Supporting a Local Family

  A local man and his family were victimized by a fire in their rented home several days ago. Fortunately, they escaped the blaze unharmed.

Sadly, the damage was SEVERE and they have been left with NOTHING.

Having moved in just before Christmas, they had not yet secured insurance. They have a place to stay with family at the moment but will soon need to find a new place of their own. Nothing remained after the fire. They have 3 children. A 14 year old girl (size sm/med shirt - size 1 pants - size 7 ladies shoe) , a 12 year old boy (size 28 man's pants - size 8 man's shoe) and a 4 year old girl (size 4 & 8.5 kids shoe).

They desperately need your help!


They could use anything you might be able to spare:

  • furniture
  • household items
  • cash
  • clothes
  • food

Just imagine if you and your family were victimized in such a way that you found yourselves having to start over with nothing. They will appreciate ANYTHING that you have to spare and any duplicate items will be given to a local charity.

Spring cleaning is almost here anyway. Why not start purging early this year?



You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Ground Effects
4505 Rhodes Drive
Windsor, ON
N8W 5R8

Or feel free to e-mail me and I will gladly arrange a pick up for your items.

Thanks again everyone for your continued support!!!


Haiti Reminder

Just a gentle reminder that we are collecting again for the wonderful local charity ENABLE Haiti. haiti2

Jim and his team have containers that are shipping out at the very beginning of October.

Here is the link to my original post. After reading this post I had a reader tell me they saw one of the toys that they donated in the arms of one of the kids. I was so happy to hear that she saw her donation actually be received with JOY!!!! This is a truly wonderful charity.


If you are cleaning out closets and would like to see your gently used items be put to good use...


Here is a list of ideas that they would like to take, but I have never seen anything go to waste.

  • Good conditioned clothing and shoes
  • Hygiene products
  • Rice and pastas
  • Cooking oils
  • Dried black beans
  • New bedding & towels
  • Kitchen supplies
  • French books
  • Light bulbs
  • Batteries



You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Seguin Financial 3200 Deziel Dr. Suite 210 Windsor, On N8W 5K8
In the Greenwood Center, just south of central off the expressway.

Or feel free to e-mail me and I will gladly arrange a pick up for your items.


Thank you so very kindly to those of you who have donated so far. You are greatly appreciated!!!!


Remember Enable Haiti???



Remember when we did the toy drive here on Chasing Hazel for ENABLE HAITI?

It has been a while since you so generously donated the brand new toys that were shipped over to the orphanages in Haiti in February. We were overwhelmed with the generosity that Chasing Hazel supporters and readers demonstrated. You are wonderful people!

Things take a little longer than expected sometimes when dealing with a country that is volatile at the best of times. Jim and his team are some of the most determined, courageous people that I know. Going to a country like Haiti, personally, to hand out each and every item donated is something that I commend and hold in the highest regard. They are not afraid of what they might come up against, despite the civil unrest experienced in Haitian society. I am honoured to have been able to help out via Chasing Hazel and with all of you!

I hope you all know how much you are appreciated for your kindness.



Here is a follow up email that I got from Jim upon his return to Canada, including some pics of the experience (Jim is in the yellow shirt). What an absolutely amazing event we have taken part in...




Hello All,

My team of 3 and I traveled to Haiti in May to host a Christmas Party for our children at the orphanage. It was an absolutely wonderful experience as our children, ages 1 to 16, opened their first ever new Christmas presents. Their smiles, the laughter and complete joy filled the entire orphanage. They sang beautiful songs of thanks to us. It wasn’t the easiest of trips as we were stuck in Haiti an additional 6 days due to some unrest and Gang Activity in the area that kept us holed up in our hotel for a few extra days. However, in the end everything worked out wonderfully for our Christmas Party.

PicMonkey CollageH




PicMonkey Collageh1


We collected new items including toys, hygiene products, books, clothes and shoes during the first few months of 2013. We packed them up in a 40 foot container and along with 53,000 lbs. of canned goods & pasta and we shipped them off to Port Au Prince. We brought along a lot of other much needed supplies such as cooking oil, soaps & detergents, bedding, medical supplies, bicycles, diapers, French books & school supplies, milk bag sleeping mats, towels and lines, soccer balls & uniforms and water purification drops as a result of your generous donations.




