform - Rocking Funky Socks - as a tool for sharing the gift of Down syndrome with our community. Last year, #wdsd2016, we had over 40 local institutions/businesses participate!!!! How amazing!!!! They got their socks on, snapped a few pics to share, hung flyers about DS for all to see and I hope, HAD FUN!!! 

Here's a link to both of last years Windsor Star pieces:

On WDSD we do 2 things:

1. Rock our funky mismatched socks

2. Make the commitment to educate, share, and spread awareness about Down syndrome

Can't wait to see what WDSD 2017 brings. I absolutely love being out there with everyone and watching them love Down syndrome just like we do. WOOT!!!! 

Please feel free to tag us in what you decide to do this year for World Down Syndrome Day at 