All of these items were distributed to our 2 orphanages, our 2 remote mountain settlements, our hospital and Rehab Center. These items have made a huge positive impact in the lives of some very needy people in Haiti. And by the way, although these Haitians have no real material goods, they would gladly give you the shirt of their backs. They are truly beautiful people.



Your heart & dedication to our cause is the reason we are able to do what we do. Without your support ENABLE Haiti, now a registered Not-For Profit, would never have been formed by us. It allows us to do some pretty incredible work in Haiti, a country that just never seems to get a break. We will continue to build schools, support our orphans and remote camps and our hospital and Rehab Center. We will continue to do the things necessary to Enable Haiti, including establishing organic vegetable farms and chicken farms. Our wish is to provide the materials and the skills for our people in Haiti to support themselves through farming, education, sewing and other trades. It will be wonderful when we can send our first special child to post-secondary schooling. That will happen in the not too distant future and it will be a wonderful accomplishment. We promise to continue to dedicate our time and efforts in Haiti to make their lives better than they are today.


We are in need of:

  • Good conditioned clothing and shoes
  • Hygiene products
  • Rice and pastas
  • Cooking oils
  • Dried black beans
  • New bedding & towels
  • Kitchen supplies
  • French books
  • Light bulbs
  • Batteries

From the bottom of my heart I thank you sincerely for your acts of kindness.




With Warm Regards



If you happen to be cleaning out a closet or 2, please feel free to drop off any items that you think can be of assistance for the folks in Haiti.

You can drop off your donation here between the hours of 9 & 4:

Seguin Financial 3200 Deziel Dr. Suite 210 Windsor, On N8W 5K8
In the Greenwood Center, just south of central off the expressway.

Or feel free to e-mail me and I will gladly arrange a pick up for your items.

Thanks again everyone for your continued support!!!





Little N3lla's Triple Crown

I wanted to share something with my Chasing Hazel family. If you have been reading a while, you might remember my mentioning Kelle Hampton (once or twice, or three times - whatever don't judge me). She has been a huge influence in the Down Syndrome community since the birth of her daughter Nella. Her charisma and passion for raising awareness for individuals with Down Syndrome is admirable.

If you have not yet visited her blog, wait until you have some time, grab a coffee (or whiskey tea - whatever- I won't judge you) and enjoy.


For now, Nella is trying to raise money for the National Down Syndrome Society.

Every year for her birthday, Kelle celebrates by reaching out to her readers and asking them to support the cause. Over the past 2 years, they have raised over $200, 000. This year they are at it again with a new goal. They would like to have a grand total of $300,000. Anything helps!!!


Click HERE to find out more about how you can help support...

N3lla's Triple Crown


Nellas triple crown from ETST on Vimeo.


Gratitude & Peace





Meeting Enable Haiti

The holidays allowed us just enough down time to go and shake hands with the exceptional man and women that started the ENABLE Haiti charity here in our local community.  



Jim and Heather Scott, started this charity in hopes to make a difference in the lives of 400 orphans living in Haiti. These children have nothing. Their villages are impoverished. There is not enough food, clean water, or supplies to sustain any quality of life for its inhabitants. When Chasing Hazel readers heard there was a need for toys for these orphans, you all stepped up and gave generously.

Jim and Heather were ecstatic about the contribution from Chasing Hazel readers. They were extremely thankful for our help. I was like a proud mamma in there, proud of more than just Hazel, but of all of you.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!




While we were there, Jim and I had a brief conversation that had me choking back tears.

He told me about a girl in Haiti who was born with a club foot. Poor thing was dragging herself around on the ground to get from one place to another. Jim happened to have a few leg braces to try on her, just to see if one would fit. Lucky enough for her they found one that worked. He said, it was by no means a perfect fit. Jim explained to me that, as she was practicing walking with her new support, her smile extended from ear to ear.

She looked up at Jim and said,

"Thank you so much, now I can go to the bathroom all by myself!!!"

(start choking back tears now)

Then she looked at him and said, "Do you think next time, maybe, I could have my own tooth brush and tooth paste?"

(cue feeling like a brick landed on my chest and start swallowing back tears)

We are blessed my friends, we are blessed.




ENABLE Haiti, if you are ever looking for somewhere to bring those extra items that are piling up in your homes.

Contact me anytime.

Anything goes.

Everything is appreciated!!!



Love & Peace